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Yeah, I agree that the way KOTOR is structured makes it kind of unengaging. I'll just spoiler mark this just in case...

I think it's because how you travel to different planets which doesn't seem to have an impact on the story at all. The story, which is mainly told through cutscenes in-between your travel to another planet and almost seems independent from the rest of the game really (although I guess it will be more relevant towards the end).

I appreciate the freedom that's given to you, but after a while I just grew tired of helping people. It became more like an MMORPG with small, stand-alone missions. I could barely keep track of everyone I was supposed to help, and really just wanted to make some progress with the story. I wanted something to HAPPEN, that made a bigger difference than just "random NPC is happy you gained a new sword". But the only real progress made is that I find yet another Star Map and learn some history.

Maybe I have different expectations from an RPG, but I expected a story that you always seem to actively follow throughout the game. In KOTOR it's more like they used the story as an excuse to throw numerous smaller missions at you. It's a different structure from the standard J-RPG for sure.


I have every confidence that this game will be even better than KOTOR, though it will probably get lower scores for the aging technology, load times, etc...

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member


All in all terrific news. And for those that are wondering about Black Isle and their prowess, PlaneScape:Torment and the Fallout series are all that needs to be said.
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