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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king


A lot of shows are selling out, huh? Seems like there is much more anticipation for Kingsglaive and FF XV in the west than there is in Japan (based on comments about theaters being half-full there).


I watched first 12 minutes IGN showed of Kings.... All I can say is WOW... just WOW.

Just watched it myself. I have to say, it seems like it will be an extremely fun watch, especially for all the big action sequences.

Based on that 12 minute intro, I didn't have a hard time following the action. Perhaps it gets harder later on.

The voice acting is tolerable enough, even if it's not up to movie quality. I can see the lip-sync issues, but the visuals are so good and the scenes are well realized that it doesn't detract too much.

Based on this sequence I have a feeling that I will like it more than Spirits Within and Advent Children.


A lot of shows are selling out, huh? Seems like there is much more anticipation for Kingsglaive and FF XV in the west than there is in Japan (based on comments about theaters being half-full there).

There's only one showing a day. Of course it's gonna fill up.
Just got out of seeing it with my daughter and we both really liked it. Not in a "liked it for what it is" way, either. Yes, it's largely (entirely) a lead in for the game, and yes the middle isn't paced great, but the opening and back third are pure fan service spectacle, and I mean that lovingly. I'm glad we trekked out 90 minutes away to see it.
I guess I'll post my quick thoughts in this thread, too. I don't feel like giving a detailed write-up at the moment.

I got back from my showing earlier. I went in expecting a FFXV prologue and that's generally what I got. I don't think it's great, but I don't think it's bad either, so it's basically middle of the road for me. I think it's a little better than Advent Children, but I don't have a high opinion of Advent Children to begin with. Granted I think Kingsglaive has less memorable action scenes than Advent Children.


Tragic victim of fan death
So here's my full write up.

The movie's premise starts out great and honestly I have no problems with the 5 minute intro detailing the world with Luna's narration at all. In fact I think it's a good way to intro what the fuck is going on. That being said I think some of the things they try to create in the intro just fall flat.

The main plot of the whole movie is weak. Extremely weak. In fact, I would say it's pretty much non-existent. The movie tries so hard to instill that this is a story about fighting for the future when in reality, nothing happens. The conflict that's introduced in the narrative isn't even the main plot even though they spend forever divulging the world suffering because of it. What ultimately happens is Nyx going on a fighting rampage because of a random mcguffin that isn't even explained upon. I understand that they're trying to make this a precursor to the game and a lot of the things will be revealed there but there is NO excuse on why this movie has no plot. None at all. It's literally a thrill ride.

All the characters are pretty much hot garbage outside of maybe Luna. They try really hard to make the audience care about the characters when there is no time built upon it. There is literally no emotion in the movie for me. Even the ending was "well... I guess that happened."

Having said all these things I do believe that this movie makes me really excited for the game. The lore and the premise of why things are happening is super interesting and I'm glad that they made this movie because for all intents and purposes it's pretty much a glorified cutscene of a war that simply couldn't have been shown on XV's in-game engine. There is a sense of desolation and grittiness that happens in the movie that ultimately enhances the experience of FFXV, at least that is my hope. Unfortunately these are all plot threads that are unresolved and left hanging and works towards the movie's detriment.

In the grand scheme of things, I think Kingsglaive will be remembered upon as a great exposition to FFXV and be an additive experience. Perhaps an essential one. Sadly, it's a shit movie. Advent Children was better than this hot garbage.

Also, the music was dope.

Ravus sucks.


Okay, here's my thoughts:

Nyx: I love this character. He was a complete bad-ass and was one of the only few who stayed loyal to Regis despite his past and his 'status'. I love how he essentially gave the Kings of Lucis the middle finger when they asked him if he wanted power. He even called them out on their BS of not helping save the kingdom. And boy, did he use their power like a champ. I really hope that this isn’t the end of him as I would love to see him in the game in some form. Aaron Paul was excellent.

