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Doom_Bringer said:
The story will be great.

Hopefully, since the first ones' wasn't :p

Seriously, if they give a good story this time that doesn't follow 8-bit JRPG structure and add some depth and challenge to the battle system it could definitely have the chance to stand up to the good Japanese rpgs this gen.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
looks like SW epi III to me, not KoTOR II.

Deku Tree

I'm excited to play KotOR2 even if it's only half the game KotOR was because KotOR was incredible.

But I have too many other games to play now. I plan to pick it up next year. I'm hoping it'll drop to $30 or even $20 by the time the PC version is released in March.
Bebpo said:
Seriously, if they give a good story this time that doesn't follow 8-bit JRPG structure and add some depth and challenge to the battle system it could definitely have the chance to stand up to the good Japanese rpgs this gen.

Such as? Just curious about your definition of "good."


brooklyngooner said:
Such as? Just curious about your definition of "good."

Such as a story that is not "You must go from the intro dungeon to the EARTH/WIND/FIRE/WATER temples and retreive the holy stone from each and then go the the final 2 dungeons and finish the game." I have no clue why a Western developer decided to use such a stale game structure for their big rpg and I'm really hoping KoTOR2 is a nice change from that.
Bebpo said:
Such as a story that is not "You must go from the intro dungeon to the EARTH/WIND/FIRE/WATER temples and retreive the holy stone from each and then go the the final 2 dungeons and finish the game." I have no clue why a Western developer decided to use such a stale game structure for their big rpg and I'm really hoping KoTOR2 is a nice change from that.

Sorry, I should have specified to which Japanese RPGs you were referring.


KOTOR story was/is the best story i've played through. I dont understand the problem with it.

I hope, that at the very least, the plot manages to be on par with KOTOR. Good to hear the voice acting is top notch like the first


brooklyngooner said:
Sorry, I should have specified to which Japanese RPGs you were referring.

Ah, well for this year I'd say Shadow Hearts 2 and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Both had very unpredictable story structures and interesting characters combined with really good battle systems which allowed customization and were reasonably deep (with SMT being the more strategic). I would throw Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner in there but the story structure was more standard. Add Stelladeus if you're counting SRPGs.


While the excuse used to get the character to visit all the different planets was pretty cliche, the actual underlying plot, characters, and backstory were very well done in KOTOR for me.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Willco said:
No BioWare = No Sale

This is being made by Black Isle studios (in their new form of Obsidian) the best RPG producers ever. Don't worry, this game is going to absolutely rule everything.


Hollywood Square
The funny thing was that KOTOR started out so incredibly slow that I almost put the controller down in disgust and returned the game. Then the game shifted to epic proportions of awesomeness, setup by the slow beginning that really makes you feel your character started out as a nobody and becomes one of the most badass Jedi ever.

Plus, the plot twist ruled.


Willco said:
Plus, the plot twist ruled.


I didn't even see it coming. The possibility never even crossed my mind.
Up until that point I thought Revan was dead.

KOTOR II is the only game this year I feel can dethrone Pikmin 2 as my GotY. Make it so, Obsidian.

Oh wait, that's Star Trek.


Knows the Score
Doom_Bringer said:
Oh and HK 47 is back

Oh, and how could anyone not see that twist coming? Bastilla's weird behaviour towards from the outset was a pretty big telegraph to that.


Hang out with Steve.
AniHawk said:

I didn't even see it coming. The possibility never even crossed my mind.
Up until that point I thought Revan was dead.

KOTOR II is the only game this year I feel can dethrone Pikmin 2 as my GotY. Make it so, Obsidian.

Oh wait, that's Star Trek.

I watched my wife play it. We had no idea of the plot twist either, and amazingly enough, she had named her character Ravenna. OOOOooooOoOoOoooooo!
:lol @ SteveMeister's bit.

I'm glad I had not even a vague suspicion about the twist...totally made the game for me at that point. Roll on KotOR II!!
I saw "the twist" coming from a good two planets away. The dead giveaway was
when the Star Map on Kashyyk identified my DNA, but said my "Light Side" behavior pattern didn't match the one on file. Therefore, I used to be Dark Side. Therefore, I used to be Revan.
I was already suspicious beforehand, though, just because
Revan wears a mask, which seemed like an obvious character design decision to disguise variations in player-created characters.
That said, it was a pretty good twist -- just hardly "out of nowhere." Of course, I guessed the twist in the Sixth Sense five minutes in the first time I saw it. Maybe I think too hard.

