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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!

To qualify, I'm not saying that all of them are, but the proportion of people who are insulting Tim and just being horrible in general has been vastly outweighing the number of people putting forward reasonable views. And that isn't meant to be an insult to the guys themselves, but an assessment of what the community is beginning to look like to an increasingly disillusioned supporter

It's true that there was a lot of Tim bashing in the comments of the most recent GOG segment, but in YouTube comments since Day 1, he's typically been a target of commenters. Recently, however, I've been seeing more and more comments about how much he's matured and improved as a host (but those (very warranted) comments are mostly posted here). On YouTube it seems if there are negative comments, they're either aimed at Colin (for his politics/viewpoints) or Tim (for, I guess, perceived naivety).


I had to stop PSILoveYou only 3 minutes in...

So... Greg ordered a deep dish pizza and wings and payed... THIRTY DOLLAR? Euro and Dollar's not 1to1, but that is still around 25€, no? What am I missing here, what kind of price point is that? i'm confused... :-( :D

Fake edit: Okay, I had to google Deep Dish. That seems more reasonable than a normal pizza. Still what an absolute insane price for a single meal, huh. (In before ItalianMeal.pic :p)
I had to stop PSILoveYou only 3 minutes in...

So... Greg ordered a deep dish pizza and wings and payed... THIRTY DOLLAR? Euro and Dollar's not 1to1, but that is still around 25€, no? What am I missing here, what kind of price point is that? i'm confused... :-( :D

Fake edit: Okay, I had to google Deep Dish. That seems more reasonable than a normal pizza. Still what an absolute insane price for a single meal, huh. (In before ItalianMeal.pic :p)

San Francisco is the answer. It's always the answer. I'm a Giant Bomb fan and Dan Ryckert just moved from SF to NY (to join their other office) and he was stunned by how you get much more for your money (for much, much less).

Everything is SF is apparently way over priced for everything. Living, eating, etc.
So the Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy is releasing on June 30th, 2017. June 30th also happens to be Tim's birthday. That's like fate or something.


One of the few CWR I can agree with pretty much unreservedly.

Mobile games are the worst thing to happen to the hobby in the past decade.
I have not yet watched the video, but will update my thoughts below once I do.

I think that Colin usually misses the point with mobile gaming. There are a lot of shitty mobile games, but unless they're made with stolen assets or completely broken, there simply isn't a compelling reason to prevent creators from selling them. There are a lot of mobile games that utilize shitty, predatory monetization schemes, but there are a lot of console and PC games that also do so.

With mobile gaming, you're seeing a greater degree of democratization of game development. You're also seeing the audience for games grow and diversify. These facts shouldn't be overlooked when talking about mobile games.
Calling it now: Greg is gonna get a ton of heat in the YouTube comments for not liking the Lego Batman movie when he defended BvS

Eh, it's not that big of a deal. He's also long hated on TDK Rises, which is easily better than BvS, despite the internet's weird hate of the former (it's clearly the result of increased expectations following the greatness of TDK).


Eh, it's not that big of a deal. He's also long hated on TDK Rises, which is easily better than BvS, despite the internet's weird hate of the former (it's clearly the result of increased expectations following the greatness of TDK).

TDKR hate is so blown out of proportion. I think RLM put it best, when they said it was a "flawed lumbering mess of awesomeness". I'd take it over BVS, MOS or SS any day of the week.
TDKR hate is so blown out of proportion. I think RLM put it best, when they said it was a "flawed lumbering mess of awesomeness". I'd take it over BVS, MOS or SS any day of the week.

In my opinion, many that bash TDKR are the same types that are now pushing the narrative that The Force Awakens is trash.

Also, it seems like Bob Mackie is still going after Colin on Twitter even after two weeks has passed, lol.

I don't know if she's serious or not, but Erin tweeted it's starting to get scary and asked Colin why he just doesn't block him.


In my opinion, many that bash TDKR are the same types that are now pushing the narrative that The Force Awakens is trash.

I liked TDKR and didn't like TFA. I wouldn't call it trash, I would say it was a good movie but over praised/hyped.

I don't know if she's serious or not, but Erin tweeted it's starting to get scary and asked Colin why he just doesn't block him.
I would be serious. That guy is obsessed.
I liked TDKR and didn't like TFA. I wouldn't call it trash, I would say it was a good movie but over praised/hyped.

I would be serious. That guy is obsessed.

Which is very fair, as most things (movies, games, music, shows, etc.) are over praised/hyped. What I'm seeing is people saying the Prequels are far superior, which is insane (and I'm someone who thinks people are way too hard on the Prequels!).


Calling it now: Greg is gonna get a ton of heat in the YouTube comments for not liking the Lego Batman movie when he defended BvS

To be fair, that movie totally wasn't made for people like him. To enjoy that movie you kind of need to be okay with not taking the character of Batman very seriously. It's more of a movie for kids+people who are pretty burnt out by the typical comic book movie. I liked it though.
It'd be crazy if Geoff actually joined KF, but it's obviously a joke.

On another note, looking at the thread about it, I didn't realize how many people on GAF hate KF.

I find this comment pretty weird because aren't you usually in the KF threads where they're getting hated on? And 2.) That seems a lot more tame with the KF hate than I would expect considering other KF related threads. My thought was actually "hmm maybe KF isn't as hated here as I thought"


I find this comment pretty weird because aren't you usually in the KF threads where they're getting hated on? And 2.) That seems a lot more tame with the KF hate than I would expect considering other KF related threads. My thought was actually "hmm maybe KF isn't as hated here as I thought"

Usually it's only addressed to Colin, and it's the same people posting it, but in this thread the hate was directed at KF in general, by people I wouldn't expect it from, which surprised me.

