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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!


That video of the party was fantastic, I couldn't stop smiling through the whole thing.

Did you see my post above about the new logos for the shows? Those would like real nice in your original post. Also, we have plenty of photos of Kevin now (and his own Twitter account). If you add in Kevin pictures, you're going to include the new bathroom artwork, aren't you? ;p
Obviously, I NEED to put the beautiful bathroom art in. I'll get the logos in and come Kevin pics too. I completely forgot that we didn't know what he looked like when I first made this thread.
That video of the party was fantastic, I couldn't stop smiling through the whole thing.

Obviously, I NEED to put the beautiful bathroom art in. I'll get the logos in and come Kevin pics too. I completely forgot that we didn't know what he looked like when I first made this thread.

Also, if you're altering/adding stuff, Colin has that new show Colin Was Right. It's the successor to Conversation with Colin. The thing I'm unsure about is where the episodes will be released. The first episode can only be found on Colin's Twitter account. I'm not sure if that's the permanent home for it.

Edit- Also, Kinda Funny: The Animated Series and Kinda Funny Doodles exist now too.

Suggestion: Maybe lump the older features such as Conversation with Colin (replaced by Colin Was Right), Oreo Oration (on hiatus?), Follow the Liter (no clue), etc. into a legacy features section. It seems the current main features are Colin and Greg Live, The GameOverGreggy Show, Kinda Funny Gamescast, PS I Love You XOXO, Colin Was Right, Love and Sex Stuff, Kinda Funny Reacts (with the Game subset of that), Kinda Funny Plays, Kinda Funny: The Animated Series, and Kinda Funny Doodles. The rest just seem on hold or finished.
The panel discussing mobile compared to Vita in this video is actually embarrassing


I've been trying to get into these guys content over the last few months, and overall I'm coming around but Colin trying to pretend he knows what he is talking about here is actually cringe worthy.

I mean why does he think so many Japanese devs are focusing on mobile over traditional consoles? For fun? Does he actually believe Japanese devs would embrace another Vita? All you have to look at is a company like Square Enix financial results to see what is going on. I get not liking Mobile games but this is PRIME example of letting bias dictate your views.

Edit - And Andrea shoud have been far more aggressive in calling him out on this. He is trying to pretend he's this bastion of knowledge here and he has no idea what he is talking about.


Neo Member
The panel discussing mobile compared to Vita in this video is actually embarrassing


I've been trying to get into these guys content over the last few months, and overall I'm coming around but Colin trying to pretend he knows what he is talking about here is actually cringe worthy.

I mean why does he think so many Japanese devs are focusing on mobile over traditional consoles? For fun? Does he actually believe Japanese devs would embrace another Vita? All you have to look at is a company like Square Enix financial results to see what is going on. I get not liking Mobile games but this is PRIME example of letting bias dictate your views.

Edit - And Andrea shoud have been far more aggressive in calling him out on this. He is trying to pretend he's this bastion of knowledge here and he has no idea what he is talking about.

There are roughly 650,000 (that's SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND) games available on mainstream mobile platforms, launching at a clip of upwards of 500 per day, playable on roughly 2.8 BILLION devices, with 58% of revenue coming from 1% of the userbase, amounting to around a fourth of global gaming revenue. Sounds like lots of people are winning over there, you're right. Everyone's making money on mobile!

But wait... isn't slightly more money being made on 1/25th the amount of devices with perhaps 1/500th the volume of games available? Strange. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because one marketplace isn't a gigantic trash pile, and the other is?

But no, you're right. I don't know what I'm talking about.

P.S. I never made the argument that handhelds are viable or were necessarily viable in the future. I merely said they needed to be marketed directly against mobile's many deficits in order to succeed, and that there is a place for them, and that there is money to be made there. Around 3% of global gaming revenue came from something like 50 million handheld units in 2015, a money made-per-device equation that mobile could only dream of.

If your definition of success is flooding the market with more devices at one time than every single console and handheld that ever existed multiplied by a few, while selling many, many, many times the games at one time against the library of every other device in the four decade history of console, PC, and handheld gaming, then by all means. You have yourself a success.

But I still call it trash.


The panel discussing mobile compared to Vita in this video is actually embarrassing


I've been trying to get into these guys content over the last few months, and overall I'm coming around but Colin trying to pretend he knows what he is talking about here is actually cringe worthy.

