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Kotaku Sources: Destiny 2 coming to PC [UPDATE: Loads of extra info]


Hopefully we get some cross play going. Xbox one/Scorpio and PC should be a cert but you never know.

The way Bungie handled D1, was nothing short of tragic. Some good ideas followed by 10 bad ideas designed to milk the community. Interested to see what D2 brings but I am on the fence with any promise they make until the game actually comes out. Don't 100% trust them not to bollocks it up. At least dropping 360 frees them from last gen stuff but now they have to do it with Xbox one and ps4. Not as bad but still old.


What's wrong with having both?

Why is there is this absolute thinking that it has to be one or the other?

Simple, I have more fun leveling from nothing than I do starting halfway through. 1-40 to me, starting with no abilities/weapons, is more fun to me than starting from 40-80 with all my abilities unlocked and a whole array of bullshit overpowered weapons.

I've been getting killed by Matador 64s in Crucible since May 2015, if I'm still getting killed by the same gun in 2017 I probably wouldn't be playing.


What's wrong with having both?

Why is there is this absolute thinking that it has to be one or the other?

I just don´t understand why people care about this nameless, faceless avatar so much.

When was the last time our character spoke? Serious question.

They could introduce a new character and make me more attached to him in a good 30 second cut-scene than I am to my character right now.
There´s a lot of misunderstanding surrounding this game coming from the fact that for some reason people still call it an MMO and from that leaked "10 year plan" thing that never meant what people thought it did.

I know that Destiny is not an mmo. I just use the term to simplify my point. The genre is pretty new to most console gamers.

I don't understand it either. How in the world people demant that they should get character transfer from 2 entirely different games. Do people even ask for a character/progress transfer from COD 2015 to COD 2016, or Fifa 16 to Fifa 17, for example?

That's just borderline entitlement, and ignorance.


I know that Destiny is not an mmo. I just use the term to simplify my point. The genre is pretty new to most console gamers.

I don't understand it either. How in the world people demant that they should get character transfer from 2 entirely different games. Do people even ask for a character/progress transfer from COD 2015 to COD 2016, or Fifa 16 to Fifa 17, for example?

That's just borderline entitlement, and ignorance.

I would compare it to the Mass Effect series maybe.

I can understand why people might want to keep their character... to a point.

But it´s not a deal breaker to me.

Especially since our character is roughly as bland as a spectator in a racing game.


Do people really want it coming to PC assuming it's still P2P? Did The Division ever get its hankering and cheating problem under control?
The Division's online was clearly designed by someone who either has no idea how to create cheat-resistant online gameplay, or was assured that the game would only ever run on locked-down platforms. I still can't believe they shipped a game with that size of development team which isn't server-authoritative.

I have noticed that people are now using that single incident of incompetence as an example for all of PC gaming (which had far more secure online games for multiple decades), so I wanted to reply to this even though the post is old.
I just don´t understand why people care about this nameless, faceless avatar so much.

When was the last time our character spoke? Serious question.

They could introduce a new character and make me more attached to him in a good 30 second cut-scene than I am to my character right now.

Because it forces people to confront the uncomfortable truth that they've poured weeks of their lives into a fantasy whose existence is entirely dependent on the whims of a giant corporation.


To those who are comparong it to COD and other games and saying that the 10 year plan just meant entirely separate game and such, I wanna ask you why would Bungie say something like that? It's usual for games to get sequels and the franchise to go on for years...but you don't see the devs advertising their franchise as a multi year long journey now do you?

I doubt when Bungie said they want to feel attached to the world for years they meant attached to the name Destiny.

I don't expect them to let us carry over anything but it is disappointing because by the virtue of being a game that is built around MMO philosophy, the players are invested into it far more and in a different manner than games of other type. As such it is reasonable to expect some form of carry forward.
That´s every game ever though.

I definitely haven't poured weeks of my life into every game I've ever played.

