Kingdom Come Deliverance - A flawed masterpiece

Shouldn’t be long until we get some insight on how the sequel runs on consoles.
I would be surprised If it didn't run well on console. We know War Horse sent out review codes 1 month before release on both PC and Consoles. I doubt they would have done that unless they were highly confident in the games performance. KCD1 was the studios first game, which helps explain the issues at launch back in 2018

I'm like 40 hrs into KCD1 on PS5 and its not buggy at all. It has some AA jank, but I have run into no major issues
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There's still hope for a patch I guess.

balls of snow

Gold Member
I wont be able to finish it in time for KCD 2 (will just watch a yt summary by the end of the month probably) but the 30 or so hours Ive played and it feels like a first draft of waht could be something special with an iterated sequel.
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I've been meaning to give it a try on PS5, but this seems like one of those games that would make my motion sickness kick in in overdrive. First-person, 30fps, and (I assume) not being able to change the fov on consoles? That would make me nauseous after a few minutes in.

Lokaum D+

You should! It was admittedly very buggy on launch but like I said it's very stable now a days.
Lol, Just started playing It again and Henry already bugged out the screen when talking to Lady Stephanie during his First night at Talmberg.


Lol, Just started playing It again and Henry already bugged out the screen when talking to Lady Stephanie during his First night at Talmberg.
Fair enough I actually got that one too a few days ago xD But ITS THE ONLY ONE, and I haven't seen that one before.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I tried to put in a couple of hours on the Xbox version and had to put it down. Not the game for me it seems.

The pacing, slow combat and that very off-putting lock picking mini game put me off.

Maybe I'll pick it up again at some later time with a revised mindset, and hopefully a 60fps update.


I tried to put in a couple of hours on the Xbox version and had to put it down. Not the game for me it seems.

The pacing, slow combat and that very off-putting lock picking mini game put me off.

Maybe I'll pick it up again at some later time with a revised mindset, and hopefully a 60fps update.
Did you change the lock picking mini game in the settings? I changed it to simple or something like that and it´s easier.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Did you change the lock picking mini game in the settings? I changed it to simple or something like that and it´s easier.

I did, just the general pacing of the game isn't gelling with me at the moment.

Maybe I'll give it another go later with a refreshed mindset.
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