Luna: She was too much of a princess in distress during the story but you can see her fierce will behind her façade. I don’t think the movie did her justice though. She is supposed to be this famed Oracle but none of her powers were explored or even mentioned. Lena Hedley did an excellent job though. Her jump from the airship and not fearing death hopefully foreshadow her toughness in game.

Regis: As expected, Sean Bean nailed it. Great character very clearly pained by the years of using his power to protect Lucis.

Libertus: As a character, I liked his arc (hobbled drug addict who make a foolish mistake in his grief and ends up redeeming himself, despite essentially plotting against his king). I wonder if we visit Galhd in the game and meet him. I do have to comment that there was a strange disconnect between his voice and his model. They just did not match. Lip syncing seemed weird for him as well. Not as bad as…

Crowe: I was disappointed with what they did with her. She was portrayed as a real powerful magic user but then gets killed rather abruptly and seemingly with ease. The scene where they find her body and then seeing her in the morgue were very powerful (and disturbing) however. She, like Libertus, had a very weird disconnect with her voice. Her lip syncing seemed to be the worst in the movie.

Drautos: Did not see the twist coming but I liked it. It shows how powerful Niflehiem was in planting a mole so deep in Lucis’ court. As Glaucos, he was insanely powerful and a real threat you knew would wreck anything in his way.

Iedolas: What a smug, smug bastard. This F. Murray Abraham look-alike so deserves the probable betrayal coming to him. Very cold and calculating. Very effective.

Arydn: We already know a lot of him from the game but he is certainly a slippery character with a flair of the dramatic. Kuja vibes.

Visually, the movie is a masterpiece. Just wow. Better pacing and editing would have helped though, as Noctis previously said. Aurally, it was magnificent. I loved hearing the classic FF songs in the movie!

Story wise, I disagree with Kayos when he says nothing happens. The movie shows not just what happened to cause the fall of Insomnia (and boy was there quite a lot of treachery), but also shows another side to the war between Lucis and Niflhiem that we never thought of. We see that people are tired of fighting but not willing to accept a suspicious peace. We learn that refugees are treated poorly in the capital and even when they are recruited into the ‘secret service’ for the king, they still do not get respect. I liked how Nyx called everyone out for their bullshit excuses of blaming Lucis for their problems when it was CLEARLY Niflheim’s fault they lost their homes. Nyx seemed to be one of the few to understand who the true enemy was and he gave it his all to stop them.

Overall, as a FF movie, a solid 9/10 from me. As a standalone movie, probably a 7.


I really, really enjoyed this movie and it has me super excited for the game. Tabata was right about Luna it's very clear that she
is going to be the one that is helping Noctis, not the other way around

I felt like Nyx is what they were going for with Snow in FF XIII only this time it actually worked out. I thought he was a solid main character and I'm kinda of bummed they said he wouldn't be in the game.

Ideolas is a dick and I'm sure he is going to get screwed over by
and I can't wait

Ardyn is seriously a mess, I really hope he is the main antagonist.

was complete trash and I didn't think he had much character development at all. I really hope he's not a main antagonist in the game because his motivations are shit

Finally seeing the scene during
the treaty signing where the Nifls pull out their guns
was really satisfying and tense.

I also enjoyed the
Somnus scene but I was confused was that Leviathan in that tank?

I did feel that several of the characters were seriously underdeveloped
Clarus and Crowe specifically
and it was really sad to
see Regis get murdered

Did anyone else notice that the symbol they Glaives wore have a striking resemblance to
the character that we see in Chapter 0 of the main game? Whatever that devilish looking thing represents is what I think the party is fighting in Chapter 0
It has me super excited for the main game and it gives me hope the main game will be good. Just have to make it three more months!


Crowe was fucking wasted in the entire film. She has the best design in the entire FFXV "Universe" project, and they didn't even let her have a good fight scene. It's really daft.


Crowe was fucking wasted in the entire film. She has the best design in the entire FFXV "Universe" project, and they didn't even let her have a good fight scene. It's really daft.

Or a good
death scene or a death scene at all really

Ran rp

Ideolas is a dick and I'm sure he is going to get screwed over by
and I can't wait

Ardyn is seriously a mess, I really hope he is the main antagonist.

