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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post


Sketchbook Picasso
For those who don't click Laban's link, characters said to be:

Kyo, Iori, Shun'ei, Nelson, KOD, Mai and Sylvie.

Surprised how many new characters we get to try out so easily, haha. Imagine the tech people will find out for characters like Nelson, and can totally break down KOD. Sounds great!

It was great to see Ramon (and Kensou!) really lighting up fights in the finals. Such crazy strength on display. Does everyone still feel like jumps are slow and too easy to deal with now? XD


Really happy about the demo characters. I wanted to main Nelson so this is perfect. A local friend really likes Sylvie, and another is in love with Shu`nei. This is just perfect for all of us.


Neo Member
Whew, tournament was real hype. I'm glad Ramon is strong!

I just have to say, the music in this game is shaping up to be a favourite for me! I absolutely love the Art of Fighting, Ikari Warriors, Women Fighters, Psycho Soldiers and Another World themes!

Also super excited for hidden team BGMs as well. Always enjoy picking specific team combinations just to get hidden music when playing with my friend on 98UMFE.

I hope Team TIGER (Ramon, Joe, Robert) is a thing! Even as just a team ending picture!


Sketchbook Picasso
Blog Post on PSN for Garou - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/07/16/garou-mark-of-the-wolves-returns-on-ps4-and-ps-vita/


For the XIV Demo, It was already said no online, or legacy stick support.

The full game will have both! ;)

Atlus Rep said to look at the PSN Blog around 2pm PDT tomorrow, where they should post some info.

The Demo should be released to all on Tuesday / their region's update time. They wouldn't announce it at Evo, and then cut out a huge amount of the watchers, right?
Thanks for the kind words. I'll be all over that demo when I get back from Vegas.

I know I made a ton of errors (plus I didn't really know anything about Ramon) but I think KOFXIV will be a very big game for me competitively, hopefully even bigger than SF4 was.

If you want some Hein/King/Leona details let me know :)
Thanks for the kind words. I'll be all over that demo when I get back from Vegas.

I know I made a ton of errors (plus I didn't really know anything about Ramon) but I think KOFXIV will be a very big game for me competitively, hopefully even bigger than SF4 was.

If you want some Hein/King/Leona details let me know :)

Leona details please hope shes good in this.
Leona details please hope shes good in this.

Leona hasn't changed much but she gains some distinct advantages in the new system.

They are:
1) stCDs wallbounce. Characters can often combo after this. Many characters have to cancel the CD into a special in order to get a combo, making it impossible to do a legit hit-confirm. But a few (Leona, Hein, Terry to name a few) can combo after the CD is finished, making it a brainded-easy hit-confirm. Leona can use either her kick super or V-slasher.

2) Super cancels. Leona's V-Slasher is excellent space control if your reactions are good, and of course she has the super-deadly instant overhead xx super. In XIV, it's even scarier because if she has 2 or 3 more bars when it hits, she can go right into lv2 kick super (advanced cancel) or the climax (climax cancel). Ironically this just solidifies her scariest team position as an explosive anchor.

Here's other things I noticed:

- V-Slasher has invincibility but it is brief and she can be hit while traveling. In XIII she was invincible until she hit the ground.

- Far C is still godlike, abuse that shit (it's like Iori's stD)

- You can combo into air qcb+C -midscreen- after f+B. In XIII you could only combo to the C version in the corner. (You can probably super cancel the qcb+C. Didn't get enough practice time)

- crouch C no longer sucks and I could beat or trade with most jumpins on reaction, you don't have to over-rely on moon slasher.

- stA and f+B have significantly more range than it did in XIII

- crouch D is a bit faster on startup compared to XIII (many crDs feel faster, they are probably legit frame traps now)

Most of the good players I played with such as Frionel, KCOPedro, Luis Cha, Romance, etc all agree that the system greatly benefits her and that she is overall much stronger.


Leona hasn't changed much but she gains some distinct advantages in the new system.

They are:
1) stCDs wallbounce. Characters can often combo after this. Many characters have to cancel the CD into a special in order to get a combo, making it impossible to do a legit hit-confirm. But a few (Leona, Hein, Terry to name a few) can combo after the CD is finished, making it a brainded-easy hit-confirm. Leona can use either her kick super or V-slasher.

