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Kotaku - Journey To The Savage Planet Is Fun, But Please Stop Using That Word



Another word Kotaku has deemed bad for us to use, savage, cos it's got a racist history.../rolls eyes

Now that made me wanna rewatch One Crazy Summer.



16 adverts seperating that article up. Fucking hell.

Also 4 sections on game review the other 11 about the word "savage"
  • LOL
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Anyone else see the title and assume Kotaku was about to go on a rant about how the word "fun" shouldn't be used as a descriptor for a game?

I'm actually impressed that Kotaku managed to defy my already-low expectations by going with an even worse premise in the article itself.


We used to have a friend called Sally Lynch, but we all stopped talking to her. How dare she have a name that reminds me of such horrors.

I also have another friend called Nina Eleven and I’m going to be asking her to change her ways later or she’s gone.
I laught more than i should at nina eleven...
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The Tribe Has Spoken
I now understand why Elon Musk is investing so much into the SpaceX Mars project.

To get as far away as possible from these lunatics.
Now there’s an idea for a sci fi horror movie.

The year is 2075 and the Donald J. Trump orbital lander is about to make contact with LV273. The countdown begins.

LV273 is a newly discovered planet in our own galaxy that has shown signs of intelligent life. Our best minds have worked feverishly for the past 10 years in a global effort to get our species there and it’s about to happen. First contact.

Unfortunately for the unsuspecting and peaceful Otari people who inhabit LV273, they are completely unaware that a craft is coming for them and that a previously thought eradicated parasite has stowed itself onboard.

For it is impossible for the Otari, the harmonious custodians of LV273, some 20 billion kilometers from Earth, to have any understanding of the great Clown War of 2030. A savage conflict in which the human race of Earth fought almost to it’s end to rid itself of the SJW. A brutal time.

The SJW, long thought dead. A sinister bacteria which latches onto the weak and feeble minded and quickly infects it’s host until it is able to control them like a mindless robot.

The Otari, living in peace for millenia are about to be infected with a sickness they have never seen, let alone comprehend.

There. I write better than Kotaku and I’m half drunk.


I honestly don't see what is wrong with the "savage" word. There must be a point where we stop complaining about everything.

I just skimmed and they say savage is associated with racism.

Well, if they really try hard enough (just for the clicks) they can find racism everywhere.
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Who's maintaining the black list of words over there? They're doing a pretty terrible job, because I thought savage - like fury, barbaric, brutal, ferocious, fierce, harsh, or vicious - were words that one might use to describe the inhospitable nature of something. At least, that's what I gathered when Kotaku's sister-site Gizmodo used it last month in their article titled 'This Dinosaur was so Savage it needed New Teeth every Two Months'. But no, I'm sure the person who wrote this article has a deep-felt, honest issue at heart, and didn't just make something up about a game that's just launched to ride on its coat tales to generate ad-revenue. I'm sure...


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Black rapper 21 Savage is definitely a racist.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
We have a very popular show here in the UK called Citizen Khan. Its a comedy show, about a Muslim family living in Birmingham. All the characters are played my Muslims, and they essentially take the piss out of their culture a little while having a fun message. Its a great show, its not racist or anything, its just fun comedy.

Every year its on, there are hundreds of complaints about how racist it is, and how its wrong, and it shouldn't be on TV.

Can you guess the colour of the people that complain and make a big fuss?

HINT: White people.

The problem with the world is that its lost its bloody marbles. We went from being overly racist and hanging people just because you had a tan and with no guilt involved, to becoming more accepting of people of colour and different backgrounds. People could take the piss out of their colour because it was funny, and THEY were the ones doing it. We all found humour in ourselves, and we all got on a bit better for it. Now, we are living in a world where everything is so serious. I can't say words like savage because its wrong? WHAT? I cant say the word scalp, because its wrong?! What the fuck do I say when I've got problems with the top of my head? "Yes hi Mr Doctor, I've got an itchy top of head".

Its all gone so far the OTHER way now, that comedy is fucked, people are fucked, everything is fucked. Its far too PC. Back when I was in school, it was "don't be gay mate". To my gay friends. WHO ARE GAY. And we laughed and we joked, and a good time was had, with no gayness, just fun. These days, "don't be gay mate" will land me in jail and on the front of the Daily Mail.

Fucking worlds gone backwards... I'm all for keeping racism and homophobia away, and making the world a better place. Seriously, I am. Not to play "that card", but I have friends who are gay, black, white, upside down and inside out, and we all take the piss out of each other daily. That's how it is, because we know we aren't serious, and we would stick up for each other in a heart beat. And yeah, if a game came out called "N*****s Fun Gay Paradise With Nazis" I may be asking questions. But SAVAGE?

Fucks sake man...


...lacks reading comprehension.
This thread is savage. Did Kotaku write a similar píece when RDR 2 came out. Because surely "red" is racist as well in a game with native americans.
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I am a virgin
Literary thought; If you start your critique with
I know I sound like a wet blanket, but just… hear me out.
Stop writing it; the phrase "I know I sound like a wet blanket..." literally is an admission of "I'm not writing anything new or contributing in a meaningful way..."
I legit learned this in high school, from a text book.
It's not even something a teacher just recognized and taught; it's a fucking standard

The word savage has a long history being used to justify violent behavior by colonizers.
And this person probably uses savage as a descriptor all the time
IE: The mental gymnastics this person has to do to write an article is savage

Oh, and using "Savage," in the title of your game? Not cool.
But if you're a rapper and that's your stage name? That's cool
Wanna know what else is cool? Using that rappers' name, which contains savage, in a joke on Twitter the year prior

Anyone else see the title and assume Kotaku was about to go on a rant about how the word "fun" shouldn't be used as a descriptor for a game?

