K-mart didn't seem to have the game, no big surprise, though I did not try to find anyone to ask. It turns out that they do seem to sell some PC games, though they are locked in the counter instead of with other games.
Toys R Us, on the other hand, had the game listed in the games section, had an actual piece of paper describing the gift card and mentioning the free guide, and had the game in stock. The guy checking out talked about his modded X-box and how he played the new Fallout game early, among other things, but seemed to have no clue about the strategy guide...except the manager lady who actually got the game brought the sealed strategy guide along with it. Overall I'd say it's a nicer experience than K-mart, or say, GameStop...I had always been lucky there, but last time I went in I had to say no like six times to the guy trying to give me a free trial membership or whatever. I finally had to be blunt and explain that it did me no good since I don't sell games, and I only usually buy PC games. He was like, augh, Steam. :lol
I'm sure I will need the in-depth strategy guide. Kirby games are known for being some of the hardest games in existence, I hear.