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kof: maximum impact maniax was $8 and didn't suck

I was browsing GameCrazy in a fit of hungover boredom and I decided to pick up KoF Maximum for the Xdude onna lark. I had really low expectations since every time Lyte Edge declares some off-brand fighting game "awesome" he really means "it has a girl character with big tits that gives me a great wank" and I always raise an eyebrow. Besides, KoF is supposed to be 2D or something -- like the Ninthings and their obsession with former NES franchises appearing on Nintendo hardware, I kinda felt that KoF should stay 2D. Still, $8. I've spent worse money -- I bought Atelier Iris 2. Let's not go there.

Well, as it turns out, Maniax is fun in a not-as-dumb-as-Bloody-Roar kinda way. The special effects look a bit off and the 3D animation's a little stiff, but the action is unusually responsive and the combos are dumb fun (also like Bloody Roar). All the models sport these creepy fixed smiles, too, and Duke is the wussiest end boss ever. I think Filet Mignon or whatever her jailbait ass is named is the worst fighting game loli I've ever had to endure -- and it's made worse by the fact that at least half of the 50 people that bought this game in Japan have jerked their little nubbins to her. Those complaints aside, the game flows really well -- combos link cleanly, and there's a solid sense of kinesis to every hit. They do the little traditional KoF stop-action effect on the smackier hits, and there's some nice motion blur when you KO someone. Supers are easy to pull off. Thankfully, the Xdude version has a Japanese voice option, so I can get my classic Terry Bogardisms: "AH YOU SEELIUS! OKAYOKAY! AH YOU OKAY -- BASTA WOOF!"

For $8, I'm having fun. It's better than any Bloody Roar game or the Naruto shit you tards love. I considered buying a Gamecube while I was there for Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, and Maturelda, but there's always some greasy Ninthing kid waxing vocal about the mediocre DS lineup ("and and and BRAIN AGE is gonna move systems, trust me! Man I can't wait for the next Animal Crossing!!!") to keep me from paying the $20 or whatever they go for these days -- I feel like I'm enabling them, or something.

Anyway, is the sequel coming out here? If they clean up the models and animation a bit and put a more stylish twist on the special effects, it could be a good replacement for the dated main series.


Yeah, sadly it's coming over as KoF 2k6. And it's a bit better since it's no longer sporting renderware. But I swear, only Falcoon's characters look correctly modeled. The gameplay tweaked a bit too as you don't have to rely on the canned combos anymore since you can just link with anything. The game also has soooo much fanservice though. Hanzo with Galford outfit!
Wait for KoF MI2 Drinky, Lyte Edge and others gave us positive impressions about the game (called Kof 2006 here :|

btw, bitch at Nintendo ill kill ya, ima clear buddy?
Yeah, passed out for an hour, then Janet sent me to the store. I went to GameCrazy first, as custom dictates -- mostly to find out when Field Commander is coming out. Then I came home, fired up the HoboBook Pro and opened a six-pack of Guinness, and here I am playing a pleasantly mediocre KoF spinoff and waiting to get trolled by White Man about the Atelier Iris 2 purchase.
if i saw it for 8$ id defintely bite as much as i am against KoF going 3D.

id also like to take this time to lobby for a localization of KoF XI.
Hey can you do that FTP thing for whiteman you were talking about, my dvd creating isnt going so swift, cant find the OEM software and XP built in creation is cd only I think.


Drinky Crow said:
Yeah, passed out for an hour, then Janet sent me to the store. I went to GameCrazy first, as custom dictates -- mostly to find out when Field Commander is coming out. Then I came home, fired up the HoboBook Pro and opened a six-pack of Guinness, and here I am playing a pleasantly mediocre KoF spinoff and waiting to get trolled by White Man about the Atelier Iris 2 purchase.

Wait? You picked up Iris 2? I thought you didn't like the first Iris.
I'm a retard. Seriously. A friend told me it was "way better than part 1" and I had some trade-in credit (plus the usual Atlus/NIS collectoritis urge), so I nabbed it. It sucked unbelievable amounts of ass, so it went back for a split prepay on Field Commander and Gradius Collection.

White Man

Shouta said:
Wait? You picked up Iris 2? I thought you didn't like the first Iris.

The only reason he will publicly admit to buying it is that I found the receipt for it in his truck, and I threatened to blackmail him.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Drinky Crow said:
I had really low expectations since every time Lyte Edge declares some off-brand fighting game "awesome" he really means "it has a girl character with big tits that gives me a great wank" and I always raise an eyebrow.

. I think Filet Mignon or whatever her jailbait ass is named is the worst fighting game loli I've ever had to endure -- and it's made worse by the fact that at least half of the 50 people that bought this game in Japan have jerked their little nubbins to her.

You know, I'm beginning to worry about you, Drinky. First the overall quality of the 'crow postings (crow droppings?) dropped after the brilliant Jack Frost joke, now you keep talking about wanking to games. What's going on man? :lol You do seem to be on a comeback streak as of late though; it's just not the same without ya man.

But you can't talk shit WHEN YOU BOUGHT MAGNA CARTA. Love them shemales! :D

Anyway, on to the topic at hand, my stance on MI from day one was always that it was just a fun game to pick up and play, made for non KOF fans to try, and nothing serious. I stopped playing the game after experiencing the glaring flaws in the game play myself in online matches, and thanfully, those problems seem to be fixed in the sequel! (I can't say for sure until I get to try it online, be it signing up for KDDI or waiting for the possibly-cancelled Xbox 360 MI.)