2) Super cancels. Leona's V-Slasher is excellent space control if your reactions are good, and of course she has the super-deadly instant overhead xx super. In XIV, it's even scarier because if she has 2 or 3 more bars when it hits, she can go right into lv2 kick super (advanced cancel) or the climax (climax cancel). Ironically this just solidifies her scariest team position as an explosive anchor.

Here's other things I noticed:

- V-Slasher has invincibility but it is brief and she can be hit while traveling. In XIII she was invincible until she hit the ground.

- Far C is still godlike, abuse that shit (it's like Iori's stD)

- You can combo into air qcb+C -midscreen- after f+B. In XIII you could only combo to the C version in the corner. (You can probably super cancel the qcb+C. Didn't get enough practice time)

- crouch C no longer sucks and I could beat or trade with most jumpins on reaction, you don't have to over-rely on moon slasher.

- stA and f+B have significantly more range than it did in XIII

- crouch D is a bit faster on startup compared to XIII (many crDs feel faster, they are probably legit frame traps now)

Most of the good players I played with such as Frionel, KCOPedro, Luis Cha, Romance, etc all agree that the system greatly benefits her and that she is overall much stronger.

Thanks for the impressions and good job in the tournament. You did really well. Any thoughts on Hein? I really gravitate towards characters with a good low confirm and you did a low of work with him from the low B. I also noticed you some of his meaty projectile stuff on the opponent's wakeup which seems that it could lead into some things?


Sketchbook Picasso
- She can follow up a wallsplat CD with Heavy Grand Saber, and then either go into it's newly re-introduced follow up, or get a free moonslasher out of it.

- Baltic Launcher seems better now, in the way that it's start-up seems fast enough to get favorable trades on some bad jumpins.

- Hop C might have a better crossup box.


And a few questions to you Mr. Ecto-Cooler, while we're talkin' about her:

- She disappears during Slash Saber DM. Ever able to see if that disappearance had any invulnerability, either to strikes or projectiles? Considering V-Slasher can actually TRADE now, this might situationally be better at times.

- Hellpockets thought it looks like she had some invuln on Earring Bakudan Startup. Did you notice this yourself? While this sounds a bit gimmicky to me at best, I could see some situations where it'd let her side-step a fast fireball, and let her launch her own back in retaliation.

Thanks for anything you can answer, and good games out there today! Enjoyed the Hein play as well. Frio seems like the kind of player who actually gets better under pressure, so I don't envy playing a counter-happy character like Leona against him...


Sketchbook Picasso
Has leona gained anything new in terms of moves? or is it just same old

Most of her "new" is in the way her normals act now. As far as moves, only the return of her follow-up for Grand Saber, and a modified back throw? No Air throw, either... *feelsbadman* The Arch on her EX Earring Bakudan is a bit better now, while still being able to combo from ground normals well, for knock-ups.

She works very well with the new systems, so it's kinda more like... all her buffs come from the fact the game has been changed to accommodate her more.


- You can combo into air qcb+C -midscreen- after f+B. In XIII you could only combo to the C version in the corner. (You can probably super cancel the qcb+C. Didn't get enough practice time)
This is the single change I wished for the most after XIII. :D

Most of the good players I played with such as Frionel, KCOPedro, Luis Cha, Romance, etc all agree that the system greatly benefits her and that she is overall much stronger.
Nice, Frionel have been saying she's looking good since Stunfest.


Thanks for the kind words. I'll be all over that demo when I get back from Vegas.

I know I made a ton of errors (plus I didn't really know anything about Ramon) but I think KOFXIV will be a very big game for me competitively, hopefully even bigger than SF4 was.

If you want some Hein/King/Leona details let me know :)

I could never turn down King details.


Really nice how they made OTG combos more of a thing now instead of just being limited to Daimon.

So far Daimon, Geese, Ramon and Gang-Il can do some.