Finally seeing the scene during
the treaty signing where the Nifls pull out their guns
was really satisfying and tense.

I also enjoyed the
Somnus scene but I was confused was that Leviathan in that tank?

I feel like I should watch it now just for these scenes.


that puzzling face
Crowe was fucking wasted in the entire film. She has the best design in the entire FFXV "Universe" project, and they didn't even let her have a good fight scene. It's really daft.

got to pull her hood off while shouting "Nooo" though.

That has to count for something, right :(


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Crowe surprised me in a good way.
You don't get to be a main character just because you have a cool design >:)
Crowe was fucking wasted in the entire film. She has the best design in the entire FFXV "Universe" project, and they didn't even let her have a good fight scene. It's really daft.

I was not a fan
of her general acting, but she still seemed like a character with decent potential. That IMDB leak that said she would be in the game set my expectations way off track. I mean... she still could be... in a flashback.


Crowe was fucking wasted in the entire film. She has the best design in the entire FFXV "Universe" project, and they didn't even let her have a good fight scene. It's really daft.

Well, shit.


Nononono, they're talking about
the evening gala at the hotel, when Nyx and Luna are talking. There's a fish tank with that old Etro painting by Amano inside and there are two serpentine fishes that look like mini-Leviathans.

And Re: Crowe,
considering the first-ever glimpse of her as a character was her standing there holding her motorcycle helmet in the first trailer, I was hoping that we'd at least get a chase sequence for her to have her own setpiece before she kicked the bucket. :\

AND with regards to Luna,
when Regis was talking about how what was stolen wasn't a trinket but had its own will, I was hoping for Luna to bust herself out of that room and take out those soldiers and start kicking some ass! But nope, the usual demure vagueness-talking JRPG female protagonist lady.
If anyone's in the L.A. area (specifically around Beverly Hills) and wants to see this movie Friday night for free at the Laemmle, which is currently sold out, let me know. I bought two tickets for it but had to move to a later date and the tickets are non-refundable. Just PM me and I'll send you the e-tix

Dang I just read this now and my wife and I really wanted to see it
Speaking of ...

Luna and Libertus were just like

"Hey, we should go."

Nah bro
. Gotta do my thang."

"Oh ok.
. I'm just gonna
sit here an' be sad :(

*To herself*
"Time to get my refugee cardio on, screw cars. Not gonna worry about walking in this auspicious dress. I'm sure nobody will recognize me even though like a million people saw my ass on tv."


Neo Member
Just finished watching this at san francisco.

First 20-ish minutes? The camera was all over the place. I WANTED to enjoy the eye candy which was there, but hot damn it would cut under 5 seconds at a time.

I'm no movie expert but the screenplay seems to be made by someone who just had to show every damn angle of anything happening in the story.

It's a lil better when you get to learn about the characters and who they are in the middle of the film when there is no fighting. (I actually had expectations to just watch nonstop action but i enjoyed what character development was made)

Lets see. Characters.
The good is i liked king regis, luna, nyx, crow, that nifelheim king and sometimes that fatguy thats buddies with nyx and crow( sometimes ).

I did not like two villains. Ill let whoever watched this in theatres guess.

This one took too long to die and just kept talking


And the other tries too hard to look cool and almost did. But, makes pointless comments that the movie has to cut to him. Wtf.

i enjoyed the cg and the movie altogether but boy is it not well put together. Just pretty looking and has a cast that had more potential.

Again there are many parts of the fighting where i knew what generally happens like the blinking, but the screen was so clusterfucked with the details. Longer cuts in the fighting and/or zoom out please. Jesus christ.

Edit: the word i was looking for was storyboarding! XD thx duckroll. Im on review blackout atm but are reviews really saying editing? lol


It's a bummer to see a lot of reviews mentioning bad editing. I felt the editing was off in that 12 minute preview IGN put up as well.