Anyway, is the sequel coming out here? If they clean up the models and animation a bit and put a more stylish twist on the special effects, it could be a good replacement for the dated main series.

Yeah, it's coming out here as KOF 2006, and should also be coming with the bonus KOF Another Day anime DVD. A lot of the negative stuff you mentioned was fixed for the sequel, and added Last Blade-style parry system adds a lot to the game play. There's a KOF Maximum Impact 2 thread here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=97101&highlight=maximum It's got impressions from several people, plus I took some screen shots of a bunch of the bonus stuff. The sequel has a ton of SNK fanservice, with various hidden characters and outfits (some clearly from non-SNK sources, like Hanzo with Gundam colors and Mai with a Lum-looking outfit.)

Here's most of the pics from that thread. The first shot is the parry. There's even two shots of half naked females JUST FOR YOU, Drinky!! Get those tissues ready!











Drinky Crow said:
...every time Lyte Edge declares some off-brand fighting game "awesome" he really means "it has a girl character with big tits that gives me a great wank..."
Is this scandalous info true, Lyte Edge?


Weird, I work @ Game Crazy and sold a KoF Maniax to some confused manchild today but I don't think it was Drinky Crow...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
CO_Andy said:
Is this scandalous info true, Lyte Edge?

I think Drinky continues to confuse me with TToB. I only wank to pictures of hot sexy pandas.


KOF Maximum Impact was average at best... a nice start for turning a 2D franchise into 3D but not earth-shattering.

KOF:MI2 on the other hand is goddamn great! The graphics are significantly improved, the gameplay tons better and it has great music too! Can't wait for the US KOF2006 :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Finaika said:
Can't wait for the US KOF2006 :)

Why? It's likely to have screwed-up godawful English voices again, plus don't you already have the Japanese version? :)


Lyte Edge said:
Why? It's likely to have screwed-up godawful English voices again, plus don't you already have the Japanese version? :)
SNKP USA said they learned their lesson so they will definitely include the Japanese voices + English subs a'la the Xbox version.

...yeah I have the Japanese version but I freakin' love this game I'm gonna get the US version too because of the storyline and character profile and whatnot (my Kanji stinks). Plus I have the option to hear the awesome English dub :D


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
MI2 is a lot better than the first one, even though I've played both only briefly... MI2 feels to me like a decent amalgamation of the 2D KOFs with a game like Tekken. Plus it looks a lot nicer than MI1, even if some of the uniforms are a bit too over the top. My friend who is a diehard 2D fighting game fanatic (especially the KOF series) even begrudgingly admitted it was a good game (he's gonna wait for the Xbox version for online play), although he considers a 3D KOF to be total blasphemy.
I think Drinky continues to confuse me with TToB.

Henceforth I refuse to wear pants whilst reading and posting to this forum to avoid such confusion! :mad:

KoF:MI - Worst purchase of 2004, or whatever ratty year that pile of crap was released in. As someone who dry humped the hell out of his Saturn and nagged NCSX every Friday for new import games, it felt nothing like the good times I remember having on ye olde Saturn.

Oh well, at least the extras disk revealed the terrible, terrible secret of Fatcoon. Fatcoon is really a pseudonym for Reno and his peculiar bread loaf foot fetish.
Drinky Crow said:
Yeah, passed out for an hour, then Janet sent me to the store. I went to GameCrazy first, as custom dictates -- mostly to find out when Field Commander is coming out. Then I came home, fired up the HoboBook Pro and opened a six-pack of Guinness, and here I am playing a pleasantly mediocre KoF spinoff and waiting to get trolled by White Man about the Atelier Iris 2 purchase.



Drinky Crow said:
I'm a retard. Seriously. A friend told me it was "way better than part 1" and I had some trade-in credit (plus the usual Atlus/NIS collectoritis urge), so I nabbed it. It sucked unbelievable amounts of ass, so it went back for a split prepay on Field Commander and Gradius Collection.

Man, if that's all it takes to convince you. I'll just have to tell you that the next RPG that comes out is way better than the others and tell you to buy it for me. :lol

PhoenixDark said:

His wife.
Just remember drinky, when it was revealed you bought Iris 2 I SAID NOTHING LIKE A TRUE COMRADE IN BAD GAMING.

Largo Winch was my failing as a gamer :(


MrAngryFace said:
Just remember drinky, when it was revealed you bought Iris 2 I SAID NOTHING LIKE A TRUE COMRADE IN BAD GAMING.

Largo Winch was my failing as a gamer :(

Poor, Poor MAF. At least you didn't buy something like a Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen game. We'd never let you live that down.


haunts said:
who cares about loli... what about the breast physics?
Mai's standing animation is improved from the first game, but it is still over the top! SNKP really need to tone down the over-exaggerated breasts physics, they flop all over the damn place! It is too ridiculous, they should see how Namco or Tecmo do theirs, nice & subtle...

...why the hell am I talking about this? :lol
Drinky Crow said:
you care WHY
Just goes to show how obsessed you are with the company, and yet its more unhealthy than all but the worst gamefaqs nintendrones. Unless youre trying to get a rise out of people, which at your stated age is ... not good


Bacon of Hope
Finaika said:
Mai's standing animation is improved from the first game, but it is still over the top! SNKP really need to tone down the over-exaggerated breasts physics, they flop all over the damn place! It is too ridiculous, they should see how Namco or Tecmo do theirs, nice & subtle...

...why the hell am I talking about this? :lol


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