Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rolls out new forum rules to curb toxic behavior, which immediately sparks toxic behavior


If what they want is clarity, then this isn't the best way to go about this.

If you don't have to have gay sex, then just say you do not have to have gay sex. That entire quote was beating around the bush personified.

You are taking the chance of hurting game sales to not spoil things.
It could be part of a quest line, it could be two nuns, it could be a gay lord, it could just be an option at the whore houses/baths... Or it could be nothing. As long as it fits the time period I don't see the issue.

It will likely depend on how you play the game


Looked this up on Twatter and saw this. Grummz is smart not to stoke the flames on this one.
The breast-milk stealing gooner man-child is displaying basic grifter behaviour. Him and his beggar podcast friends have gone after other games and studios for displaying way less woke and DEI bullshit, but now that their friends Daniel Vavra and Warhorse are going the exact same route, hiring an activist as their community manager and banning all discussion that could be "on the wrong side of history", everything is ok, actually 👌🏻

Nothing to see here.
Looked this up on Twatter and saw this. Grummz is smart not to stoke the flames on this one.

DownLikeBCPowder DownLikeBCPowder I'm out of the loop on this. Are people upset because of gay sex, or do they think Warhorse has gone woke?

Whoa, let's hold our Warhorses, I'm not the expert on this matter. This is all I got :

This came, best I can tell, from the Saudi rumor. Then came people on Twitter asking dude for clarity, he choose a really offensive asker to respond to, calling him a Nazi piece of shit. From there, gasoline was poured on the speculation and it spread to all twitter threads (from voice actors promoting game, everything) and to Steam forums asking for clarity, or aggroing. Then in response, they added the new "Code of Conduct" post to the Steam forum.

So this is just the latest in the story.

But to answer the question - they think Warhorse has gone woke.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
DownLikeBCPowder DownLikeBCPowder I'm out of the loop on this. Are people upset because of gay sex, or do they think Warhorse has gone woke?

Some people are upset just because they set a few codes of conduct on their discussion board.



Not sorry. I'm siding with the Chads who care not for whiny steam forum poster gremlins or gay-repulsed false right wing gooner types.

KC:D1 is a great game and I've no doubt KC:D2 will be ever better than I imagen.


Gold Member
Whoa, let's hold our Warhorses, I'm not the expert on this matter. This is all I got :

But to answer the question - they think Warhorse has gone woke.
Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like you were. Just figured you had more insight on the drama than I did.

I seriously doubt Warhorse has gone woke but time will tell on that. Sounds like people are jumping the gun on this one.

The forum moderation update seems like the bigger PR blunder here. That's just adding gasoline to the fire.
Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like you were. Just figured you had more insight on the drama than I did.

I seriously doubt Warhorse has gone woke but time will tell on that. Sounds like people are jumping the gun on this one.

Like I've said earlier, I hope that it's very minimal, non sense garbage that is overreaction. I truly do, because I loved the absolute hell out of KCD.

The forum moderation update seems like the bigger PR blunder here. That's just adding gasoline to the fire.
Best I can tell, that's all that's been done so far.
The community management stuff is a mistake.

The game itself though? Looks great, don’t care if repressive cultures are upset.
Have you seen Grummz squirm his way around this whole issue though? Even saying like nonon just wait, don't cancel the pre-orders yet.

I loved it, I think I checked out of the whole culture war thing, so I can appreciate this forum's mindset of no politics at times, cause this thing is giving me brain rot at times.


Absolutely Cozy
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Looks like DV has bigger balls than I thought. Instead of bending any way the wind blows ( ahem Lords of the Fallen ) he is sticking to his guns and triggering the antiwokes just as much (even more some might argue) as the wokes back in 2018.
Asmongold please respond.
If the game is woke, then he don’t have balls, he simply bended to the same people tried to cancel him. I think people like you are not conscious the real anti woke thing is a 2024 thing. For the most games releasing this year and even 2026 is too much late to make big changes.


What if is a sidequest with a priest or a noble caught in action and the gets punished. Still woke?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Vavra didn’t suddenly transition to non-binary and make KCD2 about their therapy sessions and household trauma. Give me a break.

He has a good track record and didn’t kowtow to keyboard warriors last time around. His statement now is consistent with that attitude. Wait until there’s something to actually be offended about in the game’s content.
As with all games I'll just take a wait and see approach. I was hyped for this game, but now I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll just wait for reviews.


Gold Member
I'm guessing some people are upset that there's a black guy in middle age Bohemia telling a white savage about the progressive paradise he comes from.
Or… he is a merchant or merchant guard from Granada as part of a merchant caravan to buy Silver … in a major Silver mining town in one of the most powerful Kingdoms of HRE?

But yes, I am sure he instead going to talk about white oppression. Considering how the devs are very historical with these games, I am sure it’s totally all purple hair progressivism vs common sense. 🙄
Or… he is a merchant or merchant guard from Granada as part of a merchant caravan to buy Silver … in a major Silver mining town in one of the most powerful Kingdoms of HRE?

But yes, I am sure he instead going to talk about white oppression. Considering how the devs are very historical with these games, I am sure it’s totally all purple hair progressivism vs common sense. 🙄

🤷‍♂️ As I said looking at the contextless image that would be my guess why some people would be upset.

I'm not as easily able to spot 13th century Granadan merchant garb as some others, it seems. Probably doesn't help that that guy appears sub-saharan while the Moors were generally Arab/North African.


Why do they never learn....Limiting free speech will only spark the things you try to limit. People by nature don't like to be told what not to do.


With the reference to it being a RPG, it sounds like there is an optional quest and/or romance that allows one to pursue or be privy to a gay romance scene.

