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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue |OT| May our hearts be our guiding key


Hello I am currently playing DDD. It's so bad ;_; but I want the trophies I guess and this will get me through February.

I enjoyed it on 3DS but that story..... lmao. At least 2.8 explained what happened because I was still confused even after I beat DDD back on 3DS.

Going from 2.8 to DDD HD is jarring as heck.
I enjoyed it on 3DS but that story..... lmao. At least 2.8 explained what happened because I was still confused even after I beat DDD back on 3DS.

Going from 2.8 to DDD HD is jarring as heck.

I feel that it being on 3DS ruined the controls for the series. The change to decks and the square to aerial recover. I think birth by sleep did it waaay better and it was more fluid and now I don't know.


Uhhh.. DDD is far from a bad game and there's nothing wrong with its controls, at least not in comparison to the rest of the franchise. It has its shortcomings but all in all the core (fun action RPG gameplay) is still intact.

Don't really see anything too jarring in the move from 0.2 to DDD either. 0.2 obviously looks much better but the core gameplay is still very much the same. Went from finishing 0.2 to starting DDD without any issues or feeling any OHMYGODICAN'TGOBACKTOTHISAFTERGLORIOUS0.2 symptoms.
Everything will be fixed when it goes back to the console evolved KHII gameplay. No one is even playing DDD is the real gag of it all. They're just playing 0.2 and being done with it haha. I wish AR card ones were optional with the camera so I can farm Dream items. There's not many YouTube videos or guides on DDD it is frustrating :(


Uhhh.. DDD is far from a bad game and there's nothing wrong with its controls, at least not in comparison to the rest of the franchise. It has its shortcomings but all in all the core (fun action RPG gameplay) is still intact.

Don't really see anything too jarring in the move from 0.2 to DDD either. 0.2 obviously looks much better but the core gameplay is still very much the same. Went from finishing 0.2 to starting DDD without any issues or feeling any OHMYGODICAN'TGOBACKTOTHISAFTERGLORIOUS0.2 symptoms.

0.2 is super pretty and fun and wild.

My 1st impressions on DDD on 3DS was that it was kinda pretty, fun and wild.

DDD HD = smooth and not as fun.

I have a soft spot for DDD but I will never forgive that game for using Younger models for Sora and Riku when it wasn't even necessary or called for.

Everything will be fixed when it goes back to the console evolved KHII gameplay. No one is even playing DDD is the real gag of it all. They're just playing 0.2 and being done with it haha. I wish AR card ones were optional with the camera so I can farm Dream items. There's not many YouTube videos or guides on DDD it is frustrating :(

I'm trying to remember what I did to succeed in DDD... oh yeah... now I remember...

Spam Flowmotion

Spam powerful spells like Ballonaga.

Riku will get certain moves that allow him to block and counter with ease.

Sora... well.... lmao.

Dream Eaters are helpful.... at times.
I just got balloonga. Finished Traverse town revisted. When do I get more powerful Dream eaters? I only been using A&R Seal and meow wow along with the bat. I was gliding ability and mega flare


When playing 0.2 I had a thought.

What if kh 3 DOES have multiple playable protagonists and they all have varied combat systems? For example, aqua has her bbs style with spirit link and fast fluid movement, riku could use decks, and sora could have his kh2 style drive forms and MP.

It might confuse some people but I think it would be fantastic. You could cater to all the different fans.

Even if they don't do this I REALLY hope you can play as (at least most of) the Guardians of light


I just got balloonga. Finished Traverse town revisted. When do I get more powerful Dream eaters? I only been using A&R Seal and meow wow along with the bat. I was gliding ability and mega flare

Traverse Town was awesome in the very beginning, right? Now compare it to revisiting it again. Lol
When playing 0.2 I had a thought.

What if kh 3 DOES have multiple playable protagonists and they all have varied combat systems? For example, aqua has her bbs style with spirit link and fast fluid movement, riku could use decks, and sora could have his kh2 style drive forms and MP.

It might confuse some people but I think it would be fantastic. You could cater to all the different fans.

