Do I like porn?
Hell yeah! Its great!
You know, I have never downloaded porn off the net. Well I have, as far as checking out links people have sent me, and I get heaps of pics emailed to me too. Its like forwards, you keep passing them on and they just keep coming. I have a pretty impressive collection. But I have never actually gone looking for it on line. I guess I am a bit old school in that sense, in that I like to physically go to the porn store.
That has its down sides though. There is this porn store near my work that I usually go to, and I used to get chatting to the staff in there and they would order stuff in for me every now and then. I hadnt been there for like 8 months or so when I turn up one day with a work colleague. As soon as we walk in the assistant spots me
Hey, Alyssa, how are you! I havent seen you in a while, but I have a couple of movies hidden away under the counter that I thought you may be interested in!
My colleague turns to me with the most bizarre expression..."I see!
But I do watch it by myself. Or with my husband, but more often than not by myself. I have also on the rare occasion watched porn with a group of friends too, like someone else said the running commentary can be fun!
My favorite female porn star is (was) Alisha Klass (she quit the industry a couple of years agoL ). She is pretty, but certainly not the most beautiful porn star on the planet, she looks more like the girl next door. But the girl next she is definitely not! The reason I like her so much is that you can tell she is really getting off on what she is doing
you can see it is not an act. She enjoys her craft and shes having a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Damn shame she stopped. I have a collection of 22 movies with her in them
and I bought every one myself. Actually, out of our entire porn collection, by husband has only purchased 2, the rest are all mine.
She stars primarily in the Seymore Butts collection a few years back. I like his movies, there is no cheesy story-line, no dodgy music, just a dude going around the place with his handy-cam, filming him and all his friends (and some they meet on the way) fucking. Seymore is largely into anal as his name would suggest so be warned, but he makes good movies, and hell Id buy anything that has Alisha in it. She is THE woman I find attractive.
My favourite male porn star is Nacho Vidal
he is MAD! Both Alisha and Nacho are not that memorable in photos, but in action, OMG! Ladies (and fellas if you are so inclined) I HIGHLY recommend to you this fine fellow
he knows how to fuck.
Does it do funny things to our brains involuntarily like it does to a male? Not to the extent it would like a male I would say, but sure it can rock. But I think Cloudwalking said it perfectly, most women prefer to just lie in bed and dream up their own fantasies rather than watch porn
we are very very good at this.
Koshiba also mentioned erotic Novels
guys, if you have never read one, I suggest you do, just for the experience. Particularly when you have a vivid imagination, they can be hot
thats why so many women read them!!
(But sorry girls, I must beg to disagree on one point... blow jobs rock, both on and off screen).