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Kotaku: Microsoft's Inside Xbox Show Isn't Working


Yesterday afternoon, Microsoft aired its latest episode of Inside Xbox, a monthly livestream in which the company updates players on new stuff in the world of Xbox. Like most episodes of Inside Xbox, it was long, precisely staged, and light on interesting news. If new Nintendo Directs have become exciting, mini-E3 press conferences, new episodes of Inside Xbox feel more like the ads that run before a movie.

In theory, it’s nice for Xbox fans to get regular updates from the people behind the platform, and Inside Xbox is by no means Microsoft’s only way of sharing Xbox news firsthand. The company has twitter feeds and a news site, podcasts, developer video series and other regular short-form showcases for getting out its message.

The Inside Xbox series, however, has been presented by Microsoft since last year as a premiere, almost-monthly showcase. The video episodes have the length to suggest it, clocking in at well over an hour. The content, however, has been oddly lacking, with small news bits diluted by lots of host chatter and an unusual amount of time spent on granular topics it’s hard to imagine Xbox fans tuned in for.

More here: https://kotaku.com/microsofts-inside-xbox-show-isnt-working-1832410644

I can see the show being too long for the lack of news/announces... so maybe a smaller show can be better paced imo.


Gold Member
Saw 20 minutes and shut it off.

For gamers in the know, the info is redundant. But for core gamers who like to hear info direct from Hyrb and a dev member talk about it (instead of read about in an article), then the show is for you.

It's kind of like thos old celebrity/movie tv shows from the 80s and 90s. They talk about new movies coming out, but it's not like they spoil the plot. They just show trailers, talk with the actors and give some insight about the new show/movie. But if someone didn't watch it, they didn't miss anything.

Dr. Claus

Its an entertaining show to have on in the background. I really wouldn't listen to Kotaku on anything in the industry.

Codes 208

Saw 20 minutes and shut it off.

For gamers in the know, the info is redundant. But for core gamers who like to hear info direct from Hyrb and a dev member talk about it (instead of read about in an article), then the show is for you.

It's kind of like thos old celebrity/movie tv shows from the 80s and 90s. They talk about new movies coming out, but it's not like they spoil the plot. They just show trailers, talk with the actors and give some insight about the new show/movie. But if someone didn't watch it, they didn't miss anything.
So basically


Gold Member
So basically
I saw the part with some overly excited Sea of Thieves guy and a Halo Tour with Hyrb interviewing a brunette lady. It was so longwinded, I quit.

Hyrb also promoted an Xbox X Division 2 bundle. This might be new news. Not sure.
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On one side of the fence you have a company that has pretty much gone radio silent and fans are hating it...on the other side you are being overloaded with news and given a fan service every month....but you stil hate it??

Codes 208

I saw the part with some overly excited Sea of Thieves guy and a Halo Tour with Hyrb interviewing a brunette lady. It was so longwinded, I quit.

Hyrb also promoted an Xbox X Division 2 bundle. This might be new news. Not sure.
I don’t believe it is, the bundle was shown on Twitter several days ago I believe.

And it just looked like another basic design bundle + game.

Codes 208

On one side of the fence you have a company that has pretty much gone radio silent and fans are hating it...on the other side you are being overloaded with news and given a fan service every month....but you stil hate it??
Context is key here, these aren’t news announcements, these are more of in depth previews and interviews regarding what’s already known. Similar to the dozens of interviews or articles you’ll see on IGN weeks after something was announced. Inside Xbox hasn’t done any reveals since that Mexico City event.
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The Inside Xbox before last they announced a new studio acquisition. Hard to say that's not big news. This show didn't have anything mindblowing, but it definitely had some new tidbits for Xbots.

- New Metro trailer shown
- New division 2 gamplay(?) and a new Division 2 bundle announced
- New red sport controller announced
- A new "mega" SoT update announced for 2019 including pets and a lot of other stuff
- Matt Booty said that some newly acquired studio projects that were in dev before buyout would be shown at E3
- Microsoft Studios name change to Xbox Game Studios announced
- An interview with Joe Staten and Terry Cruz about Crackdown 3
- Some other stuff about some games that didn't interest me much
- New Gamepass games announced for this month (Tomb Raider and 2 Batman games)

That's all off the top of my head, but not bad for a monthly news update show.