I mean why does he think so many Japanese devs are focusing on mobile over traditional consoles? For fun? Does he actually believe Japanese devs would embrace another Vita? All you have to look at is a company like Square Enix financial results to see what is going on. I get not liking Mobile games but this is PRIME example of letting bias dictate your views.

Edit - And Andrea shoud have been far more aggressive in calling him out on this. He is trying to pretend he's this bastion of knowledge here and he has no idea what he is talking about.

I think his point was that the fiscal model for mobile games is terribly unhealthy and that it's a bad place for people to make games unless you're at the top of food chain, as many have noted, even those inside the industry. He's arguing that Sony should tote this stuff and try to win developers over to a potential Vita 2 with that.
I don't personally think it would ever work, but that's beside the point.

edit: welp, looks like he's got this.
Google Watch Naked Pictures - Kinda Funny Doodles

Edit- No Colin and Greg Live today. They had some major technical issues that kept them from getting a show going.


It's starting at 12:30 today instead.
Lookie at what I found on Google Maps Street View!


Google Maps says the image was taken back in June.

Edit- The comic book store below them has interior views with Google Maps.

Edit 2- The street trolley goes right in front of them. The station is just down the street. That's very convenient for some guests, I'd imagine.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Weird nitpick, but I hate the GOG Show background.

The way the screen displays pictures works great for stuff like the Orito art, but it looks so low res and fake for the wood on GOG. It is distracting.
Damn :( end of an era

Someone in the GOG exclusive YouTube comments mentioned that we still haven't gotten the exclusive 1 on 1 with Colin and his mom (which I think was filmed or maybe it was just planned, I don't know), so if that ever sees the light of day, perhaps there will be one more old "studio" video.
What's the origins for "hass hass hass" and what does it mean?

Not sure. All I know is Greg brings it up when they talk about avocados and Hass avocados are a major type of avocados. Avocados are a big export of California, so perhaps its some sort of local advertisement campaign for the fruit.

Edit- BWAHAHAHA! They really do look like Colin's head!



Hey everyone!

When I made this thread almost 2 years ago, it seemed to be a big success. A lot of Kinda Funny friends and family stopped in all the time, keeping a constant flow of posts and discussion. And even when it slowed down, the thread wouldn't get lost in the weeds due to not getting bumped, as the daily posts of all KF content would bump it at least once a day.

This lasted for about 6 months, and then I stopped posting the daily updates. I started to deal with a lot of personal stuff and I just couldn't keep up with even this small task. I feel like since then, the thread slowed down a lot, though I appreciate all of you who have stuck around.

But this post isn't about me, this is about the community. I want to do a small revamp. With Kinda Funny's new studio and look, I think it's time for a soft reboot of the thread, so over the next week or so I'll be making a new OP and trying to come up with new ways to get the community active and involved, as well as attempting to get the daily posts going again. There's a lot of ways I'd like to become more active myself, attempt to get lapsed members more active, and also bring in new members. I want this community to thrive like Giant Bomb and other similar communities have. Also, I want to hear suggestions from you all. It's important that those of you who are part of the community have a say in it too. So if you have any ideas, just drop a post in here and I'll try to integrate it into the new look and feel of the thread.
Hey everyone!

When I made this thread almost 2 years ago, it seemed to be a big success. A lot of Kinda Funny friends and family stopped in all the time, keeping a constant flow of posts and discussion. And even when it slowed down, the thread wouldn't get lost in the weeds due to not getting bumped, as the daily posts of all KF content would bump it at least once a day.

This lasted for about 6 months, and then I stopped posting the daily updates. I started to deal with a lot of personal stuff and I just couldn't keep up with even this small task. I feel like since then, the thread slowed down a lot, though I appreciate all of you who have stuck around.

But this post isn't about me, this is about the community. I want to do a small revamp. With Kinda Funny's new studio and look, I think it's time for a soft reboot of the thread, so over the next week or so I'll be making a new OP and trying to come up with new ways to get the community active and involved, as well as attempting to get the daily posts going again. There's a lot of ways I'd like to become more active myself, attempt to get lapsed members more active, and also bring in new members. I want this community to thrive like Giant Bomb and other similar communities have. Also, I want to hear suggestions from you all. It's important that those of you who are part of the community have a say in it too. So if you have any ideas, just drop a post in here and I'll try to integrate it into the new look and feel of the thread.

Can't wait! When you do it, make sure you promote it within the PS I Love You XOXO thread. That seems to get the most Kinda Funny traffic, with it being over in Gaming. There are probably many people there who don't even know this thread exists.

