So for the most part guys play girls for the attention and girls play guys so they dont get attention. Why is that?
Well I cant speak for the guys as I dont have the man junk or thinking that goes with it. I would love to hear opinions though from folks with higher testosterone levels than exist in my body.
As for girls, the first thing that comes to mind is:
1. The internet really is a scary and unsafe place.
Face it, safety is a huge concern for females in their everyday lives. Dont walk down that dark street, check the backseat of your car. We hear it on the news all the time with all sorts of abuse from spousal to atrocious crimes of gender. This is part of our psyche. Without even knowing it, we have to be ever vigilant of our safety, whether its a significant other being jealous that other guys might hit on you in the game you play and beyond. We have to be careful, there are plenty of predators out there, certainly not all of them being male, but we learn from a young age that we are not safe. Kinda depressing really when you think about it. But welcome to human reality.
2. Games are Competitive and Men dont like being beat up by girls.
Sounds funny doesnt it? Weve gone through so much evolution but many males hate being surpassed by a female (in the gaming world, lets not mention other worlds please). Girls are very competitive by nature, its not something well known. Hell, girls will compete with themselves if they think they will win. It isnt about ego, its about winning and being the best. When I play a PvP game, I want to compete and beat the crap out of my enemies but for some reason girls not only have to compete on a skill base but also the emotional base. Its rare (but it does happen) that a guy can admit defeat honestly by the opposite sex. Usually, they will find all sorts of excuses as to why the girl beat them at their own game. Ive heard so many; I was afk, My wife distracted me, I was looking at the TV, Oh I wasnt ready yet, you cheated, etc. Dealing with it on a one on one basis isnt that bad. But when the guys ego gets crushed by defeat and then is with other males that is when it can get downright nasty.
3. Girls just want to stare at the male avatar butts for hours.
Nope never heard this one. Not sure why, my assumption is that there are enough male avatars around for the eye candy factor or maybe the artists are so focused on making a girls silhouette damn hot that they forgot that a guy can look better than a square lump with a sword.
4. Not on the market for a relationship.
This is an oldie but a goodie. Back when the internet was fresh and new with slow bandwidth speeds, we didnt have much use for voice chat. Nowadays its a staple of playing and communication in games. Who wants to type when they can chat away with their cat meowing or their mother screaming at them in the background? As soon as a voice of a female comes on the chat system (well in a new situation) there is always some kind of audible silence a pause so to speak. I always imagined the thoughts going through their heads, Wow she really is a girl? and then, I wonder if shes hawt.
Just because they are a girl playing games does not mean they are looking for a relationship. (On the opposite end, just because you are a guy playing games doesnt mean you are hard up and looking to pounce either, I just wanted to be clear.)
5. Girls have been known to wreck happy groups of people.
Just like fishermen think its bad luck to have a female on their ship, girls have been known to get the worst of a guild or clan. This is a sad fact, that some girls are out to destroy relationships or create them. Many guilds/clans wont even admit a girl because of the drama of past times. So playing a male character puts them in a safe zone plus competition. Although note that you better get a voice modulator because it wont be long before youll be forced to chat with your new clan!
Whew, its tough being a girl that plays games. I like to win, I love to compete and everything in between. I personally do not play male characters because I do not have that connection with them as I do with the females. Well, Ive only done that with paper RPGs, where I have to be in the same room with everyone so its pretty obvious Im not a guy.