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Kingdom Under Fire - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

8.0 Presentation
Cinematic cut-scenes aid the story, but there's little that endears you to the world or its history.
8.5 Graphics
Tons of detailed characters on screen at once, but there are some slowdown issues. Animations are a bit limited, but the effects are sweet.
7.0 Sound
The music is good, but the voices are pretty much bad from start to finish. I'd always assumed the voices were placeholder, but no, those weak lines are being said by professional actors.
8.0 Gameplay
Solid ideas and the up-close action is great. The strategy elements are wisely devised, but control is an issue and the camera can be a real pain -- it can even cost you victory.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
Head-to-head online is a nice touch, but doesn't add as much as it would seem. Play through as four characters and survive will take a good chunk of time, easily 30 hours. Will you last that long?
(out of 10 / not an average)

"Kingdom Under Fire has certain elements that almost any gamer can love (I'm talking about the fantastic combat) and some stuff that is geared more towards the hardcore (the RTS elements). These two offerings are blended together, but it's still more of a niche hardcore game than something a casual gamers can pick up and play. The learning curve is a little steep, especially when you get thrown into the fray later in the game and everything happens very quickly. Missions become a bit too trial and error and it does seem that it's far easier to do things in the order the developer designed them than to try and think outside the box and come up with your own strategies.

The online component is fun, but the set-up is a little lousy as you have to exit out of a game to change maps. Why isn't there some version of Capture the Flag or any mode other than simple head-to-head combat?

Overall, Kingdom Under Fire is a good game, a fun game, but also a frustrating game. The RTS implementation isn't as good as it could be, with a pesky camera and average control. It's the combat that really shines and the sheer magnitude of some battles. I love the creature design and how environments and the sun affect combat. It's an interesting mix of thinking man's game and button-masher, I just wish the thinking man part of the game was a bit more console-friendly.

A good buy if you like Dynasty Warriors, but it's got some problems, so beware. "


And even i am moderately surprised
"The music is good, but the voices are pretty much bad from start to finish. I'd always assumed the voices were placeholder, but no, those weak lines are being said by professional actors. "

eh? i thought the voice acting was way better than in most games. It wasn't movie standard or anything, but it's not -that- bad.
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