As for suggestions, maybe have a section for "current" series containing their most typical content such as GOG, KFGC, PSILYXOXO, L&SS, C&GL, KF:TAS, KF Doodles, KF Reacts, KF Plays, Colin Was Right (Twitter only?). Then one for "On Hiatus/Canceled" containing series such as Nick Names, Conversation with Colin, Oreo Oration, Follow the Liter, Gregway, etc.


You do you MattyG. Whatever you come up with, I'll be around to whine and complain about KFG. =P

This week's shows are pretty good. Having Brandon on GOG was cool, though he wished he got more of a chance to talk. Gamescast was meh. Vita 2 discussion seems like a waste of time as it will never ever happen.



Excited for the new OT. Sure we can't get away with posting it in Gaming for a bit?
I don't think so. I'm not going to repost it either, I was just planning to edit the current one and then try to get the thread more active. We don't have enough posts in here to justify a second thread to the mods yet.
Well, the PS I Love You thread has went to shit

I've worked hard to maintain that thread. I hope it doesn't get locked. While some definitely have valid points against Colin's points, I can see by what's being posted, that many people posting in there have had a bias against Colin even before entering that thread. That's the downside to the Gaming Side.

In lighter news, we have this to watch: Kinda Funny: The Animated Series - Ep. 5 "Sex Ed Class"
Agreed. Colin's white knights kind of derailed things and distracted from the very valid points others were making.

I do wish Colin and Greg went to the event so they could see the PS4 Pro running in 4K and HDR. By all accounts it's nothing that can be replicated outside of that type of display.


Why does he wear the mask!?
What happened exactly? I'm having trouble following why/what the problem is

People disagreed with what Colin said, said so, people argued with them for thinking that. Those people argued back.

Colin then posted a funny post, but didn't address any concerns, people are calling him on that now too.


Neo Member
People disagreed with what Colin said, said so, people argued with them for thinking that. Those people argued back.

Colin then posted a funny post, but didn't address any concerns, people are calling him on that now too.

A small group of vocal folks need to understand: I don't owe anyone a single explanation, about anything. I say how I feel and what I think, unabashedly and honestly. That's my explanation. If people don't like that, that's there prerogative, and I don't begrudge them that. But I'm not about to argue with random people or justify what I say to folks on a message board because they have a different opinion than me. Just not going to happen. If people want to obsess over what I/we say, or not understand that sometimes we have to give our gut reactions to things, and that sometimes we will be wrong, and other times we will change our minds, then so be it. I promise you if someone followed you around and recorded you for the... what is it, now... 12 hours a week I talk into a microphone, you'd figure out pretty quickly what I mean. But that's pretty much no one's reality, so I accept that it's sometimes hard to think from the other side.

On that note, people need to stop taking everything everyone says so seriously, as if we're discussing life and death, and not VIDEO GAMES. We all love them. We all have a passion for them. Some people have X opinions. Some people have Y opinions. Others even have Z opinions. That's all good to me. Wish others would take note.

I've been doing this far longer than most, with the same co-pilot for many years, with amazing access that I try to share with my audience, and with insight that I think is valuable, as someone who has been playing games daily for nearly three decades. You may not agree with me, you may not agree with how I say things, you may not even like me. That's fine. It doesn't change a fundamental fact: you can count on me telling you the truth, exactly how I feel, with no glossy finish over it. That's all I owe you, and I give THAT my all, each and every day. Everything else is irrelevant to me, including if people like what I'm saying them. If that was the barometer by which I measured myself and my output, I'd frankly be ashamed of myself.

Thankfully, we have a ton of viewers, listeners, and fans, and 99% of them understand that. The most vocal "haters" we get aren't even people that listen to our stuff or support us or care about us, so I'm not going to lose much sleep if some people are mad at me because I don't carry Sony's water. If people want a podcast that oozes over everything Sony does, and loves every video game that comes down the pipe, and thinks gaming is just a ton of fun all of the time, no matter what, I'm sure there are plenty of podcasts out there that do just that. I don't know why you'd want to listen to that, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I happen to take pride in realism and honesty. Many of you have been listening to me for many years, now, and I hope you know that about me. I wear it on my sleeve.

I'm 31 years old. I started writing about games professionally at 18, when I was a freshman in college. I joined a PlayStation podcast in 2009, and have been doing it pretty much weekly since then, helping to build one podcast into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, then the other one into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, and both of them into the top echelon of most-listened to video game podcasts of any kind in the entire world. Needless to say, I'm not going to change my approach now. Not an inch.

