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Kotaku: EA Looking To Sell Or Merge


They are the last person I want them to buy EA.

They need smaller studios, in order to increase their output.
It counts in the grand scheme of gaming. Consoles arent the only gaming platform.

So, when you compare Sony to these vast market gaming, they dont even own 10% of gaming.

If that were the case the FTC wouldn’t even be involved in microsoft or Sonys latest acquisitions


If that were the case the FTC wouldn’t even be involved in microsoft or Sonys latest acquisitions
Which is why Activision deal wont be blocked. The rest is just standard ftc practices.

Ftc is going after consumers data protection, due to the facebook abuse. They arent focusing on the gaming part. They want MS to guarantee that protection.


Battlefront, FIFA(Now FC), Dead Space which is set to be revived, Need for Speed, their deals with Disney for doing Star Wars games, Titanfall, that battle royal Titanfall spin off, and smaller IPs that could be revived or just remastered like Mirrors Edge.

Not to mention the manpower that they would bring alongaide a purchase.

EA has a SHITTON of IPs, tech, and personal that add value to it.

The value IPs are licensed and could be lost like FIFA, they are not part of the value for an EA company sale. The talent has been leaking year after year. Who want's DICE or BioWare today? Respawn is one of the few high quality assets they still have. but they alone will not fetch a price similar to Activation. I wouldn't even value EA the same as Bethesda.
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They are the last person I want them to buy EA.

They need smaller studios, in order to increase their output.
Does Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Inxile and many other not count as smaller studios? what kind of smaller studios are you implying?
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Looks like that after they lost the FIFA license there is no need to maintain the company.

Y'all out here acting like FIFA kicked EA to the curb when it was the other way around. FIFA upped their four-year licensing fee to $1B plus EA had to abide by a long list of restrictions imposed by FIFA to retain the license even after paying that ridiculous sum.

While I have no love for EA, if put in their position I would have told FIFA to go fuck themselves too.


When I hear stuff like this, I keep feeling the AAA bubble is about to absolutely burst and crash. Gaming is just getting so expensive and risky, all these big companies want to take the save Disney approach. Its Funny, EA was probably only one of the companies that could make their own console at one point in time or actually way a generation. They helped kill Sega that's for sure. For laughs it would be funny to see Squareenix-EA.

So many great smaller franchises like Def Jam (licensing nightmare), all the Streets, SSX.


Does Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Inxile and many other not count as smaller studios? what kind of smaller studios are you implying?
Those studios. They make perfect for MS, since smaller projects can turn in to a big projects with enough funding.

Obsidian alone is going to do 2 AAA games, Avowed and Outer world 2.


I could see Amazon grabbing them and just making EA their gaming division. Merging whatever they currently have with it.


I'd never buy EA as a whole, I'd gladly buy up Bioware, Respawn and their IPs such as Titanfall, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Dead Space. Sony I think would manage those IPs better. If MS bought them they would just get delayed year after year.

Never heard of the last guardian right?


If MS buys the EA sports studio Sony would have to file for bankruptcy. FIFA is the bloodstream of PSN.

I wouldn't want any platform holder to acquire them though. Theres enough concentration as is...


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
If MS buys the EA sports studio Sony would have to file for bankruptcy. FIFA is the bloodstream of PSN.

I wouldn't want any platform holder to acquire them though. Theres enough concentration as is...
Gordon Ramsay Facepalm GIF by Masterchef

The Alien

Maybe I'm missing something. What (non-licencsed) IPs of value do they have/own?

Dead Space - surr, i like Dead Space but it's been....Dead for a decade. Hoping the remake will be great.

What else? Not counting Start Wars, Fifa, NFL, etc.?
Maybe I'm missing something. What (non-licencsed) IPs of value do they have/own?

Dead Space - surr, i like Dead Space but it's been....Dead for a decade. Hoping the remake will be great.

What else? Not counting Start Wars, Fifa, NFL, etc.?