I'm actually impressed that Kotaku managed to defy my already-low expectations by going with an even worse premise in the article itself.
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That's a non sequitur, we're talking about people using it in a different context. You have to justify why someone using it in a different context should have their usage interpreted as offensive.

For example in a certain context "lit" can mean the past tense of "light" in another "lit" can mean "cool," "awesome," "sweet" or any other generic phrase that expresses a positive acknowledgement of something. Your argument has to show why I should interpret "lit" as "light" no matter what.

If that example is too millennial for you think of the word "killer." It can mean someone who kills people or, again, a generic word that expresses positivity. This is the same for basically every single word in existence. How people interpret them is all due to the context of their usage. You have to explain why "savage" should somehow be different for some reason.
How often do you think that word is used in the context of belittling others compared to literally any and all other definitions? Do you believe Randy Savage, 21 Savage, and Fred Savage are all evil racists?

Do you have similar moral objections to the phrase “barbarian”, which was used by Romans as a blanket term to describe non-Romans, which were seen as lesser races/nationalities?

This whole premise is ridiculous. If we got rid of every word that was ever used in a demeaning or insulting manner, we’d have no words left.

It's hard to have a discussion when you people first make up your minds, then proceeds to be stubbornly against everything that you people yourself proclaim proudly didn't even went to look what it is exactly.

Yes, the author of the article and video talked and explained this, that's why I said "on occasion".
He isn't accusing any of you of being "racist", or condone cultural genocide and ethical cleaning (but I know some of you are...). This article/video isn't much different from those of channels about telling and explaining history.

Anyone else see the title and assume Kotaku was about to go on a rant about how the word "fun" shouldn't be used as a descriptor for a game?

Don't worry, he had fun with the game and recommends.
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Don't worry, he had fun with the game and recommends.
No worries were had.

I wouldn't take the recommendation of someone who seemingly cannot acknowledge that words have different meanings and different contexts, though.

Put the dictionary down. Hands where I can see ‘em. Is the word savage inherently offensive? Technically, no. But the word “savage” has a weighty history. And look, a lot of that history is racist as fuck.

Nah. This is ideological retardation with a megaphone.

Also I'm offended by your nametag including "CEO". Don't you realize this comes from a patriarchical capitalist hierarchy that kills and oppresses hundreds of millions? I know I sound like a wet blanket... but just hear me out.
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Gold Member
Where the FUCK did that come from (yeah, I understand the technical thought behind it, sorry but it's still ludicrous/PC/repulsive ideology), seriously.. These "authors"/activists almost makes me feel sick to my stomach.
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I have no intention of playing the game, but is the title indicating the planet is an inhospitable environment or is rife with unfriendly indigenous people?


I'm black and I've never heard someone make the word savage a racist term.

That's because you are a level-headed person that doesn't self identify as a "savage", unlike that craptaku author, that in its delusion thinks that all minorities (be it black, latino, native american, etc) could be offended by feeling identified by the word "savage"

FFS, what the hell is happening to the world!
There is only one purpose when someone tries to leverage the "weighty history" of a word: thought control.

Whether the implication is that the author should have known better, or a reader could have been offended, or it sends the wrong message, or worst of all the usage of this word/hand-signal/meme is obviously a dogwhistle, it's all about a self-important ideologue trying to exercise thought control when they lack the ability to convince you through honest, conventional discourse.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
What annoys me about all this SJW crap is that there probably isnt one person from a minority group, that gets triggered by that word. In fact 90% of them probably wouldnt even pick up on it.

I know I'm quoting you, but this question is also for everyone else in this thread too. Do you believe conservatives and people on the "right" can be SJWs too?


RSI Employee of the Year
Welcome to current_year...

Having spent 3 months a year in Japan for the past 9 years and having close contacts with Japanese people on a very daily basis (and my fiance is Japanese as well) I can guarantee that NO ONE in Japan will be offended by the use of the word Ninja because it's "cultural appropriation."

People just can't stop clowning.


Does Chris Kohler still work there? I used to enjoy him on Wired/podcasts. Surely he's not signing off on swill like this? Or am I wildly uninformed about where he's at these days?


It's hard to have a discussion when you people first make up your minds, then proceeds to be stubbornly against everything that you people yourself proclaim proudly didn't even went to look what it is exactly.

Yes, the author of the article and video talked and explained this, that's why I said "on occasion".
He isn't accusing any of you of being "racist", or condone cultural genocide and ethical cleaning (but I know some of you are...). This article/video isn't much different from those of channels about telling and explaining history.

You can’t proclaim the article solely meant to inform when the author is saying, outright, that he has an agenda and that you can’t use certain words anymore.

It’s ridiculous. “Savage” is not offensive, and spending 3/4 of an article trying to convince people that it is rather than talking about the game the article is ostensibly about, is retarded.


RSI Employee of the Year
Does Chris Kohler still work there? I used to enjoy him on Wired/podcasts. Surely he's not signing off on swill like this? Or am I wildly uninformed about where he's at these days?

Apparently he is. As features editor, this seems to be his purview.

And yes. Responsibility for this kind of swill rests more with the editor who greenlit it than with the writer who wrote it.

Keeping excrements from staining your front page is an editor's job.
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