I'm proud of what I've helped built, I'm proud of my reputation as a straight-shooter (and curmudgeon), I'm proud of the contacts and sources I've developed over the years, and I'm proud that we have such a hardcore following based on trust and entertainment. They go hand-in-hand.

I hope you are all well. Your continued love and support is appreciated, and doesn't go unnoticed. -Colin
A small group of vocal folks need to understand: I don't owe anyone a single explanation, about anything. I say how I feel and what I think, unabashedly and honestly. That's my explanation. If people don't like that, that's there prerogative, and I don't begrudge them that. But I'm not about to argue with random people or justify what I say to folks on a message board because they have a different opinion than me. Just not going to happen. If people want to obsess over what I/we say, or not understand that sometimes we have to give our gut reactions to things, and that sometimes we will be wrong, and other times we will change our minds, then so be it. I promise you if someone followed you around and recorded you for the... what is it, now... 12 hours a week I talk into a microphone, you'd figure out pretty quickly what I mean. But that's pretty much no one's reality, so I accept that it's sometimes hard to think from the other side.

On that note, people need to stop taking everything everyone says so seriously, as if we're discussing life and death, and not VIDEO GAMES. We all love them. We all have a passion for them. Some people have X opinions. Some people have Y opinions. Others even have Z opinions. That's all good to me. Wish others would take note.

I've been doing this far longer than most, with the same co-pilot for many years, with amazing access that I try to share with my audience, and with insight that I think is valuable, as someone who has been playing games daily for nearly three decades. You may not agree with me, you may not agree with how I say things, you may not even like me. That's fine. It doesn't change a fundamental fact: you can count on me telling you the truth, exactly how I feel, with no glossy finish over it. That's all I owe you, and I give THAT my all, each and every day. Everything else is irrelevant to me, including if people like what I'm saying them. If that was the barometer by which I measured myself and my output, I'd frankly be ashamed of myself.

Thankfully, we have a ton of viewers, listeners, and fans, and 99% of them understand that. The most vocal "haters" we get aren't even people that listen to our stuff or support us or care about us, so I'm not going to lose much sleep if some people are mad at me because I don't carry Sony's water. If people want a podcast that oozes over everything Sony does, and loves every video game that comes down the pipe, and thinks gaming is just a ton of fun all of the time, no matter what, I'm sure there are plenty of podcasts out there that do just that. I don't know why you'd want to listen to that, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I happen to take pride in realism and honesty. Many of you have been listening to me for many years, now, and I hope you know that about me. I wear it on my sleeve.

I'm 31 years old. I started writing about games professionally at 18, when I was a freshman in college. I joined a PlayStation podcast in 2009, and have been doing it pretty much weekly since then, helping to build one podcast into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, then the other one into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, and both of them into the top echelon of most-listened to video game podcasts of any kind in the entire world. Needless to say, I'm not going to change my approach now. Not an inch.

I'm proud of what I've helped built, I'm proud of my reputation as a straight-shooter (and curmudgeon), I'm proud of the contacts and sources I've developed over the years, and I'm proud that we have such a hardcore following based on trust and entertainment. They go hand-in-hand.

I hope you are all well. Your continued love and support is appreciated, and doesn't go unnoticed. -Colin

It'd be a copy-paste, but I think you might want to also post this over in the PS I Love You XOXO thread (obviously, that's up to you). As for your thoughts on the new console, if Sony provided you with a PS4 Pro, would that increase your interest (if you have any at all) in a 4K display or would that make no difference to you? Also, off topic, I know you guys have been busy launching the new studio set, but how's the Let's Play area (near the fireplace?) Greg and Nick teased during the pre-completed studio tour coming along? I can't wait to see it.


Don't hold me to this if it isn't actually possible, but I believe I can edit the thread title. With the new OT I'm considering changing it, so feel free to leave your funny/clever/crazy suggestions! :)

Welcome to the family, son.


Why does he wear the mask!?
A small group of vocal folks need to understand: I don't owe anyone a single explanation, about anything. I say how I feel and what I think, unabashedly and honestly. That's my explanation. If people don't like that, that's there prerogative, and I don't begrudge them that. But I'm not about to argue with random people or justify what I say to folks on a message board because they have a different opinion than me. Just not going to happen. If people want to obsess over what I/we say, or not understand that sometimes we have to give our gut reactions to things, and that sometimes we will be wrong, and other times we will change our minds, then so be it. I promise you if someone followed you around and recorded you for the... what is it, now... 12 hours a week I talk into a microphone, you'd figure out pretty quickly what I mean. But that's pretty much no one's reality, so I accept that it's sometimes hard to think from the other side.