Even if they don't do this I REALLY hope you can play as (at least most of) the Guardians of light

I think KH3 will mostly have Sora playable until the last section where you play as everybody. I used to think Kairi could be used for the tutorial but 0.2 killed that idea. Lol Sora is back to lvl 1. He don't got a dang thing besides his Keyblade.
Game is really a looker. Only thing I hate is how grass(and trees?) doesn't move at all in the first and the forest areas like 99% of games these days.

Forest music is so good.

Can't speak for Enchanted Dominion but each world was suppose to have a gimmick. Since Castle of Dreams is heavily reliant on time (Aqua: "But there is no time in this place, only... the clock"), the gimmick for that world was that everything is frozen which is why the fountain and trees don't move.

KH3 does show grass and shit moving but who knows if that'll be the end result when the game ships.


Junior Member
When playing 0.2 I had a thought.

What if kh 3 DOES have multiple playable protagonists and they all have varied combat systems? For example, aqua has her bbs style with spirit link and fast fluid movement, riku could use decks, and sora could have his kh2 style drive forms and MP.

It might confuse some people but I think it would be fantastic. You could cater to all the different fans.

Even if they don't do this I REALLY hope you can play as (at least most of) the Guardians of light

I definitely feel like they're leading up to multiple characters for 3


I wouldn't mind if KH III have playable Sora and Riku. Maybe have a playable section with Kairi too.

Just Sora would be A-ok for me. Anything more than those 3 would be a no (Being able to play as Mickey would be nice, though).
didn't nomura confirm kh3 is sora only?

well, I hope it's sora only.

From what I can find:

---If the story continues from KH3D, then is it possible that we will be able to control not only Sora but other characters such as Riku and Kairi?

Nomura: I can't say the possibility is zero.


Finaland & FFDream: Can we expect a multiplayer cooperative mode with many playables characters in KHIII?

Tetsuya Nomura: The Kingdom Hearts series always had Sora as the main character, so we want to make the most of Sora, playable Sora of course. But again, Kingdom Hearts III is going to be the last chapter of the Kingdom Hearts main numbering title series, so lots of fans actually want to play as their favorite characters in Kingdom Hearts III so we will consider that, we will listen to what fans wants but hopefully we could give you some surprises in the future announcements.


These are like from 2013 though lol. 0.2 having Aqua might be a sign that we will play as others since I think 0.2 was meant to be playable in KH3 originally. I swear there was another quote, I'll look for it.


I'd really rather KH3 be Sora only for the massive majority.

I want SE to really focus on Sora's moveset and variations with Transformations. I want them all to be tightly balanced, with bosses designed around his movesets and the same dodge/block and punish gameplay that KH2FM had.


I finished DDD and I'm not going to lie, I completely enjoyed the turn the story took. I can't help but love it when crazy ass stuff like that goes down. I still have some questions about the time travel shenanigans, but it honestly wasn't as bad as some of you make it out to be. Young Xehanort even laid out the time travel rules.

The scene with Master Xehanort and his new crew is now one of my absolutely favorites in the series. Stuff like that is why I love this series. I experienced so many emotions in such a short amount of time.

The actual gameplay was okay. Flowmotion was obviously broken as hell, but I didn't mind as much because I actually enjoy jumping around and looking all cool. It's kinda hard to hate a feature when you're having fun with it. I do hope it gets tone down in KH3 thought.

Also, Riku needs to be playable in KH3. I will go to Japan and riot in the streets if that doesn't happen. DDD was all about how awesome he is and it's going to be frustrating if we can't play as him again after everything that happened.


God damn it. Aqua phantom fight in boss rush mode is completely kicking my ass. >_>
I feel this is going to take a while.


I finished DDD and I'm not going to lie, I completely enjoyed the turn the story took. I can't help but love it when crazy ass stuff like that goes down. I still have some questions about the time travel shenanigans, but it honestly wasn't as bad as some of you make it out to be. Young Xehanort even laid out the time travel rules.

The scene with Master Xehanort and his new crew is now one of my absolutely favorites in the series. Stuff like that is why I love this series. I experienced so many emotions in such a short amount of time.

The actual gameplay was okay. Flowmotion was obviously broken as hell, but I didn't mind as much because I actually enjoy jumping around and looking all cool. It's kinda hard to hate a feature when you're having fun with it. I do hope it gets tone down in KH3 thought.