I think the scale of this particular investment makes it feel like a bigger deal than having your progression reset with each new Call of Duty game.

Edit: ^^^ what nooblet said


Yea, it's coming to PC. From what I'm told the decision to restructure was made thanks to a major memory ceiling being reached on last gen with regard to the Rise of Iron expansion, which was set to launch in the spring, not fall. Bungie decided to push out D2 since it was behind and needed much more iteration, and took advantage of the Rise of Iron delays to use that as the content stop gap for the fall of this year.

Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.

Major narrative changes are on board for D2. Both in terms of plot direction, pacing & structure. Major focus is going to be on the Cabal & Saturn. Saturn is a playspace is set to be bigger than all of the playspaces currently implemented in the game combined. This is in large part of the scale of playspaces being redesigned, so it'll be both bigger & denser with activities. There's a reason Guardians take the fight to Saturn.

Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.

Live team has been going through some iteration so that they may continue to support Destiny with content after a major content drop, but they are stuck between a rock & a hard place. The live team is trying to support a game running on an old engine with its older tools, whereas the bulk of development is on the engine framework & enjoying new tools. Because of this, the Live team is largely handcuffed, so don't really expect a whole lot of post-launch content for D1 in the next year.

However, starting with the launch of D2, we will see far more substantial content dropping in the time between yearly releases, as the game & engine & live team have all been planned to support that going forward. Team is aware that they need more substantial content throughout the year, not just at the end of it.

If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.

Edit: New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Psions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.


Recently got into Destiny with the whole "Collection Edition" and I'm enjoying it actually. There is a lot that needs to be improved (repetitive side-quests, repetitive quest structure, repeititve areas in general, weird/unfocused RPG-ish elements, brain dead AI, distinct enemy factions that for the most part act the same and neede a lot more fleshing out, etc) but there is a lot of cool stuff in there (the general theme/lore of the game, the beautiful worlds/maps, the guns feel awesome to use, it's great to join up with random people doing the same things as you, badass looking characers and weapons, #nolanbot4life, etc).

A sequel that actively tries to improve on the bits that don't work very well is just what the series needs.

Bold One

Simple, I have more fun leveling from nothing than I do starting halfway through. 1-40 to me, starting with no abilities/weapons, is more fun to me than starting from 40-80 with all my abilities unlocked and a whole array of bullshit overpowered weapons.

I've been getting killed by Matador 64s in Crucible since May 2015, if I'm still getting killed by the same gun in 2017 I probably wouldn't be playing.

I said nothing about weapons or abilities, some people just want to keep their character's look, still want to cut them back to Lvl 0, fine, just give us the option to keep the avatars, I don't see hwat that takes away from the game. Should we come across gear that we take a fancy to over the course of the game, we will adapt accordingly.

Why Destiny players fight so fervently to have fewer options, I will never know.

I just don´t understand why people care about this nameless, faceless avatar so much.

When was the last time our character spoke? Serious question.

They could introduce a new character and make me more attached to him in a good 30 second cut-scene than I am to my character right now.

Speech doesn't make the character. Master Chief wasn't exactly chatty and I can't remember the last time Gordon Freeman spoke but they're still revered.

If everything you've done and achieved of the thousands of hours you've poured into the game and your avatar is so easily flushed down the toilet and disposable, then perhaps you and I value our time differently, because honestly, I wouldn't have bothered.


Yeah bots are stuff like repetition through color coding, and they are always getting banned. They're mostly used for menial tasks.

You won't see bots at the top of a PvP league or cheating players because there's no such thing as something like infinite health.

People are always acting like all PC games are filled with hackers, trust me, for the games that are smart enough with their security, you'll pretty much never see one.

And if you do, they run the risk of getting banned and having to pay for another game, so it'll be a very very small population.
At least for WoW, the flying hacks are certainly not getting banned fast enough. It is not like they are subtle about it.

