I'm...not sure honestly. From the wording of it, it's 4x the cost of everything, but it could just be four cost unlocks.
Perhaps someone who has it can confirm?
4 cost unlocks
I'm...not sure honestly. From the wording of it, it's 4x the cost of everything, but it could just be four cost unlocks.
Perhaps someone who has it can confirm?
Does owning the premium outfits quadruple your keyblade cost? Or does it just have an extra 4 cost slots.
4 cost unlocks
Thanks, you two. I guess a flat 2x increase to everything would be a bit too much, haha.Extra 4 cost slots. I can take a screenshot of one of the costume boards if you'd like?
I finally upgraded the Goofy Version B I have to 5*, but what's that purple symbol?
they took away half AP from specials
at least i farmed almost 2 million munny while under half ap today
Thanks, you two. I guess a flat 2x increase to everything would be a bit too much, haha.
And yes, a picture would be great Caim, if you don't mind. You also get Cid medal/unlocks with it too, right? I can use them on my 6* Cloud to bring his cost down?
Yeah you get a couple of Cid medals and some Chip/Dale too.
The 500 ones are 3 cost, avatar, 5 cids, 3x (chip dale duckling), moogle
The 1000 ones are 3 cost, 3 avatar, 5 cids, 2x (chip dale), 3 ducklings, moogle
The 1500 ones are 4 cost, 3 avatar, 5 cids, 2x (chip dale), moogle
You get more or less the same amount of stuff, but the cheaper ones are padded with ducklings for 19 spots total vs 17 on the 1500s
If you don't care about the avatars themselves 500 is a better deal than 1000 (lol)
I joined the fox team. Was that a mistake? Can android and ios play together?
Damnit. Have some medals I need from today's specials to evolve some medals but still missing Yen Sid. Have to wait till saturday D:
This game keeps giving me KH II Clouds. I already have enough for a maxed out 6*
Vulpes won last week's ranking, but most of GAF is on Unicornis.
I have a party for Vulpes gaffers, though, so if you leave your ID# I can send you an invite. It's very small at the moment, however.
Alternatively you could join the filthy unicorns at the cost of 100 gems =p
Edit: Oh and for the last question, yeah.
Just started but I can't for the life of me figure out to to equip the new avatar board clothes I got from leveling up. They aren't showing up on the avatar editor screen
Did you spend the avatar coins on the board to unlock them? After you do that they will show up in your outfit list.
Oh so I have to fill up the full board first? Thanks!
You can get Fairy Godmothers and Yen Sids from mission 174.
In fact, farming Fairy Godmothers I actually have a surplus of Yen Sids which I have to sell off.
Thanks. I will probably switch over if everyone is there. I'm a bit confused about medals and leveling them up and max skilling them. Is there a more in depth guide out there?
Which part of the mission is supposed to drop those? The boss? Or is there a chest?
Did today's 600 crystal pull and got Aerith (yay) and two more different Sora speed medals. Need to figure out which one of those 3 is the best one. I think they are Sora A version, Sora B version and Sora Limit Form.
I have all these 1* evolve medals but it doesn't seem worth it to evolve a 1*. Should I get rid of them or am I wrong in the worth of a 1*
It's not that complex when you break it down, kind of. It'd probably be better to have pictures, but I'll throw something together here. There's probably something better out there, though.
Technical edit: In retrospect... It looks damn complex when you break it down, but it's really not that bad I swear! Sorry for the length of this @_@
Thanks for this - it definitely helps! A few points of clarification needed...
1) For special attack boosting, given that I'm still early on (mission 25), I should avoid evolving my 3* medals until I've fused 2~3* medals to get a 3* with a dot?
2) If you pull a medal that's 4*+, is there any reason to NOT evolve it right away? I'm assuming you'll need to get lucky to pull another 4*+ medal to start getting these dots on there.
3) Guilt is confusing. It sounds like special attack boosting, but it's being sold as a different system entirely?
4) So skills can be moved to the parent medal from the fodder if the fodder has a skill on it? Do you need to have a slot or something in order to transfer skills to the parent medal (so can a parent medal without a skill always earn a skill from a fodder medal)?
5) Boost medals sound like +eggs from PAD. Is this correct?
I'm contemplating buying the Alice costume/avatar because I <3 Alice. Can I eventually earn this or is it something I need to purchase to access?
Also, as someone who pretty much ONLY plays mobile/portable games, I have no remorse for spending a little money on them (people who know my history with PAD can attest to this). I was looking at the options I have...I can buy the 3000 gems w/access to all the special stages (for a week), or I can buy gems for a similar price with some free ticket of sorts. What are those tickets? And is having access to all the special stages (early on) even worth that cost of entry?
The 500 ones are 3 cost, avatar, 5 cids, 3x (chip dale duckling), moogle
The 1000 ones are 3 cost, 3 avatar, 5 cids, 2x (chip dale), 3 ducklings, moogle
The 1500 ones are 4 cost, 3 avatar, 5 cids, 2x (chip dale), moogle
You get more or less the same amount of stuff, but the cheaper ones are padded with ducklings for 19 spots total vs 17 on the 1500s
If you don't care about the avatars themselves 500 is a better deal than 1000 (lol)
I have the most adorable keyblade warrior in the land.
Do stat unlocks on the male and female versions on the avatar board count? I've been focusing exclusively on male.
EDIT: omg they do count! I've been short changing my stats for so long!!
Wait, so it's beneficial to unlock ALL the stats on ALL the avatars?
Wait, so it's beneficial to unlock ALL the stats on ALL the avatars?
I asked earlier and someone told me its easy to switch back and forth, but I played for a bit on a second device and now it acts like my 1st device has never played the game before.I gotta ask can I play between my phone and bluestacks back and forth with my saves as long as i have it synced up to facebook?
I asked earlier and someone told me its easy to switch back and forth, but I played for a bit on a second device and now it acts like my 1st device has never played the game before.
The simplest way to think about this is, evolving a 3* to a 4* is already a moderate pain in the ass. 4* to 5* and 5* to 6* are giant pains in the ass and should be done as few times as possible.
Here's the cheat sheet from page 39
And the result (see the pips going from 2 to 5 at bottom right corner)
Of course, this applies only to farmable medals, not gacha ones.
Gacha ones, best practice would be how lucky you get and even then the situation can change depending on dupes with future pulls.
3) Guilt is indeed just additional multiplier for special attack. I guess the game needed a more concrete way to separate the rarity of medals into 3 tiers considering all medals can go up to 6* with patience
4) Skills CAN be moved, but it's a low percentage chance and should be avoided if at all possible. There are special medals (Scrooge) that apply a skill directly to a medal with 100% chance.
Thanks guys - I'll start spending some Avatar Coins.
So I'm confused on the whole party and union system.
- When I select a mission, I see a bunch of Donald medals to select, but once in a while I see a better/stronger medal. What determines that? Is there a traditional "friend's list" like in most other mobile games?
- What is the purpose of a party and a union? I'm more than happy to switch unions if it means I'll gain some benefits.
Thanks guys - I'll start spending some Avatar Coins.
So I'm confused on the whole party and union system.
- When I select a mission, I see a bunch of Donald medals to select, but once in a while I see a better/stronger medal. What determines that? Is there a traditional "friend's list" like in most other mobile games?
- What is the purpose of a party and a union? I'm more than happy to switch unions if it means I'll gain some benefits.
Huh - alright. Time to get in a good party. Who has some openings? :3
Finally got 3000 jewels so I should pull the 5* garunteed pull ya?