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Kingdom Under Fire: Sleeper GOTY?? 10 minute Xbox LIVE demo video!! Hype Starts NOW


My jaw hit the floor as I watched this 10 minute Live demo video. I am shocked. I am awed. I'm fucking HYPED for this game, it is fucking insane, it's the best looking RTS I've ever seen, and it's a fucking console game. The game is part hack and slash, holy crap you HAVE to see this video.

The video shows a few teams fighting each other and even does a picture in picture thing in parts of the game to see different sides point of view. You have to see this video!!! Why hasnt Blimblim promoted this thing?!?!

I read in a few previews that Kingdom Under Fire plays a lot like Dynasty Warriors...which I thought was very repetitive hack & slash. I was hoping it would play more like Final Fantasy Tactics or something along those lines...
Gerber said:
I could have predicted that reply, I swear.

what's that supposed to mean? The Game looks gorgeous in screenshots.
I'm not into the whole feudal Japan setting. If I wanted a RTS I'd probably get Rome total War.
seismologist said:
what's that supposed to mean? The Game looks gorgeous in screenshots.
I'm not into the whole feudal Japan setting. If I wanted a RTS I'd probably get Rome total War.

feudal japan setting?

Ghost of Bill Gates said:
I read in a few previews that Kingdom Under Fire plays a lot like Dynasty Warriors...which I thought was very repetitive hack & slash. I was hoping it would play more like Final Fantasy Tactics or something along those lines...

did u even watch the replay?

you do alot more than just hack and slash with one character...

Imo its like Warcraft 3 Kinda but in 3rd person. (minus building buildings and units)



The units upgrade as they gain experience fighting. You guys should really watch the video before commenting. :D
Ugh, I downloaded the entire thing thinking it was the Robin Hood game. That audio sounds like it'll get really annoying really fast.

Plus watching it just made me realize more how badly I want to be in a game like that where you fully control just one guy and play online with hundreds of others :(


Its like a RTS only fun judging from the video. I knew nothing about this game now I need to go preorder it. Thats what I would expect a next generation version of Dragon Force to look like.


240 kbps. God bless BitTorrent.

Important (2): Please do not link directly to the .torrent file. The autoseeder can't work correctly if you do so. Please link to this page, or even better to the news announcing that video !
Sure, sure...


Well I'm damn impressed by that video. I'm going to find out a few more details about the multiplayer (can you 2vs2?) but I'm very close to buying it.


The Inside Track
Socreges said:
Sure, sure...
Well actually I'm not using that awful autoseeding system anymore, but since I can't seed more than 50 torrent at a time after a couple of weeks I have to stop providing the torrent for the old files on xboxyde. So if you link directly to the .torrent file some people will get 404 errors when going to old threads (and yes it happens more often that you would think).
And of course if you just link to the torrent file it's not registered as a visitor. There is no advertising on xboxyde but getting more visitors helps me get more supports from publishers.


Hm, looks interesting, if not a little empty. I understand that the game needs open spaces because of how it operates, but are there better maps?

Still something I'd definitely like to check out.
And of course if you just link to the torrent file it's not registered as a visitor. There is no advertising on xboxyde but getting more visitors helps me get more supports from publishers.
I know. Wouldn't that be the real reason?

At any rate, thanks. Don't want to seem ungrateful.


The Inside Track
Socreges said:
I know. Wouldn't that be the real reason?

At any rate, thanks. Don't want to seem ungrateful.
Both reasons are valid. About I get about 200-300 daily referers for old content, some from search engines but lots are from forums like here. If people get a 404 error because it's a direct link to the torrent file then it's a loss for me, and a loss for the guy who wanted to see that video.
Anyway, who cares ? ;)


force push the doodoo rock
fuck fable, this is the game xbots should be looking forward to most next month.

this is gonna finally make me go out and fix my xbox.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I agree with sp0rks, I've been wanting this game since seeing a preview in Edge a few months back. It looks great.
I really HATE that this game has been pushed back twice! Now it comes out the same day as Star Wars DVD boxset and Star Wars Battlefield (9-21-04). My budget really didn't need that this month. But form what I've heard about the game it's awesome. It's been over two freaking years since I heard about this game, and I can't take the wait anymore. I reallyl don't understand why this game isn't getting more advertising? I have yet to see one print ad for it. I know M$ is putting all their eggs in the Halo2 basket, but this game looks like it'll be awesome in both single player and XBL. This game is my most anticipated console title of the year (even more so than Metroid Prime 2 and Halo2).


The upgrades and job paths look great, it should give players plenty of options in how to approach their battles. However fighting them with your leader isn't as fun as it could be, I found flanking them with archers was more interesting.

The terrain advantages/bonues are really cool too. Nothing like ambushing your enemy with the sun behind your back so their archers have less accuracy. Looking forward to it on Xbox Live, but I'd prefer an online co-op option.


the video was way too confusing, but earlier single player vids already sold me...great presentation, art and overall ass kicking factor is high, ill definitely get this.

Musashi Wins!

This game suddenly went to 11/15 in the computer tonight, even though the website (Gamestop) is still showing 9/21 along with ebGames. Anyone have any info?!?!


Musashi Wins! said:
This game suddenly went to 11/15 in the computer tonight, even though the website (Gamestop) is still showing 9/21 along with ebGames. Anyone have any info?!?!

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it got delayed until October. With Fable coming on the 15, I find it hard to believe Microsoft would release KUF less than a week later. I think November would spell death for it too, though, so... October, or maybe even after Christmas, maybe.

Seth C

I'm pretty much completely disappointed with this game. The upgrades system is mostly useless. I've only finished the first character's story, but if the others are the same length I'm going to be VERY disappointed. It was so short that by the time you felt leveled up and powerful, the character's game was over. Time to start the next character and do it all over again. The way the level/equipment ratio is setup is completely stupid. For example, say you level to 20. Think you can still buy lower level equipment? Nope! Can't afford current level equipment? Too bad, you can't buy the lower level stuff anymore. This is complicated even further by the fact that you get experience points at a MUCH faster rate than you do gold. So, the only solution is to let all kinds of experience points sit there and build up, and then have them go to waste because the character's game ended abruptly after 10 levels. Oh well. I had high hopes for this one.
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