These types of MMO games are grind-based to certain degree so bots for "menial tasks" still confer huge advantages versus other players.

Bots like Honorbuddy are very difficult for Blizzard to trace and action on.


I would love see the reasoning as to why a PC version would make you abandon the game. I serious doubt cross-play will happen with consoles more than likely locked to 30fps so what else would turn you away?

What's wrong with a game being on PC and consoles?
I just don't have faith in bungie to optimize or support the console versions as good as PC, which is the market they'll try to please the most.


Speech doesn't make the character. Master Chief wasn't exactly chatty and I can't remember the last time Gordon Freeman spoke but they're still revered.

If everything you've done and achieved of the thousands of hours you've poured into the game and your avatar is so easily flushed down the toilet and disposable, then perhaps you and I value our time differently, because honestly, I wouldn't have bothered.

So you played for thousands of hours not because you enjoyed it, but because it made you feel validated over a character? Am I getting that right?

There was never any story for any of our guardians, no character development, barely any lines and what was there was incoherent.

The only thing that really could carry over while still making sense is Ghost, because he has actual character. I'm sure everyone will still keep the same guardian because they keep pushing that Guardian/Ghost bond in D1, but you'll likely have to remake them and start over in video game terms and that's really okay.
I just don´t understand why people care about this nameless, faceless avatar so much.

When was the last time our character spoke? Serious question.

They could introduce a new character and make me more attached to him in a good 30 second cut-scene than I am to my character right now.

Pretty much. All I really care about is the gear and even then how much I care is tenuous at best. I mean, it'd be cool if there was a full body transmog for all the raid gear sets (assuming you collected them) but the guns and whatnot, whatever. The sequel will probably have better stuff and I don't doubt a few guns will make a reappearance. The characters themselves are practically shells with different abilities/supers.

Bold One

So you played for thousands of hours not because you enjoyed it, but because it made you feel validated over a character? Am I getting that right?


No, you've got it wrong, very very wrong. Why are you projecting this insinuation of validation?

Why the hell would I put hundreds of hours into something if I didn't enjoy it?

I am starting to realise that some people just won't understand.

So let's leave it there, I have repeated myself enough times.
we will get a Destiny 1 emblem and MAYBE a shader if we are lucky for Destiny 2, thanks for being "loyal fans" just like Battlefield does these days :p


Full werewolf off the buckle
Put hundreds of hours into Destiny with my bro up through Taken King. Having recently gone straight PC though, I'd LOVE to hop back into the Destiny universe. I hope to god though that they cut the dumb microtransaction bullshit and also the garbage event stuff.

Just concentrate on meaningful content and leave out all the crap filler. It really seems like they went from the pinnacle, which was TTK, to utter shit in a few months when it seemed like they had REALLY turned things around. It was kind of crazy to see. I've never seen a dev go from "Hey we finally figured this out!" to "Let's burn the crops and salt the Earth. No life shall ever thrive here." so quickly.


If I have to make a new character so be it. The only thing I ask, and what I already expect, is to keep PC players in their own bubble.

I know that Destiny is not an mmo. I just use the term to simplify my point. The genre is pretty new to most console gamers.

It's still problematic to use the term mmo even like that. Sure an actual MMO is new to a lot of destiny players but games like Diablo, Phantasy Star Online/Universe, Borderlands arent.


No, you've got it wrong, very very wrong. Why are you projecting this insinuation of validation?

Why the hell would I put hundreds of hours into something if I didn't enjoy it?

I am starting to realise that some people just won't understand.

So let's leave it there, I have repeated myself enough times.

You said you wouldn't have bothered playing so long if your character wouldn't have transferred over, that's your words man.


I said nothing about weapons or abilities, some people just want to keep their character's look, still want to cut them back to Lvl 0, fine, just give us the option to keep the avatars, I don't see hwat that takes away from the game. Should we come across gear that we take a fancy to over the course of the game, we will adapt accordingly.