Also, don't know if I misheard but when Kane was on commentary it sounded like he mentioned that people recommended he use Love Heart to counter Athena. She's good at countering fireball pressure?
Really nice how they made OTG combos more of a thing now instead of just being limited to Daimon.

So far Daimon, Geese, Ramon and Gang-Il can do some.

Also, don't know if I misheard but when Kane was on commentary it sounded like he mentioned that people recommended he use Love Heart to counter Athena. She's good at countering fireball pressure?

I think I remember seeing her sword slash specials erase fireballs.


Really nice how they made OTG combos more of a thing now instead of just being limited to Daimon.

So far Daimon, Geese, Ramon and Gang-Il can do some.

Also, don't know if I misheard but when Kane was on commentary it sounded like he mentioned that people recommended he use Love Heart to counter Athena. She's good at countering fireball pressure?

With Geese, it's just looking more like they gave him back some of the OTG shenanigans he can do in the Real Bout games, which is sounding and looking very, very good.


Sketchbook Picasso
Compilation of Combos / moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_NkdcZjqpE

On the Ryo speak... I feel like he's just going to be similar to Maxima, in that he's more of a tank that chooses his situations and parries, rather than going wild with mixup and stuff. Being able to turn any random hit into a Ko'Ou Ken, and then either into HienSK, and DMs should turn out nice. For that matter, do we know if any form of HienSK is unusually safe, like Terry's Burn Knuckle?

It'd be interesting if Robert turns out more loved than he this time though, since Ryo clearly had the edge in XIII. I feel Ryo suffered here in much the same way as Love Heart: His tools are simple, and you have to know how this game wants you to use them, or the character just looks a bit boring and unfocused.

We all know it's because Zanretsuken is the answer, right?
This is never true. Though I'd be OK if it was.
I'll miss that far D, and his uber overhead isn't as unique here as it was in XIII, but I still feel like he's just different, rather than bad.

And a few questions to you Mr. Ecto-Cooler, while we're talkin' about her:

- She disappears during Slash Saber DM. Ever able to see if that disappearance had any invulnerability, either to strikes or projectiles? Considering V-Slasher can actually TRADE now, this might situationally be better at times.

- Hellpockets thought it looks like she had some invuln on Earring Bakudan Startup. Did you notice this yourself? While this sounds a bit gimmicky to me at best, I could see some situations where it'd let her side-step a fast fireball, and let her launch her own back in retaliation.

I can't confirm either of these, unfortunately. I was very focused on doing well in the tournament and didn't explore as much as I hoped to.


Wasn't the Maximum Impact series in 3D?

Yes but it did not play like a traditional KOF.

In fact it wasn't even developed by in house SNK but rather was outsourced by a off shoot company called Noise Factory.

KOF XIV is actually the first in-house developed 3D KOF game that retains the mechanics of a traditional 2D KOF game, so it definitely is the first in that regard.


Sketchbook Picasso
I can't confirm either of these, unfortunately. I was very focused on doing well in the tournament and didn't explore as much as I hoped to.

Not a problem. Just thought it might have been stuff you might have noticed while playing. Since Leona is one of the characters with the least new moves / returning moves from older games, it's quite interesting to see how they might be mixing with her tools.

Thanks for taking the time to reply! :)

I DIDN'T EXPECT ANY OF THIS, lol. The story trailer showed off a lot more pachinko cinematics story mode cinematics than I even really expect to see in the game, and a few in-game cinematics too, which is much more of what I expect. And NONE of the visual novel style cinematics at all, which is where I expect most of the content to come from.

Antinov looks pretty sweet. He actually does look proper boisterous and huge, which is great. He looks like he could be very satisfying to play.

And WOW at SNK getting onto EVO main stage with a modified version of those 2 trailers also. So much more than I expected on a Sunday afternoon. Great job SNK, ATLUS!


Sketchbook Picasso

It is exactly because of this that I thought Kyo's Neomax in XIII was him throwing out the KOF invite. People getting roast in the pillar that came afterwards was always a baptism in flame, welcoming new players to the series, lol.

I do love all the Nostalgic notes they're hitting. Really makes me hype to see what kind of situations will be set up in the story cinematics.