Just an observation. Won't stop me from enjoying their content and going to KFL3 though.


Greg's always been hated by a segment of people who see him as being a big, loud oaf.

Colin has had some... regrettable moments and has political opinions that differ from the echochamber.

No one knows Tim, Nick, or Kevin from other stuff.

So yeah, a large group of people don't like KF. And it's somewhat understandable.


Colin is literally Hitler if Trump wasn't literally Hitler already.

What about EZA, though?

All of Kinda Funny SUCKS. Please don't ruin my existence by existing!

I heard Colin Moriaty dated Steve Bannon for a while.

Are you even a Pro-bro, bro?


Not sure if Tim was joking or not, but him saying KFL3 will never be released as a video just divides the community even further. They should reconsider.
I hope that isn't the case. I love Kinda Funny, but I am not gonna spend over $1,000 (travel/hotel/etc) for a 2-3 hour show. When Tim talked about editing KFL2 it seemed like he really burned himself out getting it done, maybe they should hire an outside team to film/edit it, or just make it a simple 1-2 camera shoot.


Holy crap at those BOTW reviews. I'm... not sure I ever thought I'd see a game this universally acclaimed again.

It's kind of surreal.


Sheeeeeit, just seen my subscription to Dave Rubin popup with Colin Moriarty!!!


LOL. Well in Colin.

I'm not sure if there is a catch all topic for Colin/Politics, but as I know he gets a shit ton of flak on GAF I guess this KF community thread would be best for posting this. I'll watch it later and see what I think. I don't pay too much attention to the guy politically, just bits here and there. Even if he has unpopular beliefs he's always striked me as the kind of guy you can have a pleasant coffee with, no matter your differing opinions. I generally like Dave though, as he always seems like a well-meaning guy, regardless of people getting irate he interviews people they don't like.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Gamescast was refreshing this week without Colin.

I'm not even a Colin hater like many, but this week's episode maybe as shown me Colin on all of the shows is just sorta running on the treadmill.


Sheeeeeit, just seen my subscription to Dave Rubin popup with Colin Moriarty!!!


LOL. Well in Colin.

I'm not sure if there is a catch all topic for Colin/Politics, but as I know he gets a shit ton of flak on GAF I guess this KF community thread would be best for posting this. I'll watch it later and see what I think. I don't pay too much attention to the guy politically, just bits here and there. Even if he has unpopular beliefs he's always striked me as the kind of guy you can have a pleasant coffee with, no matter your differing opinions. I generally like Dave though, as he always seems like a well-meaning guy, regardless of people getting irate he interviews people they don't like.

I got around to finally hearing all of this, and while I can see how Colin still calling himself a conservative will set off alarm bells across the internet, he comes across very decently here. Nothing sinister or terrible detected. The only thing I chuckled at a bit was his fan-boying over Dave, but Dave is a cool guy :p I guess it's more his passion sometimes veering into arrogance, that ticks off some, but he explains himself well and obviously has a raging boner for discussing politics, which isn't a crime in itself.

Definitely comes across as the kind of guy you can have a coffee with, share opinions, possibly disagree but still walk away from knowing he is harmless and a decent guy. Not saying I'll be chasing down all of Colin's political opinions now, I don't even live in the US, but I did not detect anything terrible in the interview above. In fact, if he does get Dave back into gaming, mission successful :p
Sheeeeeit, just seen my subscription to Dave Rubin popup with Colin Moriarty!!!


LOL. Well in Colin.

I'm not sure if there is a catch all topic for Colin/Politics, but as I know he gets a shit ton of flak on GAF I guess this KF community thread would be best for posting this. I'll watch it later and see what I think. I don't pay too much attention to the guy politically, just bits here and there. Even if he has unpopular beliefs he's always striked me as the kind of guy you can have a pleasant coffee with, no matter your differing opinions. I generally like Dave though, as he always seems like a well-meaning guy, regardless of people getting irate he interviews people they don't like.

I used to think the same but the more I see his tweets the more it bums me out. He "others" really hard while pretending to be neutral. Likes to call out "the left" on issues that are in no way new or exclusive to that group, even if they weren't just isolated examples to begin with. And even if it is mostly how he comes off in tweets, he gets too riled up over things like trigger warnings and people that - how dare they - draw any parallels to Trump and Fascism.

And no matter what he says, almost all of the Twitter replies he gets are the more hardcore supporters worshiping his every word and proclaiming him to be the only reasonable voice in politics on the internet.

For my own sanity I think I will skip the Rubin interview and watch Colin's discussion with Jason instead.
I dislike Colin in general - I know it's supposed to be a joke title but the "Colin Was Right" thing really does display how he feels about himself, whether or not he wants to admit it (see his opinion on stuff like digital vs. physical games) - but as someone who would identify as "very liberal" I agree with him on his political points more often than not.

That was a long sentence.
Sheeeeeit, just seen my subscription to Dave Rubin popup with Colin Moriarty!!!


LOL. Well in Colin.

I'm not sure if there is a catch all topic for Colin/Politics, but as I know he gets a shit ton of flak on GAF I guess this KF community thread would be best for posting this. I'll watch it later and see what I think. I don't pay too much attention to the guy politically, just bits here and there. Even if he has unpopular beliefs he's always striked me as the kind of guy you can have a pleasant coffee with, no matter your differing opinions. I generally like Dave though, as he always seems like a well-meaning guy, regardless of people getting irate he interviews people they don't like.

Colin's defense of voter ID laws and insinuation that fraudulent voting is an actual problem is gross and speaks to how infuriating based in privilege his political beliefs are.

I really like Greg and nick and Tim and Kevin but man this is rough sometimes.
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