Why Destiny players fight so fervently to have fewer options, I will never know.

Speech doesn't make the character. Master Chief wasn't exactly chatty and I can't remember the last time Gordon Freeman spoke but they're still revered.

If everything you've done and achieved of the thousands of hours you've poured into the game and your avatar is so easily flushed down the toilet and disposable, then perhaps you and I value our time differently, because honestly, I wouldn't have bothered.

Valuing time and videogames don´t go together for me.

I´m very aware of the fact that every time I turn on my PS4/PC/XB1 I do nothing, but waste my time. Regardless of the game I´m playing.


extra source of jiggaflops
Put hundreds of hours into Destiny with my bro up through Taken King. Having recently gone straight PC though, I'd LOVE to hop back into the Destiny universe. I hope to god though that they cut the dumb microtransaction bullshit and also the garbage event stuff.
One of Activision's core pillar is microtransactions. If you don't think Destiny 2 will have microtransactions you will be very surprised.

They might even say it won't have any, but it will. Their current strategy is too successful and customers are signaling them that this is where money can be made.
I would compare it to the Mass Effect series maybe.

I can understand why people might want to keep their character... to a point.

But it´s not a deal breaker to me.

Especially since our character is roughly as bland as a spectator in a racing game.

I don't understand why people want to keep a character here. This isn't a branching RPG with multiple paths where your character has a unique story. I'd even go so far as to say that you don't even have a character, just a collection of equipment and stats - all of which will be rendered obsolete in D2 anyway.

And unlike a traditional MMO, your Destiny character just has everything unlocked. My high-level Warlock is identical to all the others (or can be instantly respecced into being identical), with just a few equipment buffs to distinguish him.

Just recreate the same look in D2's character designer and voila! You've carried over your character.

I'm hoping they treat D2 as a whole new game, rather than some WoW-style expansion pack.


I dont care if my character looks different or has completely new subclasses, but I want to be the same Guardian thats slain gods.

Its no mean feat in the Destiny world to have taken down Atheon, Crota, Skolas, Oryx and now Aksis.
It's still problematic to use the term mmo even like that. Sure an actual MMO is new to a lot of destiny players but games like Diablo, Phantasy Star Online/Universe, Borderlands arent.

Yeah, so did people ask for character transfer from PSO1 to PSO2 or Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 2?

Will people ask for Diablo 3 character transfer to Diablo 4 if it ever happen? Imagine how many hours people would have spent in D3 already when D4 is out.


Yeah, so did people ask for character transfer from PSO1 to PSO2 or Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 2?

Will people ask for Diablo 3 character transfer to Diablo 4 if it ever happen? Imagine how many hours people would have spent in D3 already when D4 is out.

These are actually good comparisons!

This is why I think the expectations people have for D2 are almost bizarre.


It's baffling that Activision is putting so many of its studios to help with the project when they don't even own the IP.

Bold One

Valuing time and videogames don´t go together for me.

I´m very aware of the fact that every time I turn on my PS4/PC/XB1 I do nothing, but waste my time. Regardless of the game I´m playing.

People play games for many many reasons, my time is precious, I chose to play Destiny at the expense of other games because of the promise of adventure spanning the solar system over many years, being told the last 3 years and 700+ hours didn't matter is a hard pill to swallow. Especially for some of us who stuck with the game in its leaner times.

As another poster put it, the devs finally figure it out only to burn it all to the ground and salt the earth so that nothing ever grows there.


People play games for many many reasons, my time is precious, I chose to play Destiny at the expense of other games because of the promise of adventure spanning the solar system over many years, being told the last 3 years and 700+ hours didn't matter is a hard pill to swallow. Especially for some of us who stuck with the game in its leaner times.

As another poster put it, the devs finally figure it out only to burn it all to the ground and salt the earth so that nothing ever grows there.

So you wasted your time because it prevented you from wasting your time on other games?