SNK over delivering at this EVO, did not expect even more goodness after yesterday.

Antonov looks great, is that a mustache on his belt?

With Geese, it's just looking more like they gave him back some of the OTG shenanigans he can do in the Real Bout games, which is sounding and looking very, very good.

True, they did a great job transitioning him both in terms of gameplay and looks.

Compilation of Combos / moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_NkdcZjqpE

On the Ryo speak... I feel like he's just going to be similar to Maxima, in that he's more of a tank that chooses his situations and parries, rather than going wild with mixup and stuff. Being able to turn any random hit into a Ko'Ou Ken, and then either into HienSK, and DMs should turn out nice. For that matter, do we know if any form of HienSK is unusually safe, like Terry's Burn Knuckle?

It'd be interesting if Robert turns out more loved than he this time though, since Ryo clearly had the edge in XIII. I feel Ryo suffered here in much the same way as Love Heart: His tools are simple, and you have to know how this game wants you to use them, or the character just looks a bit boring and unfocused.

We all know it's because Zanretsuken is the answer, right?
This is never true. Though I'd be OK if it was.
I'll miss that far D, and his uber overhead isn't as unique here as it was in XIII, but I still feel like he's just different, rather than bad.

The issue is that he seems to have lost what made him a threat in XIII while seemingly, so far, not gaining much in return to balance the losses.

- His fireballs seem nerfed both in terms of range and size of the hit box, this applies to regular and EX versions
- I've seen his fireball whiff after a cr. C, not only would this never happen in XIII but in that version he was pretty much guaranteed to combo into fireballs from the max range of his far normals. This allowed him to easily hit confirm into supers from like a character space or more away.
- His cancellable far D with a super long cancellation window is gone
- His far standing C is no longer special cancellable and also misses on crouchers

The only 'buffs' I have seen so far:

- He can combo with light DP after D Hien in the corner.
- His EX Hien can hit opponents in the air now, it would often misses airborne opponents in XIII

So good!
Yeah I'm not keen on Ryo in XIV. They want him to be a power character that hits like a truck but has to work harder in neutral.

Hopefully the fireball is plus or Hein/Zanretsuken is safe or something.


Nice new trailer. We ARE getting prerendered cutscenes, cool! I guess we know what Hein says in his climax now.

"You can't escape from me. Sweet dreams."
Given his attacks are named after Chess moves and pieces, I think they missed a big opportunity by not making him say "Checkmate." instead.


Sketchbook Picasso
The issue is the he seems to have lost what made him a threat in XIII while seemingly, so far, not gaining much in return to balance the losses.

- His fireballs seem nerfed both in terms of range and size of the hit box, this applies to regular and EX versions
If this isn't a big glaring error on their part, I wonder if this just suggest it's suppose to be used differently now? Have his tools for harassment, conversion, and chip all switched places?
- I've seen his fireball whiff after a cr. C, not only would this never happen in XIII but in that version he was pretty much guaranteed to combo into fireballs from the max range of his far normals. This allowed him to easily hit confirm into supers from like a character space or more away.
I know in early playtest of him in the previous builds, people were thinking his cancels to parries seemed faster than normal. I get that feeling they're working Ryo similar to Ralf, in that they take away guaranteed safety, and are sticking them into more of a "Mixup to victory!" category.
- His cancellable far D with a super long cancellation window is gone
- His far standing C is no longer special cancellable and also misses on crouchers.
Even I'll mist that Far D. Like, I'd make it a command normal, rather than get rid of it. Far C cancellation has been removed for most people, and they also whiff on crouchers for almost everyone.

I could agree that Ryo might need to be an exception to this sweeping change, but not sure yet.

The only 'buffs' I have seen so far:

- He can combo with light DP after D Hien in the corner.
I thought he could do this in XIII and 2K2UM, maybe I'm remembering wrong.
- His EX Hien can hit opponents in the air now, it would often misses airborne opponents in XIII
Definitely a good thing, especially since it lets him push and chase people into the corner.

Now, I understand the feelings here. I go through a lot of times in KoF when a characters moves don't seem to be doing what I want / think they should do. But my first though has become "why?". Because otherwise, it just seems like poor, ignorant design.

