The British Empire were immensely succesful in their conquests. It's one of the most succesful empires in history, but I don't think that they were more evil, than other empires of their time was.
This was the world we've lived in until recently. There was no concept of anything other than, vanquish the weak. And that mentality existed all over the world, and wasn't reserved for people with white skin.
Had it not been the Europeans, it would have been someone else.
So one has to wonder, what the benefit is of drawing a line in the sand, like these guys are worse than all the others, like evil and racism itself is a white construct.
If we look at this in the vacuum, what she says makes sense, but the reality is that these things d not exist in a vacuum. And that is why you see minorities being worse treated basically anywhere you go on earth.
Majority populations share the benefit of power and wealth in all corners of the world. That is not a white-people phenomenon, but a people phenomenon.
Human beings are tribal, and they are conditioned to be biased towards people they identity with; origin, ethnicity, skin color, hair color, ideology, upbringing- Lots of things that you are SOCIALIZED to be biased towards as you grow up. But this is not something that is exclusive or unique to white people.It's as natural for any ethnicity, but the lady in the piece does not put it out like this, and it's jarring.
I don't think she should have been dropped/fired. I don't agree with people being fired, removed or ostrizied the first time, they say something dumb/ignorant/misinformed in public. That line of thinking stigmatizes mistakes, but doesn't solve the underlying issue. All it will do, is to train people with bad thoughts and values to be better at avoiding it verbally, but still retain their ignorant views.
Companies and organizations, have a obligation to grow a fucking spine, and stand by their employees and people who've they've endorsed, and at least give them a chance to apologize, retrify their position or go into some sort of training course that tries to dispel them of their errors. Just dropping someone doesn't teach anyone anything.
Consequences need to be met with a solution or alternative path to why thinking or speaking or writing a certain way is bad, terrible, misguided or ignorant.
But you're rarely left with anything other than a company that is spineless and will drop all its employees at the first time of founded controversy, founded or unfounded.
I don't agree with the lady, but just because I disagree with her to the core, why should I get a sense that justice has been served because she was dropped? I just don't get this mentality.