Nope, Sorry, can´t wrap my head around that.

Your still gonna get your adventure. Because it´s yours, not the one of your nameless, silent avatar.

EDIT: I really don´t want to be a dick here - I simply don´t understand the line of thought like at all.

I still love all of DGAF very much.


Great news. I would definetely buy PS4 Pro for Destiny 2 but now that it's coming to PC... :) Anyway, it's half good news. It still needs to be quality port and hopefuly it won't require Windows 10. Day-1 purchase for sure.

Bold One

So you wasted your time because it prevented you from wasting your time on other games?

Nope, Sorry, can´t wrap my head around that.

Your still gonna get your adventure. Because it´s yours, not the one of your nameless, silent avatar.

EDIT: I really don´t want to be a dick here - I simply don´t understand the line of thought like at all.

I still love all of DGAF very much.

Like I said, people play games for many many reasons, for you, it's to "waste time" for others, its escapism, or to relax. Destiny's Co-op was a way for me and my friends who have now travelled and live across the globe to get together to cathc up and do epic shit, taking on the Vault of Glass, Defeating Oryx or just rolling as a four-man killing squad in the crucible. Because it doesn't mean shit to you doesn't mean it is an automatic waste of time to anyone else.

It's ok if you don't "get it" or "can't wrap your head around it" like I said before, different strokes for different folks/

Par Score

Like I said, people play games for many many reasons, for you, it's to "waste time" for others, its escapism, or to relax. Destiny's Co-op was a way for me and my friends who have now travelled and live across the globe to get together to cathc up and do epic shit, taking on the Vault of Glass, Defeating Oryx or just rolling as a four-man killing squad in the crucible. Because it doesn't mean shit to you doesn't mean it is an automatic waste of time to anyone else.

It's ok if you don't "get it" or "can't wrap your head around it" like I said before, different strokes for different folks/

So then why do you care whether you're doing that with a new character or your current one?

Is your ability to "catch up and do epic shit" with your friends tied to your current character somehow?

I think this is what GlamFM doesn't get: Your complaints of lost time don't seem to match up with your defensiveness over how you spent that time. Either you enjoyed that time on it's own terms, or you didn't. Either that time was meaningful because of something other than phat loot, or the phat loot is the main reason you did it.
Not sure if this has already been answered but the 10 year deal Activision and Bungie signed, when did the clock start on that? Was it the Destiny release date or is the 10 year thing just hyperbole for we are getting X amount of games from these guys?


Like I said, people play games for many many reasons, for you, it's to "waste time" for others, its escapism, or to relax. Destiny's Co-op was a way for me and my friends who have now travelled and live across the globe to get together to cathc up and do epic shit, taking on the Vault of Glass, Defeating Oryx or just rolling as a four-man killing squad in the crucible. Because it doesn't mean shit to you doesn't mean it is an automatic waste of time to anyone else.

Oh I get that - that´s the reason why I love Destiny.

But I feel like I did that, not my avatar.

That does not explain why you think all of this was wasted if you got a new avatar.

I´ve spent a minute or two in Destiny - still don´t feel any connection.



extra source of jiggaflops
The fun to do the raids and the memories you have playing with your friends are the thing you should be thinking about.

Those things are absolutely valid and it's fine to cherish those moments.

The numbers associated with your account name on Bungie's database are incidental.

Bold One

So then why do you care whether you're doing that with a new character or your current one?

Is your ability to "catch up and do epic shit" with your friends tied to your current character somehow?

I think this is what GlamFM doesn't get: Your complaints of lost time don't seem to match up with your defensiveness over how you spent that time. Either you enjoyed that time on it's own terms, or you didn't. Either that time was meaningful because of something other than phat loot, or the phat loot is the main reason you did it.

Why must it be either or?

why can't an experience be the sum of its parts?

Why am I being forced to defend the fact that some people see the value in keeping a hold of a character they've been using for three years, for whatever reason, sentimentality or otherwise.

