Because Amazon's launcher UI still relies on the underlying Android framework to function properly and run apps.outunderthestars said:Why does the source code matter when the UI has nothing to do with Android as it is currently known?
zou said:That wired review is pretty ridiculous.
So an iPad Wifi is shit and behind the times? Other than the horrible camera, these would apply to both the Kindle Fire as well as the iPad...
You were who I needed in the Nook thread. Can you explain why they are all using 2.3? Is it an Amazon/Barnes and Noble problem, or a Google problem? I don't understand why there are various versions of Android floating around on new hardware.giga said:Watching videos of it show the same choppiness that most other Android 2.x devices suffer from. Shame that they couldn't start with the 3.x source code (well done, Google). That means no hardware acceleration and the additional tablet specific APIs. The third party apps from the app store will basically be apps designed for phones and smaller devices.
HiroProtagonist said:You were who I needed in the Nook thread. Can you explain why they are all using 2.3? Is it an Amazon/Barnes and Noble problem, or a Google problem? I don't understand why there are various versions of Android floating around on new hardware.
jvm said:Shipped, here tomorrow. *cheer*
Trent Strong said:Dat price. Cheaper than an iPod touch.
outunderthestars said:Why does the source code matter when the UI has nothing to do with Android as it is currently known?
Brettison said:Touch has been over priced like a boss for a while though. The base model only has 8 gigs and as far as we know it's still only packing 256 megs of RAM. Also while it has similar specs the screen and the camera in actuality aren't near as good as the iPhone stuff.
People seem to not care enough about this fact though. This was all true before the Fire released too.
outunderthestars said:People don't really buy Apple products based on hardware specs.
Brettison said:I don't disagree. I know a lot of people who even though they don't care about hardware specs complain about the 8 gigs though.
jvm said:Mine is on the truck. Can't wait to get home today.
dream said:Google never released the source code for Android 3.0.
Loki said:Really? Was that intentional? (I assume it was.) If so, what's the rationale aside from not helping competitors?
It has, they also made Honeycomb source available yesterday.LCfiner said:I'm pretty sure it was because 3.0 was full of dirty, dirty hacks to get it working on time for the fist Android tablet launches.
I think ICS has already been made open source. someone correct me if I'm wrong
Obviously the speaker quality isn't the best, but I just listened to an entire album and heard no hissing.perryfarrell said:Reviews on Engadet, Gizmodo and Verge are positive.
On Engadget, however, they mentioned something about audio problems. They said,
"Swapping over to your own 'buds or headset obviously helps, but we still weren't impressed by the audio fidelity. There's a very, very subtle pop when playback starts and something of a constant hiss in the background during playback, even when the music is paused. Audiophile quality this isn't."
Can anyone confirm this?
Browsing would be a lot better if you could full screen.Otheradam said:Just got mine. The sluggishness isn't as bad as some reviews make it out to be. It's ok. Kind of small for web browsing- which is what I'd use it for mainly. I am going to try to read a bit of a book on it to see how it is. Right now it's a 50/50 change I will keep or send it back to Amazon and wait for the inevitable better version next year.
nemss said:Ok, UPS guy finally showed up at my doorstep about an hour ago. Said he has been going all over today delivering Kindles. Lots of orders in my area, apparently.
So, so far I must say, I am impressed. Sure, its not flashy, the UI is basic, but it does exactly what I want it to do. Downloaded the first volume of Walking Dead using comiXology, and the screen looks great. Streamed a few videos from Netflix, and the quality is decent. Not iPad level display, but for $200, I think its really good.
Got the free version of Angry Birds, just to mess around. Load ups were quick enough, and the touchscreen is very responsive.
The main negatives I have so far is the lack of a volume rocker on the case. Really hate the fact that you have to use the software to lower or raise the volume.
But, no doubt, when the 10" hits, I'll sell this and upgrade. But, for now, its a perfectly serviceable tablet. Very happy w/ my purchase.