I also have to agree with Bebpo's analysis of the plot: the writing was fairly good, and the voice acting was excellent, but the core "collect all four star maps to advance!" had to be the Z-gradeiest plot structure this side of The Spirits Within. And don't get me started on how unbalanced the battle system was!

Obsidian/Black Isle has a habit of taking Bioware's engines and making much better games. I fully expect that KOTOR II will blow the first one away ... if people can manage to remove their Bioware-blinders. 2004 is also a much, much, much heavier year for AAA-grade competition than 2003, and the score may reflect that.

(Disclaimer: I really liked KOTOR and played through it both "paths"; that said, it's hardly the best RPG of 2003, let alone of all time.)


JackFrost2012 said:
(Disclaimer: I really liked KOTOR and played through it both "paths"; that said, it's hardly the best RPG of 2003, let alone of all time.)

Agreed. Both titles belong to Xenosaga.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
JackFrost2012 said:
I saw "the twist" coming from a good two planets away. The dead giveaway was
when the Star Map on Kashyyk identified me, but said my "Light Side" behavior pattern didn't match the one on file. Therefore, I used to be Dark Side. Therefore, I used to be Revan.
I was already suspicious beforehand, though, just because
Revan wears a mask, which seemed like an obvious character design decision to disguise variations in player-created characters.

I also have to agree with Bebpo's analysis of the plot: the writing was fairly good, and the voice acting was excellent, but the core "collect all four star maps to advance!" had to be the Z-gradeiest plot structure this side of The Spirits Within.

And don't get me started on how unbalanced the battle system was!

Obsidian/Black Isle has a habit of taking Bioware's engines and making much better games. I fully expect that KOTOR II will blow the first one away ... if people can manage to remove their Bioware-blinders.

(Disclaimer: I really liked KOTOR and played through it both "paths"; that said, it's hardly the best RPG of 2003, let alone of all time.)

Black Isle better then boiware?

What the fuck drugs are you taking?

So you are saying the Icewind dale series holds a candle to the Baldur’s Gate series which are the finest games in existence!

Black Isle only did the music for the BG games


JackFrost2012 said:
Uh, you're a funny man! Ha ha!

... right?

The best RPG of 2003 is undoubtedly Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. All time, I'd have to think about.

I'd say it's a toss-up between SoAL and KOTOR. Leaning towards SoAL.


Twist or no twist, I don't think it's fair to hold KotOR's story against it. It's a Star Wars game through-and-through regardless of genre, and the story is very much Star Wars. Since Star Wars itself has never really been completely unpredictable nor non-standard and original, why would the best RPG based on it be? It simply offers a great experience for any Star Wars fan and I think those who feel the story needed "more" are pretty jaded. :p
Do The Mario said:
So you are saying the Icewind dale series holds a candle to the Baldur’s Gate series which are the finest games in existence!

No, but Planescape:Torment beats the everloving shit out of Baldur's Gate. BGII is quite good, but the first BG felt like my middle school buddy's D&D campaign: lots of ideas, sloppy execution, terrible writing. Ambitious, yes, but not any fun.

Also, Black Isle Studios made Fallout. Fallout > Baldur's Gate. I can prove this with a variety of charts and graphs.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
JackFrost2012 said:
No, but Planescape:Torment beats the everloving shit out of Baldur's Gate. BGII is quite good, but the first BG felt like my middle school buddy's D&D campaign: lots of ideas, sloppy execution, terrible writing. Ambitious, yes, but not any fun.

Also, Black Isle Studios made Fallout. Fallout > Baldur's Gate. I can prove this with a variety of charts and graphs.
This BG hate is making baby Jesus cry!


Baldur’s gate 1 and 2 combined makes the finest game in existence!

Anyway what’s black isle up to now? :D
I've seen gamespots video preview yesterday. This game is soooooo hot, halo2 doesn't stand a chance to become my GOTY 2004, no matter how good it turns out to be (just waiting for my UK LE :( ).

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
duckroll said:
Yeah and Boiware doesn't exist. What's your point. :)
What do you mean bioware doesn’t exist?

Bioware is currently making Jade Empire, it’s black isle that closed down because they soxor! (compared to Bioware)


Do The Mario said:
What do you mean bioware doesn’t exist?

Bioware is currently making Jade Empire, it’s black isle that closed down because they soxor! (compared to Bioware)

You never said nothing about bioware though.

Do The Mario said:
Black Isle better then boiware?

What the fuck drugs are you taking?

So you are saying the Icewind dale series holds a candle to the Baldur’s Gate series which are the finest games in existence!

Black Isle only did the music for the BG games
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