On that note, people need to stop taking everything everyone says so seriously, as if we're discussing life and death, and not VIDEO GAMES. We all love them. We all have a passion for them. Some people have X opinions. Some people have Y opinions. Others even have Z opinions. That's all good to me. Wish others would take note.

I've been doing this far longer than most, with the same co-pilot for many years, with amazing access that I try to share with my audience, and with insight that I think is valuable, as someone who has been playing games daily for nearly three decades. You may not agree with me, you may not agree with how I say things, you may not even like me. That's fine. It doesn't change a fundamental fact: you can count on me telling you the truth, exactly how I feel, with no glossy finish over it. That's all I owe you, and I give THAT my all, each and every day. Everything else is irrelevant to me, including if people like what I'm saying them. If that was the barometer by which I measured myself and my output, I'd frankly be ashamed of myself.

Thankfully, we have a ton of viewers, listeners, and fans, and 99% of them understand that. The most vocal "haters" we get aren't even people that listen to our stuff or support us or care about us, so I'm not going to lose much sleep if some people are mad at me because I don't carry Sony's water. If people want a podcast that oozes over everything Sony does, and loves every video game that comes down the pipe, and thinks gaming is just a ton of fun all of the time, no matter what, I'm sure there are plenty of podcasts out there that do just that. I don't know why you'd want to listen to that, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I happen to take pride in realism and honesty. Many of you have been listening to me for many years, now, and I hope you know that about me. I wear it on my sleeve.

I'm 31 years old. I started writing about games professionally at 18, when I was a freshman in college. I joined a PlayStation podcast in 2009, and have been doing it pretty much weekly since then, helping to build one podcast into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, then the other one into the most-listened to PlayStation podcast, and both of them into the top echelon of most-listened to video game podcasts of any kind in the entire world. Needless to say, I'm not going to change my approach now. Not an inch.

I'm proud of what I've helped built, I'm proud of my reputation as a straight-shooter (and curmudgeon), I'm proud of the contacts and sources I've developed over the years, and I'm proud that we have such a hardcore following based on trust and entertainment. They go hand-in-hand.

I hope you are all well. Your continued love and support is appreciated, and doesn't go unnoticed. -Colin

It'd be a copy-paste, but I think you might want to also post this over in the PS I Love You XOXO thread (obviously, that's up to you). As for your thoughts on the new console, if Sony provided you with a PS4 Pro, would that increase your interest (if you have any at all) in a 4K display or would that make no difference to you? Also, off topic, I know you guys have been busy launching the new studio set, but how's the Let's Play area (near the fireplace?) Greg and Nick teased during the pre-completed studio tour coming along? I can't wait to see it.

I'd definitely do this, Colin. The more riled users are in that thread, rather than here.

Don't think I've ever seen the PS thread so popular (which is a shame)


Why does he wear the mask!?
Don't hold me to this if it isn't actually possible, but I believe I can edit the thread title. With the new OT I'm considering changing it, so feel free to leave your funny/clever/crazy suggestions! :)

Welcome to the family, son.

Are curse words allowed in a title?

If not, something like "If I'm lying, I'm dying" would be good

EDIT: Ffs, this was meant to be an edit, not a double post. Sorry.
Don't hold me to this if it isn't actually possible, but I believe I can edit the thread title. With the new OT I'm considering changing it, so feel free to leave your funny/clever/crazy suggestions! :)

Welcome to the family, son.

Huh. The current title did make a lot of sense at the time, but that seems to be an old joke at this point. What other catchphrase or reference is there to work with? Hmm. Maybe something revolving around the "GATHERED AROUND THIS TABLE!" thing. Maybe something like "Gathered Around This Thread"!
Someone in the GOG exclusive YouTube comments mentioned that we still haven't gotten the exclusive 1 on 1 with Colin and his mom (which I think was filmed or maybe it was just planned, I don't know), so if that ever sees the light of day, perhaps there will be one more old "studio" video.

This was recorded and edited but was not on Kevins laptop a few months back when was meant to go live so posted a pax panel instead, unless it has been lost sure this will come out on month likely during a busy month where they dont have time to do an exclusive gog. I certainly hope so as looking forward to seeing this episodes Gregs Mum's was amazing, is a really good dynamic i think interviewing/being interviewed by your Mum.
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