The part of my post addressing the idea of attributing everyone else's time playing games as time wasted just because that is the case for Glam.
The fun to do the raids and the memories you have playing with your friends are the thing you should be thinking about.

Those things are absolutely valid and it's fine to cherish those moments.

The numbers associated with your account name on Bungie's database are incidental.

This. If leaving behind the old game and characters helps lead to superior gameplay and mechanics in the new game, then it seems like a good trade-off.

If WoW's Legion expansion required new characters to be created, obviously we'd be upset. But if World of Warcraft 2 was announced and it featured a complete overhaul to the way the game plays, completely redoing the mechanics and the world design, then I don't see why anyone would be upset at the thought of starting from scratch with a new character.

Destiny 2 is a new game, not an expansion.


From what I heard, one of the major reasons the first game never made it to PC was that it was heavily dependent on client side authority, similar to The Division, and that releasing it on PC would just open up the whole game to cheats and hacks.

As someone who is recently PC-only, and a lover to Destiny, this is music to my ears if it's true.


Sounds great. Just give me a Halo-quality single player experience please. That means big robust super-replayable missions, with an interesting plot stringing them together and hinting at fascinating deep lore.


I wonder if Bungie will stick to their 'we only make games at 30 fp" rule with Destiny 2 (talking console) or if they'll at least target 60 on the Pro + Scorpio. I expect them to stick to 30 fps.

Very happy to hear it will be on PC. Would be nice if we could have some cross-play with console for PvE or at least the ability to transfer your character between PC and console. Guessing this won't happen either..

Still, loved Destiny 1, especially Taken King (haven't played Rise of Iron). I hope they do a complete reboot and don't allow characters or at least not gear to transfer over so that they don't have to deal with balancing old items with new and can start fresh.


I love everything that I'm hearing, and maybe only keeping a handful of exotic weapons and armor and ditching or heavily reworking the rest would be a GREAT idea.

I don't want to play Destiny 1 past next year, I want to play the bigger and better thing where everything has been thought out in advance instead of cobbled together haphazardly over a few years being held back by old-engine content.

Bungie should just have an approximation of what our guardian looks like when we boot up D2, and let us change features/remake character since they haven't done that at all in D1.

I feel like the Moments of Triumph and player metrics should yield some kind of boost in D2, maybe let us keep whatever exotics we had that they decide to keep around moving forward.

Everything else can be tossed.

All I ask is for us to be able to transfer to PC from console.


Yeah, as someone who played around 1000hours of D1 and its expansions,do change your design and story approach Bungie, just keep the god level gunplay and the microtransactions on cosmetic stuff (drop that reputation boost bs)

I always wanted to play Destiny, I guess no chance of Destiny 1 coming to PC?

TBH, there is no real reason to. Destiny 2 tho makes perfect sense, and it will happen
if it does indeed come to PC i'll be there. i really enjoyed destiny and miss it. somehow i managed to play it at 30fps but would love it in 60fps.

my biggest hopes for Destiny 2 are more open areas. I was disappointed when we unlocked a new planet and you were restricted to such a small area. Of course exploring a whole planet is insane to ask for but I would like multiple areas per planet and with a lot more stuff to do.

more enemy varieties. i felt like i was just killing the same enemies over and over again. as for bosses they are bullet sponges. don't do that again. i have flashbacks of fighting sepik's prime right now. also, please no more missions where i hold off enemies while ghost hacks into a computer.

make everything have matchmaking or at least give us a party finder. what made me stop playing Destiny was the raid. I got to lvl 29 and trying to get into the raid was just so frustrating. I tried asking people in game and visiting forums/websites. It's a waste of my time.

the story needs to be better. i played a little of the first two expansions. i bought taken king which made a lot of improvements but never played any of it's new content so i don't know how it is right now. haven't played the game in months and have no intention of getting RoI.
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