Also, Riku needs to be playable in KH3. I will go to Japan and riot in the streets if that doesn't happen. DDD was all about how awesome he is and it's going to be frustrating if we can't play as him again after everything that happened.

I just hate how the Younger models for Sora and Riku were used... like what the hell? I dont wanna play as them but their current selves! Its really jarring at the end...


From what I can find:

These are like from 2013 though lol. 0.2 having Aqua might be a sign that we will play as others since I think 0.2 was meant to be playable in KH3 originally. I swear there was another quote, I'll look for it.

Thanks for finding these. I had another thought. What if you played as sora but you could spirit link to the other characters and (0.2 spoilers)
even do a combined form with like 'wayfinder' with mickey
What is this boss rush mode? Does it unlock after critical mode completion (still going through it)?

Unlocks after you beat the game once. 12 new chests appear over the various worlds. You need to collect them all and then go to the world with the mirrors to start the boss rush mode.


Unlocks after you beat the game once. 12 new chests appear over the various worlds. You need to collect them all and then go to the world with the mirrors to start the boss rush mode.

Ah, I see. Been finding those zodiac pieces, so it's probably that. Will deal with it after final boss.


Really wish I had a pro so I could try out 0.2 at a variable framerate :(
For a short expirience 0.2 has got so much value and milage out of me. I'm even messing around with speedruns, it's such a fun short game. If it weren't in this collection it could easily passoff as a expansion pack for 3. Would be really nice if they did something link that if they can't make
Mickey and Riku finding Aqua in the main game being playable
I think KH3 will mostly have Sora playable until the last section where you play as everybody. I used to think Kairi could be used for the tutorial but 0.2 killed that idea. Lol Sora is back to lvl 1. He don't got a dang thing besides his Keyblade.
If anything I think 0.2 being separate leaves room for them to be able to do that considering it was originally the KH3 intro (or part of it)

With that said though yeah. Her
going off with Axel to train with Merlin probably would be a bit of a hard intro to follow into Sora & Co and do.
God damn it. Aqua phantom fight in boss rush mode is completely kicking my ass. >_>
I feel this is going to take a while.
Took me awhile aswell. Although it doesn't spell it out for you for how to counter her, this video really really helped me to figure out her openings. Spellweaver in particular is amazingly easy to avoid once you get the moves down perfectly. From there it's pretty simple (I beat her in about 2 attempts in critical vs hours of attempts on proud)


Who's the voice of Kairi? It doesn't sound like Hayden at all.

It's not, it's Alyson Stoner, who voiced her in Re:CoM and Xion in Days. Strangely enough, Hayden is in the game, as the voice of
in DDD.

Also, I have a question about the end of 0.2. How does
Mickey know Sora and Riku's names, or that they will help him lock the door? They had never met, Riku was supposed to have the keyblade, not Sora, and not to mention Riku had been evil and possessed for the entire game. There was no way to know that Riku would end up in the world of darkness, or that he would help to close the door. They went far enough to explain where Mickey's shirt had gone, but seemed to contradict themselves here.
It's not, it's Alyson Stoner, who voiced her in Re:CoM and Xion in Days. Strangely enough, Hayden is in the game, as the voice of
in DDD.

Also, I have a question about the end of 0.2. How does
Mickey know Sora and Riku's names, or that they will help him lock the door? They had never met, Riku was supposed to have the keyblade, not Sora, and not to mention Riku had been evil and possessed for the entire game. There was no way to know that Riku would end up in the world of darkness, or that he would help to close the door. They went far enough to explain where Mickey's shirt had gone, but seemed to contradict themselves here.
From memory,
Mickey was stalking them and keeping tabs. He also spoke to Riku when Riku first fell into the realm of darkness (as a voice, much like when's mickey spoke to Sora at the start of KH1).


It's not, it's Alyson Stoner, who voiced her in Re:CoM and Xion in Days. Strangely enough, Hayden is in the game, as the voice of
in DDD.

Also, I have a question about the end of 0.2. How does
Mickey know Sora and Riku's names, or that they will help him lock the door? They had never met, Riku was supposed to have the keyblade, not Sora, and not to mention Riku had been evil and possessed for the entire game. There was no way to know that Riku would end up in the world of darkness, or that he would help to close the door. They went far enough to explain where Mickey's shirt had gone, but seemed to contradict themselves here.