With all the loss of invulnerability, I really do think his strength will lie in having an easier, cheaper access to what's basically invincibility, than almost anyone in the entire game. I think he'd be one of the safest people to poke at a metered Mai, for example.

But something like that is horrible in a pre-release tourney. It depends on deep knowledge of what everyone can do, and Frio had 12 more new characters from the last build, that we haven't seen under the control of the public yet. Ryo, Maxima, and KoD might be some of the worse characters to play at this early stage, since they depend on letting opponents hang themselves by running into your calculated, precise counters.

I hope Ryo surprises us with something like having Guard Point on his CD, lol. I want to see him have tools that excel in this system. They really seem to think that "Slow" is a viable character design style in this game (As mentioned in the PSN blog today), but they have a LOT to do to prove this, when crazy crap like Ramon exist.


If this isn't a big glaring error on their part, I wonder if this just suggest it's suppose to be used differently now? Have his tools for harassment, conversion, and chip all switched places?

I know in early playtest of him in the previous builds, people were thinking his cancels to parries seemed faster than normal. I get that feeling they're working Ryo similar to Ralf, in that they take away guaranteed safety, and are sticking them into more of a "Mixup to victory!" category.

Even I'll mist that Far D. Like, I'd make it a command normal, rather than get rid of it. Far C cancellation has been removed for most people, and they also whiff on crouchers for almost everyone.

I could agree that Ryo might need to be an exception to this sweeping change, but not sure yet.

I thought he could do this in XIII and 2K2UM, maybe I'm remembering wrong.

Definitely a good thing, especially since it lets him push and chase people into the corner.

Now, I understand the feelings here. I go through a lot of times in KoF when a characters moves don't seem to be doing what I want / think they should do. But my first though has become "why?". Because otherwise, it just seems like poor, ignorant design.

With all the loss of invulnerability, I really do think his strength will lie in having an easier, cheaper access to what's basically invincibility, than almost anyone in the entire game. I think he'd be one of the safest people to poke at a metered Mai, for example.

But something like that is horrible in a pre-release tourney. It depends on deep knowledge of what everyone can do, and Frio had 12 more new characters from the last build, that we haven't seen under the control of the public yet. Ryo, Maxima, and KoD might be some of the worse characters to play at this early stage, since they depend on letting opponents hang themselves by running into your calculated, precise counters.

I hope Ryo surprises us with something like having Guard Point on his CD, lol. I want to see him have tools that excel in this system. They really seem to think that "Slow" is a viable character design style in this game (As mentioned in the PSN blog today), but they have a LOT to do to prove this, when crazy crap like Ramon exist.

All good points, we'll have to see when we actually get our hands on him.

Frionel definitely isn't someone to gauge Ryo overall by, all he seemed to be doing was spamming the overhead and far normals into quick max. Other than that it looked like he had no idea what to do with him.

A lot has been taken away from Ryo for sure, here's hoping he gets worthwhile things in return as you mention. I'm still a little butt hurt that they didn't give him some of his older moves back like the leaping karate chop.

Oh and about the D Hien, in XIII he could only juggle after it if he juggled an opponent with it. He couldn't do it after hitting with it after a grounded normal, like he can in XIV (in the corner).


Antonov looks great, is that a mustache on his belt?

Looks more like a set of horns like you'd see in an antelope or something of a sort - fitting for a huge beast of a man.

Also liking what I see in the trailer - while the stadium getting wrecked by elemental or supernatural power is nothing new to the series, it's nice to see characters from different teams appearing and reacting together to it all, especially if different ones know different things about what's going on.

The PlayStation Europe tweeted about the demo too, so it's pretty confirmed that the demo should apply here too - now to manage to return from work in time to find a place that sells PS4s open...


Looks more like a set of horns like you'd see in an antelope or something of a sort - fitting for a huge beast of a man.

Yeah, that's probably it.

The PlayStation Europe tweeted about the demo too, so it's pretty confirmed that the demo should apply here too - now to manage to return from work in time to find a place that sells PS4s open...

Good luck!
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