Also that Halo adventure interactive museum thing was announced and that will be a big deal for many hardcore Halo fans.
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I like them and I think it’s a little ridiculous to be saying Nintendo directs are like mini E3’s, IMO they have been pretty underwhelming as well.
I think if you are watching Xbox direct to have your mind blown that may say more about you then Xbox direct.
For the most part I agree. They seem like hour long game pass announcments. You can do the same thing in a tweet. The one for x018 was good as there was studio announcments. So parts are good and parts are bad. I think they will getter better over time. They already have. Once they get the studios chrning put games it will be better
On one side of the fence you have a company that has pretty much gone radio silent and fans are hating it...on the other side you are being overloaded with news and given a fan service every month....but you stil hate it??
Guess it depends on how you look at it. Nintendo does a Direct when they have things to show. If they're not doing one, that means they don't have enough to show yet. People are anticipating them because they usually have significant new content in there, be it new game announcements or trailers or whatever.

On the other hand, Microsoft seems to fill these monthly updates with pretty pointless content only the most hardcore fans would be interested in. They probably have to, because it's a monthly thing. Nintendo's stuff would suffer a lot too if they had to do one every month. Now I haven't watched any of their stuff because I don't have an XBox anyway, but it kinda sounds like a waste of time to me. Interviews and some minor announcements and stuff stretched out over more than an hour, isn't really that interesting to me.

I think it’s a little ridiculous to be saying Nintendo directs are like mini E3’s, IMO they have been pretty underwhelming as well.
I think mini E3 is a pretty fitting name. Just last year some major first party games were announced in regular Directs (Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing) along with smaller things (Mario Tennis, Labo and Mario Party etc.). They're not always amazing or anything, just like legit E3 presentations, but they do pack the potential for a few significant announcements in a short video. It doesn't seem like Inside XBox has lived up to that yet.


I much prefer Hryb's much shorter form videos. I really dislike unnecessarily prolonged videos filled with boring chatter and filler. Just get to the point.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I don't like it, but it's not meant to be a showcase, it's just fluff for the super fans.
Context is key here, these aren’t news announcements, these are more of in depth previews and interviews regarding what’s already known. Similar to the dozens of interviews or articles you’ll see on IGN weeks after something was announced. Inside Xbox hasn’t done any reveals since that Mexico City event.
Agree and i don’t want to sound console warrior ish but if Sony did a monthly show which covered off all the games coming out...what they are working on and pretty much what things they are offering the console from a pro consumer point of view people would lap that shit up but I feel that because it’s Microsoft and they ran over your dog and shit in your bed back in 2013 people will never be happy with it.

I agree there is a lot of cringy shit in there but Xbox was founded on being a hardcore gaming system and engaging its fans...this is exactly what they are doing

You can’t expect megatons every month.. none of the big 3 could have enough content atm to drop bombs each month.

I would personally get rid of the sizzle reel shit and have more 1 on 1 time with devs...not just new shit but old shit

Would love to see the rainbow six team on there going through the evolution of the game

Some more focus on the community stuff going on with their first party stuff like forza and bring in some actual competitive comps
That's the thing, you can't expect mega announcements every single month. It's basically a monthly segment where they can talk about daily happenings, stuff coming down the road , etc. If you go in expected to have your mind blown E3 style, then you're doing it wrong. It's an unfair title/article by Kotaku to be honest. Not sure why they'd expect anything more than what it is. Kotaku translation: microsoft isn't telling me what i want to hear boo hoo.


I have no problem with it, it’s nice to get a glimpse on what’s going on and what to expect.


The show is too fake and there's plenty of cringeworthy moments to be had. Show needs to be 30-45 minutes tops with some decent announcements and something a little more personal... it's completely scripted and the presentation is over the top.


I think they should do a more compressed version of it. I’ve got bored before the end of the Crackdown 3 presentation.
And those “World Premiere” for a launch trailer, it’s not really needed.
Smaller, shorter and more frequently would be better. Industry news once a week would be good and then once a month have an episode about the goings on at MS.


Microsoft bypasses the news media and brings news and previews directly to the fans. News media pissed. I'm shocked.
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Microsoft bypasses the news media and brings news and previews directly to the fans. News media pissed. I'm shocked.

That is a possibility I suppose, I find the article odd that it’s critizing something that can easily be avoided if they don’t like it.


It has a weird morning news show vibe to it. I don't really see the benefit of it being a live show other than for them to get practice doing that sort of thing.

I like all the news, announcements, trailers, character reveals, even controller reveals. The scripted interviews are way too long and corporate sounding. The celebrity interviews are the most boring, hearing what a celebrity has to say about what it's like to work on a game is soooo boring. If they want to talk about some Halo Theme park, that's fine but it shouldn't take more than a minute to say hey there's going to be a Halo theme park kind of thing and it will have laser tag and cool statues and stuff and you should check it out.

To make it better I would cut it to 45 mintues, cut the celebrity interviews, tell the developers to cut the corporate pitch and give more natural interviews, add more exclusive looks at gameplay or even screenshots of upcoming games. Maybe even add a montage video of all the upcoming games in the next month or so before the next Inside Xbox Show. Keep your format...just try to make it more like Nintendo Directs as much as possible.


