Gold Member

I've been playing this game in preparation for the sequel and I am having an incredible time. I remember playing this at launch but it was really buggy when it came out and I decided to stop playing it until it got fixed but never came back until now
The game is now quite polished and for me the best part of it is how immersive it feels. The world is incredibly well made, every npc has daily routines and a coherent behavior, something that we dont see very often in videogames. They sleep, eat and go to places and interact with the world. A lot of work and care went into this
The graphics are beautiful, it uses cry engine and it looks great, I love the look of the world, there is an hd texture pack which enhances even more the graphics. Performance is good as well, I had no issues although I have a beefy computer
The game at first can feel overwhelming because it's difficult to understand how the gameplay systems works, specially the combat so I can see how this can put off some people but my advice is to stick with it until it clicks because when it does, it becomes a wonderful experience. Its a game that rewards you curiosity and the attitude of wanting to become better at playing it
I really love how well the game is written, the dialogues are great, smart and the characters are very interesting. There are a few missions like the one with the priest that are absolutely hilarious. And the side quests are very interesting too, some of them have impact as well in certain characters which is a nice touch
One thing I love is the freedom the game gives you to resolve missions. There are many ways to do things, and for example, you can kill enemy bandits in their camps by poisoning their food, or killing them with a knife while their sleep. This is specially useful in tge begining when Henry doesn't have much experience.
I love as well the feeling of progression of Henry, you have to practice combat a lot to get better and leveling up, you have to learn to read so you can become smarter and learn new techniques, you can lear alchemy or how to be more stealthy and steal faster. The amount of choices to focus on are awesome
The story is great too, with lots of good and memorable moments and the music although a bit repetitive at times, it's great. I hope they add more variety in the sequel
If I had to say something negative about the game it would be that combat with many enemies can be messy anc clunky, it feels like the combat ia very well designed for a 1 vs 1 but when you have many enemies it can be frustrating although it gets better the stronger your Henry becomes. And another thing is that the saving system is a little weird, on pc I am using a mod that allows me to save whenever I want and its much better in my opinion
Anyway, I hope I have convinced you to play the game, its great, yes its not perfect and have some flaws, but its a hell of a ride and I cant wait for KCD2
Listen to papi Gonzo and play it

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