I hope this doesn't mean Hayden won't return to play Kairi in 3 :(


Junior Member
God damn it. Aqua phantom fight in boss rush mode is completely kicking my ass. >_>
I feel this is going to take a while.

Isn't as bad as it seems but it took me hours to figure out. It's a good fight overall but the game has a hard time showing it imo...


I definitely feel like they're leading up to multiple characters for 3

I think i remember reading an official plot breakdown for 3 that says Sora is gonna get the 7 Princess while Riku is off getting the BBS trio for the final showdown. Sounds like a dual protagonist game to me.


Anyone have tips for beating Demon Tide in critical mode? I can't seem to even get close to pulling it off. :(
When I played DDD on 3DS years ago I thought the enviroments were huge. But now playing it on a big screen, they are smaller than I remember.


I think i remember reading an official plot breakdown for 3 that says Sora is gonna get the 7 Princess while Riku is off getting the BBS trio for the final showdown. Sounds like a dual protagonist game to me.


that would be weird considering that they more strongly allude to sora finding them, the first kh3 trailer, parts of DDD in the mysterious tower, and they even had it in the 0.2 intro. Plus whoever found them would have to have eraqus' keyblade


Finally finished Critical. Woot! I missed the objectives related to beating bosses with certain abilities and beating bosses with no damage, but I don't think I'm going to do them since trying to do them got really annoying and I like this game too much to risk hating it. So I'm done with this. I'll watch Chi later and then go back to hyping up KH3
2020 Woohoo!


that would be weird considering that they more strongly allude to sora finding them, the first kh3 trailer, parts of DDD in the mysterious tower, and they even had it in the 0.2 intro. Plus whoever found them would have to have eraqus' keyblade

.2 Ending Spoilers

At the end of .2 Riku and Mickey go off to rescue Aqua from the Dark Realm. It follows that they would probably then help Aqua wake up Ventus. And I think they're counting Terra out considering they brought in Kairi. The 7 lights are as far as I understand it are:

Lea/Axel (Still not sure what we're supposed to call him)

I'm not sure what the importance of Sora picking up master Eraqus's keyblade, though it also doesn't make sense to me why Aqua wouldn't have it either. Did I miss her losing it at the end of .2? I'm also unsure of why Sora is the one that is reaching for Aqua in the .2 intro. I'm not sure what you're referring to for DDD. So I guess there's some stuff that's off.
I still think that Riku rescuing the BBS people that can be saved and Sora rescuing the princesses of heart makes more sense to me.


Finally finished Critical. Woot! I missed the objectives related to beating bosses with certain abilities and beating bosses with no damage, but I don't think I'm going to do them since trying to do them got really annoying and I like this game too much to risk hating it.

Just use shotlocks and magic and it shouldn't take too long. I don't care for objectives, but made sure to get those ones, lol.



They should fix mickey mouses mouth. It looks like he as a tiny mouth. They need to make his mouth crease higher.




.2 Ending Spoilers

At the end of .2 Riku and Mickey go off to rescue Aqua from the Dark Realm. It follows that they would probably then help Aqua wake up Ventus. And I think they're counting Terra out considering they brought in Kairi. The 7 lights are as far as I understand it are:

Lea/Axel (Still not sure what we're supposed to call him)

I'm not sure what the importance of Sora picking up master Eraqus's keyblade, though it also doesn't make sense to me why Aqua wouldn't have it either. Did I miss her losing it at the end of .2? I'm also unsure of why Sora is the one that is reaching for Aqua in the .2 intro. I'm not sure what you're referring to for DDD. So I guess there's some stuff that's off.
I still think that Riku rescuing the BBS people that can be saved and Sora rescuing the princesses of heart makes more sense to me.

0.2 and bbs spoilers

Yeah I reached the ending it just personally makes more sense to me personally and had more references pointing in that direction but then again they had both in the same game so I'm not sure which route they'll take. And for DDD I was referring to the same line referenced in the kh3 trailer "i am who I am because of them"

Edit: i was confused, I was actually referring to the bbs secret ending. But seriously, watch that and tell me that isn't his duty

Also back cover spoilers
I knew I recognized that keyblade! Xehanort seems even more menacing now. But if he's also the OG, what is his endgame? And what's in the box!? And there's 7 masters as well...any significance?