The Inside Xbox before last they announced a new studio acquisition. Hard to say that's not big news. This show didn't have anything mindblowing, but it definitely had some new tidbits for Xbots.

- New Metro trailer shown
- New division 2 gamplay(?) and a new Division 2 bundle announced
- New red sport controller announced
- A new "mega" SoT update announced for 2019 including pets and a lot of other stuff
- Matt Booty said that some newly acquired studio projects that were in dev before buyout would be shown at E3
- Microsoft Studios name change to Xbox Game Studios announced
- An interview with Joe Staten and Terry Cruz about Crackdown 3
- Some other stuff about some games that didn't interest me much
- New Gamepass games announced for this month (Tomb Raider and 2 Batman games)

That's all off the top of my head, but not bad for a monthly news update show.


Also that Halo adventure interactive museum thing was announced and that will be a big deal for many hardcore Halo fans.

I just feel like I should reply to this as everyone else seems to continue their hate train without realizing what was actually announced and shown.

I also don't know when the shift towards "more info less time!!" happened. 1h each month is a great format even if they wouldn't announce anything. It just shows that they are committed to keeping in touch with fans which is a good thing in my opinion.

On a side note, I wonder if the guys saying this is unnecessary long for so few announcements also said the same about Sonys E3 press conference.


Gold Member
It's fine and they get to leverage their Mixer platform. I never watch these things live and it's the equivalent of their podcast. It's a zero cost and provides nothing but a benefit. If you don't care, then don't watch it. If you somewhat care, then it's a bit of fun. If you're hardcore, then it's awesome.

Kotaku is writing about things to get clicks during a very slow part of the year imo.
It is a bit wank at the moment. Should get better as next gen hots up though. But they should really get some good exclusive content on there to make it worth watching, not just rehashing old information.

Also, where are the OG Xbox games?....announce some of those ffs!
I saw the part with some overly excited Sea of Thieves guy and a Halo Tour with Hyrb interviewing a brunette lady. It was so longwinded, I quit.
This sums up the Xbox brand perfectly right now.

It's all fake, manufactured hype, and Microsoft is guilty of it to a nauseating degree. It regularly reaches levels of cringe that are beyond painful. XO18 was basically unwatchable because of it.

Sadly, this is what happens when you have almost nothing to actually hype up, especially when those products aren't very good to begin with.

Lets hope all those studio acquisitions they keep boasting about actually lead to some decent games in the next generation, because that's all they've got to work with right now.
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Microsoft is welcome to use whatever format they like to promote their products.
As others pointed out, this article is just "sour grapes" from the "gaming media".


Works fine for me. No one else is doing it. This one was one of the best in a while too. The show is for Xbox fans...not Kotaku clickbait journalists so not surprised here.


I think it's fine. These things are always going to be pretty cheesy. Should definitley be condensed into an hour though.


Works fine for me. No one else is doing it. This one was one of the best in a while too. The show is for Xbox fans...not Kotaku clickbait journalists so not surprised here.
Click bait bloggers who thrive on division are complaining about a platform holder's direct to fans presentations. Of course they don't like it. They may say they want to see it get better, but I suspect they just want it to go away. They're already derided by plenty of players who actually buy video games at launch prices, and these kind of direct to fans presentations reduce their relevance further in my opinion.


I like It, Need more depth shows in game industry . There is for books and movies ... And what Can they talk? Offcourse they talk about ms ip and not about death stranding or Spiderman
And i love interviews and special,i love videogames and i Can watch a 1 hour show ... my brain Is Active and i don't have the ADHD syndrome

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
It's fine and they get to leverage their Mixer platform. I never watch these things live and it's the equivalent of their podcast. It's a zero cost and provides nothing but a benefit. If you don't care, then don't watch it. If you somewhat care, then it's a bit of fun. If you're hardcore, then it's awesome.

Kotaku is writing about things to get clicks during a very slow part of the year imo.

I enjoyed it. Especially the developer interviews and celebrities. It gives you insight into what goes into making games and the process. Guess Im one of those weird one. I found very informative. Xbox video game news is exactly what it is.


The biggest problem is they do some long segments on games and if you are not interested in them it's hard not to tune out. Dealing with a 3 hour block if you watch it later is a bit much as well. Why the hell are they forcing me to scan through all of that to get to the last hour. It also doesn't help that the Mixer player is pretty horrible. How a media player can be so rudimentary in 2019 is crazy.

Also is it just me or did that lady get her hair cut to match one of the original new avatars when they first previewed them?
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