Apex, Mass effect, Command and Conquer, Dragon Age, Deadspace, Titanfall, Battlefield, Need 4 Speed, Burnout , it Takes two, The Sims…mirrors edge, Crysis, Skate, Grid….the list goes on

They are IP rich
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Microsoft says themselves the order is Tencent > Sony> Them post acquisition of Activision/Blizzzard

Which is why, neither would face monopoly.

Monopoly would raise alarm bells, when they own 20%-25% of gaming content. They arent even close to that. As long as Nintendo/Sony/MS/Tencent/Embracer and other companies exist, with pc and mobile, no one is monopoly.

You can make studio with enough budget and make tons of games. There is no barrier other than the budget.


Hmm how bout MS just buy the studios from EA like how Embracer bought Square Europe from Square Enix

Im thinking Bioware & Respawn
EA wouldnt be up to that. Square didnt like those studios, unlike EA.
Plus those studios make alot of money for EA. Respawn made apex legend, which made $3b. EA would be stupid to sell that.
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Monopoly would raise alarm bells, when they own 20%-25% of gaming content.
Amount of content owned vs. the competition isn't the only thing that can cause an anti-trust investigation.

"Monopolistic practices" doesn't care how much is owned relative to the market. One could argue that Microsoft owning almost every major triple-A first person shooter outside of Battlefield qualifies as monopolistic practices because, in theory, they'd be able to leverage their ownership of those properties to manipulate the market in their favor.

MSIE got them in hot water because of the way they leveraged Windows to drive out Netscape, not because IE had the most market share.
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"Monopolistic practices" doesn't care how much is owned relative to the market. One could argue that Microsoft owning almost every major triple-A first person shooter outside of Battlefield qualifies as monopolistic practices because, in theory, they'd be able to leverage their ownership of those properties to manipulate the market in their favor.
Considering the market shooter in the gaming world, both pc and console, MS isnt close to that. As long BR, other shooter MP games exist. AAA is a broad term. Though, they could get hot water with WRPG, but that depends on whether other companies slowly make those games.

MSIE got them in hot water because of the way they leveraged Windows to drive out Netscape, not because IE had the most market share.
This could be the answer.
because of the way they leveraged Windows to drive out Netscape
They used their platform, to extinguish any challenger for their IE. That is 100% anti consumer.

Its like MS not allowing any shooter games on their system, aside of halo, or Sony using their position to force companies to only make games on their consoles.

These actions create unfair advantages.


jurassic park deal with it GIF

Really curious if anyone still sees much value in EA outside of their sport deals. I honestly haven't bought a game from them since Mass Effect 2 in 2010..
Not much, but a few. I liked their Mass Effect remaster, Fallen Order, and I liked their C&C remaster, then the first Battlefront before that. They've been pretty stale for a long time for me. I hope they do a C&C remaster part 2 though.


Writes a lot, says very little
Not much, but a few. I liked their Mass Effect remaster, Fallen Order, and I liked their C&C remaster, then the first Battlefront before that. They've been pretty stale for a long time for me. I hope they do a C&C remaster part 2 though.


If I can get 4 or 5 games a generation that I like from a publisher, I consider that a solid gen for them imho lol I don't think any publisher has ever put out a collection of titles where I liked all of them or something. Not any 3rd party anyway.

I liked Fallen Order, Titanfall 2, BFV, BF4 (even with a horrid launch, ended up being one of my favorite online fps titles ever) , Dragon Age 3, actually thought Mass Effect Andromeda wasn't that bad, I actually like it more then 1 and 3.

So the few I liked, for me is enough. I think I may have only bought 2 Activision games last gen lol

Sekrio and MW reboot (maybe another, i could be forgetting 1)

Stale to me is they put out nothing I liked or only 1 game or something or no new IP. EA put out a few new IP, but I feel they could have put out more and they should have actually been very aggressive with that as I feel that's worked for Ubisoft almost every gen. Like Sony, its a reset for them every gen where they make a few new series like we saw with Prince Of Persia to AC, to Watchdogs.