Does 0.2 have a secret ending?


So I just watched Back Cover.

That was pretty but it was also very confusing. So Xehanort has his own master plan from long before BBS, but the Master of Masters has an even more Master plan that supercedes that and goes back even further? Or is it the same as Xehanorts plan, since Xehanort is apparently somewhere down in the chain of his apprentices. Or was that just a trick because apparently the Master can see everything that the guy with that keyblade can do, so the keyblade was passed on to him to watch him. I'm guessing the true X blade is in the box, as it says X super on it, and you need the 7 seekers of light and the 13 darknesses in order to unlock it (it looks like it has 20 locks).
I don't understand how there is a traitor though. None of them actually seemed like traitors. But there has to be right?
Also, who the hell is the Master in the first place? He reminds me of Axel.

Does 0.2 have a secret ending?

I don't think so.

Just use shotlocks and magic and it shouldn't take too long. I don't care for objectives, but made sure to get those ones, lol.

I think I might go back and do another beginner run eventually where I do those. I was trying to do the demon tower objective with the spell weaver, but after three tries where I screwed it up I decided it wasn't worth it considering that critical actually takes me a good amount of effort in its own right since I'm not very good at this game, as my constant complaining in this thread should be evidence of. :p


So I just watched Back Cover.

That was pretty but it was also very confusing. So Xehanort has his own master plan from long before BBS, but the Master of Masters has an even more Master plan that supercedes that and goes back even further? Or is it the same as Xehanorts plan, since Xehanort is apparently somewhere down in the chain of his apprentices. Or was that just a trick because apparently the Master can see everything that the guy with that keyblade can do, so the keyblade was passed on to him to watch him. I'm guessing the true X blade is in the box, as it says X super on it, and you need the 7 seekers of light and the 13 darknesses in order to unlock it (it looks like it has 20 locks).
I don't understand how there is a traitor though. None of them actually seemed like traitors. But there has to be right?
Also, who the hell is the Master in the first place? He reminds me of Axel.

I don't think so.
I didn't realize that it had 20 locks. That's very intriguing. My understanding is there wws no traitor, it was a device manufactured my the master to create a schism,and eventually the key blade war. Whatever his endgame is, it appears to have a conclusion in a predestination / free will confrontation

After rewatching the bbs and ddd secret endings
it definitely makes sense that someone would go protect the princesses of heart. The x blade is currently separated into their hearts.

0.2 spoilers
and riku and mickey are going after aqua while sora must master the power of awakening - meaning at least ventus.


Missed your edit:

0.2 and DDD spoilers

Yeah I reached the ending it just personally makes more sense to me personally and had more references pointing in that direction but then again they had both in the same game so I'm not sure which route they'll take. And for DDD I was referring to the same line referenced in the kh3 trailer "i am who I am because of them"

Edit: i was confused, I was actually referring to the bbs secret ending. But seriously, watch that and tell me that isn't his duty

After thinking about it more, I think you're right in that it may end up being more complicated than just a simple division of labor between Sora and Riku. I think the original plan was to have Sora do it, but because he not only failed the mark of mastery and didn't get the waking power, but also ending up losing all the power he had gained up to that point, his involvement with rescuing them was put on hold while Riku went ahead with it in rescuing Aqua. So I think its going to end up being more complicated with Riku being the one to rescue Aqua, but Sora having more involvement later on. Also, Sora probably isn't going to be the one to get all 7 princesses of heart, because I think that might end up being kind of boring if they repeat all of the worlds with princesses of heart. I think they're going to replace some of them, such as Alice, but also probably keep some because you can't lose Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, or Aurora. So Riku or maybe the Axel or Kairi will do the repeats. I wonder if Kairi still counts in that as well.

I didn't realize that it had 20 locks. That's very intriguing. My understanding is there wws no traitor, it was a device manufactured my the master to create a schism,and eventually the key blade war. Whatever his endgame is, it appears to have a conclusion in a predestination / free will confrontation

Never mind on that. I screwed that up. There are 13 dark locks. And 2 what looked like light locks to me that I thought repeated but I think its just a design because of the bottom of the chest has it to. Also I'm assuming they're locks, though I suppose it could entirely be just a design.


Back has no locks:

Other side and front:
Top Bottom