That is basically a nothingburger.
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Gold Member
🤷‍♂️ As I said looking at the contextless image that would be my guess why some people would be upset.

I'm not as easily able to spot 13th century Granadan merchant garb as some others, it seems. Probably doesn't help that that guy appears sub-saharan while the Moors were generally Arab/North African.
Or maybe we all take a chill pill and not get out pitchforks before even seeing what the f is happening?

Some random saying game will be banned in Saudi Arabia (still up for sale) because of unstoppable cutscenes (take your pick here) is not a reason to go all crazy. And now folks are throwing everything in their “woke hunting”.

What’s more likely from this developer, the character or a scene making sense in the context of the game or the dev all of a sudden going woke?

Come on, Occam’s razor and all that jazz!
Or maybe we all take a chill pill and not get out pitchforks before even seeing what the f is happening?

Some random saying game will be banned in Saudi Arabia (still up for sale) because of unstoppable cutscenes (take your pick here) is not a reason to go all crazy. And now folks are throwing everything in their “woke hunting”.

What’s more likely from this developer, the character or a scene making sense in the context of the game or the dev all of a sudden going woke?

Come on, Occam’s razor and all that jazz!

I'm on all manner of chill inducing substances, don't worry.

Personally I would've initially guessed that the dude was an Ethiopian pilgrim, but it does make more sense for that line to be about contrasting Christian vs. Islamic values so Granada makes more sense.

Ironic considering the current Saudi scandal lol
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Looked this up on Twatter and saw this. Grummz is smart not to stoke the flames on this one.
I'm not sure if Grummz has ever been smart in his entire life (and no, I'm sorry but I don't think that being *occasionally* on the same side of the culture war give him a free pass for coming off as a dimwit more often than not), but yeah, Vavra has a track record that gives him credibility on the point of not "selling out to the other team".
More in general, it's pretty obvious that this is another mass hysteria episode from the community.

And frankly people who are constantly in a blood hunt to "find TEH WOKE" in every upcoming entertainment product are every bit as annoying as their counterparts in the opposite team.


Gold Member
Vavra didn’t suddenly transition to non-binary and make KCD2 about their therapy sessions and household trauma. Give me a break.

He has a good track record and didn’t kowtow to keyboard warriors last time around. His statement now is consistent with that attitude. Wait until there’s something to actually be offended about in the game’s content.
I’m just going to continue to clap Theresa’s cheeks in the sequel. Hopefully there’s options to convince her to bring along a friend this time as well.

Absolutely haram !!
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balls of snow

Gold Member
If the game is woke, then he don’t have balls, he simply bended to the same people tried to cancel him. I think people like you are not conscious the real anti woke thing is a 2024 thing. For the most games releasing this year and even 2026 is too much late to make big changes.
Ahh good to know. Looking at my 2025 list, it would be a shame if you guys cant play even half of it because of the hate brigade. Fight the powah!

Btw, it is hillarious people screamed 'historical accuracy' until its something they dont like. Guess what Muslim traders/scholars and chinese traders traveled the world long before the Europes (read: whites) age of enlightenment. So you are damned right there would be a black educated muslim in Kuttenberg.


a male npc from the main story is caught having sex with another man and he will be either killed or tortured then killed , whats the big deal


If you don't have to have gay sex, then just say you do not have to have gay sex. That entire quote was beating around the bush personified.
Why would you ever "have to have gay sex" in a Daniel Vavra game, for Christ's sake?
Are you people being retarded on purpose or what?

Also, do you realize that a game or movie having references or visual representation of something isn't necessarily an ENDORSEMENT of that same thing?

You could have ten different "gay sex" scenes all with very different vibes and implications. One could be romantic and vaguely allusive; the other pornographic and explicit; one could be framed to make the two characters having sex come off as disgusting and morally deplorable; OR -being this a medieval setting- you could have a scene of two individuals being killed because found out at having gay sex.
And so on.
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Also, do you realize that a game or movie having references or visual representation of something isn't necessarily an ENDORSEMENT of that same thing?

You could have ten different "gay sex" scenes all with very different vibes and implications. One could be romantic and vaguely allusive; the other pornographic and explicit; one could be framed to make the two characters having sex come off as disgusting and morally deplorable; OR -being this a medieval setting- you could have a scene of two individuals being killed because found out at having gay sex.
And so on.
Agree with all that.


This all seems like unnecessary drama. A lot of people would benefit from calming down.

If you have concerns about the content of an unreleased game, I suggest waiting until release and seeking the answers from those who have played the game.

Save your pitchforks for another day.


Most previews of the game were borderline ecstatic about what they tried of it far and this recent concern about Warhorse "going woke" seems to be just some of you being completely mental.
It's not like the whole game is going to be woke, that's not happening and you can't hide that in long gameplays as part of previews. A lot of people seem to be upset that Vavra never denied the "controversial" content in his formal responses, which means it is going to be present in the game. In what form - we'll have to wait and see. People with zero tolerance for that stuff will be upset, my tolerance is higher and I have faith in the studio so I'm still planning to play it day one. :)

All of this doesn't change the fact that the studio and the publisher are making wrong moves just before the game's launch. The best tactic would be to not respond at all. Instead they're triggering their fans & community and making room for more speculations.


🤷‍♂️ As I said looking at the contextless image that would be my guess why some people would be upset.

I'm not as easily able to spot 13th century Granadan merchant garb as some others, it seems. Probably doesn't help that that guy appears sub-saharan while the Moors were generally Arab/North African.

15th century, not 13th century. And the Moors had some sub-Saharans mixed in, although as you said they were generally not so. There's nothing in that screenshot that streches credibility.
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