EA could work on a fuck ton of things.

More new IP, let some series go for fuck sakes.
More creative freedom to their teams, they know whats best for fun vs some suit.
Leave teams to decide what engine to use for their games (maybe goes with the above lol), DICE knowing about Frostbite a lot doesn't mean Bioware does too.
Not every SP needs a forced multiplayer mode, not ever MP needs a forced single player mode...this I agree with EA starting to do btw.
Leave MTX to be optional cosmetics.
I’d sleep like a baby if Amazon, Google, Facebook, Disney, Tencent, Embracer, Private Equity Or whoever bought every single 3rd party publisher at this point. Either they buy them keep making games multiplatform or they turn them into something else for whatever reason.

As a playstation owner, the last thing i want is for sony to allocate resources for bloated mediocre western publishers, as a Nintendo owner I know they don’t give a shit about them and Microsoft getting them creates an incredible distribution imbalance.

I’d rather no consolidation of 3rd party but since it’s gonna happen regardless im rooting for big tech who aren’t platform holders


Clickbait. I don't think Kotaku has any primary sources on this story and is just recycling facts from the Puck story.

I do think EA is interested in merging with another company to diversify and make the company bigger in this era of consolidation. Ofcourse EA is always open to acquisition offers, but I think the management is more interested in increasing the size of the empire and retaining control.


The value IPs are licensed and could be lost like FIFA, they are not part of the value for an EA company sale. The talent has been leaking year after year. Who want's DICE or BioWare today? Respawn is one of the few high quality assets they still have. but they alone will not fetch a price similar to Activation. I wouldn't even value EA the same as Bethesda.
Few IPs are licenced, and EA just got rid of Fifa and its riding solo.If they manage to stick the landing, which Im guessing they will, they will retain all the value without any of the cost.

And you would be a terrible evaluator, considering the TROVE of IPs they have, already listed on the post before(I even forgot to mention Dragons Age and Mass Effect)

And if they buy EA, they can just assign new teams or new key members to head those projects.When you buy a company the size of EA, you buy them (mostly) because of the IPs, and less because of the creators, because people can leave, IPs wont.


Few IPs are licenced, and EA just got rid of Fifa and its riding solo.If they manage to stick the landing, which Im guessing they will, they will retain all the value without any of the cost.

And you would be a terrible evaluator, considering the TROVE of IPs they have, already listed on the post before(I even forgot to mention Dragons Age and Mass Effect)

And if they buy EA, they can just assign new teams or new key members to head those projects.When you buy a company the size of EA, you buy them (mostly) because of the IPs, and less because of the creators, because people can leave, IPs wont.

ME and DA are clones of KOTOR and Baldur's Gate. They can be cloned again without the need for the IP.

What else?
This would be prime for one of the big guys (Apple, Amazon, Google or Disney) to get into the gaming buisness with a big bang.
Even if they don't have the ability to have a console or streaming service they could be a publisher, which isn't out of the norm for them.


This would be prime for one of the big guys (Apple, Amazon, Google or Disney) to get into the gaming buisness with a big bang.
Even if they don't have the ability to have a console or streaming service they could be a publisher, which isn't out of the norm for them.
Ubisoft(?), EA, and WarnerBros are up for sale. These big boys would over these deal, after MS bought Activision.


ME and DA are clones of KOTOR and Baldur's Gate. They can be cloned again without the need for the IP.

What else?

Lol, no I think the ME franchise has a bit of weight and loyalty but DA doesn't. Every Dragon Age game was so different and the stories are barely connected that as a franchise it's pretty worthless. EA does have several properties that would be valuable to MS though. C&C obviously. The Sims could be a huge market driver for gamepass or other services. Crysis still has some sway. I don't know if Battlefield can ever be great again. Need for Speed would be very valuable for Sony.

That might be all the really valuable stuff for modern gaming, but there is the back catalog too that could boost either of the subscription services.
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