That's a shame because if the editing is well done, a simple/facile story doesn't really matter. Especially if the visuals are really nice, which they seem to be.


When we're talking about an animated feature, what most people think are editing problems are actually storyboarding and direction problems. Animation isn't made like film is. You don't shoot stuff from a bunch of different cameras to have a selection of takes before editing into a complete scene later. With animation you make exactly what you want. The editing mostly boils down to timing of scenes and sometimes changing the order of scenes later on. When an action sequence in an animated production looks poorly edited, it's usually because it was poorly storyboarded and if that went into production without anyone correcting it, that falls on the director.


Visually and narratively incomprehensible for large portions of the film. Sorry to say it, but Square-Enix simply does not have the talent to pull off what major western CG Studios can do, despite their (uneven) visual prowess.

I can just imagine the director being massively confused as our audience broke out in unintended laughter at
Nyx just walking past three set of royal guards, and then breaking out in a sappy monologue about his dead sister (who fucking cares?) in the middle of an active battle.
The battles were marred by horrendous storyboarding and composition, the plot dragged down by characters I wanted to murder (Libertus or whatever), and the uncanny valley hit *real* hard in this one, for some reason.

Still had a decent time, thanks to the theater crowd in Beverly Hills. But watching it at home? No thanks.


Now for the REAL QUESTION:

Kingsglaive vs MoS : Which city suffered more damage from the ones trying to protect it lol

I agree with Arydn: Such a waste.


Crystal Bearer
Visually and narratively incomprehensible for large portions of the film. Sorry to say it, but Square-Enix simply does not have the talent to pull off what major western CG Studios can do, despite their (uneven) visual prowess.

I can just imagine the director being massively confused as our audience broke out in unintended laughter at
Nyx just walking past three set of royal guards, and then breaking out in a sappy monologue about his dead sister (who fucking cares?) in the middle of an active battle.
The battles were marred by horrendous storyboarding and composition, the plot dragged down by characters I wanted to murder (Libertus or whatever), and the uncanny valley hit *real* hard in this one, for some reason.

Still had a decent time, thanks to the theater crowd in Beverly Hills. But watching it at home? No thanks.
This is brutal coming from you, Feep. I really need to see this film.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
It seems anything branded Final Fantasy is automattically doomed to be overly criticized here. It's hard being a fan of this series nowdays :(
It seems anything branded Final Fantasy is automattically doomed to be overly criticized here. It's hard being a fan of this series nowdays :(

Welcome to the fandom of pretty much anything... anywhere, Perfo.
Pretty much three options: argue with people with differing opinions, roll with it, or walk away from the internet. ;)
It seems anything branded Final Fantasy is automattically doomed to be overly criticized here. It's hard being a fan of this series nowdays :(

Dude... come on.

Feep is 100% on point about
the sister thing.
It comes completely at the worst times and for no reason at all. Hell,
Luna and Nyx are trying to fucking hide from getting torn to pieces by a machine gun and bug monsters and he decides to boo hoo about that while taking the hairpin that they just realized was a tracking device FFS. They had only precious seconds to think of a way out of there and they wasted it on that stuff.

It would be like if the scene where (SW spoilers):
Aki told Gray about where the spirits she gathered came from was put after the city escape car chase scene - right after establishing that Bryan got pinned in the vehicle and the group had to get the fuck out of there, fast.
Not. The. Time.

Kingsglaive is a movie where characters do everything short of stopping the flow of time to have a monologue. They do this way too often.

.... oh wait that actually does happen for real.

The climax
stops and goes and stops and goes and stops and goes like 4-5 times before it finally ends because of bad, inappropriately placed dialogue getting in the way.
This movie is not very well written or paced, nor well acted (mostly) at all.


This movie is not very well written or paced, nor well acted (mostly) at all.
It's not like I've seen much from the game that would convince me it's any better in any of these departments.

It seems anything branded Final Fantasy is automattically doomed to be overly criticized here. It's hard being a fan of this series nowdays :(
I have a sneaky suspicion World of Final Fantasy is going to receive a lot of love.
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