Alyssa Hu$tle
Oh it will happen to them eventually as they get older. It ROCKS!cloudwalking said:The same thing happens to me! I thought it was abnormal at first because it's never happened to any of my female friends.![]()
Oh it will happen to them eventually as they get older. It ROCKS!cloudwalking said:The same thing happens to me! I thought it was abnormal at first because it's never happened to any of my female friends.![]()
Daaaamn. Men (or is it just me?) really suck at sleeping.
teh_pwn said:Stop masturbating and notice the stains on your bedsheets.
No need for you to go that far, especially in reaction to one post.Alyssa DeJour said:That's okay. Hell, if you want me to stop flirting with you guys I am happy to.
slayn said:whats so great about orgasming while you're asleep... since well... you aren't awake to feel it... or something...
I'm playing with you kiddo. That was sarcasmaoi tsuki said:No need for you to go that far, especially in reaction to one post.
teh pwn said:Ugh...let's put it this way. If you don't milk it, you're body will when you're sleeping. I'm sure you've noticed that the longer you go without masturbating, the urge to do it rises. Eventually...well just google "wet dreams".
SuperPac said:One thing in porn I will never understand is some people's fascination with shemale pr0n and their shrively shrivels of 'manhood' (due to female hormone-taking and all that). Why not just bust down the walls and watch some gay porn already. To each his/her own I s'pose.
I'm going to stop putting effort into sex and just tell the girl to roll over and go to sleep.
cloudwalking said:Every time it's happened to me, it's been so powerful it wakes me up with a real jolt. Believe me, you feel it all.
Bacon said:I'd be pissed if I had to sleep next to you with all your tossing and turning.
cloudwalking said:The same thing happens to me! I thought it was abnormal at first because it's never happened to any of my female friends.![]()
demi said:We should have a sleepover party.
demi said:We should have a sleepover party.
slayn said:while, admittedly, we guys watch the most porn and so its going to be geared towards guys, just look at the variety of reponses from the women in this thread. Theres no way even the set of femal gaffers could agree on what they want. Hence, if porn WERE going to be female oriented... what would that even mean?
And I can definitely understand not liking porn. But I would wonder if its just an aversion to porn in general, or if you just haven't seen the right things. I mean I find 99% of porn absolutely disgusting but I like me my porn. I tend to whole avoid stuff with guys in it now since it always degrades down into jack hammering away which I find immensely boring. And, at the same time, in lesbian porn I find one girl drilling a dildo into another to be immensely boring.
My personal preferense is to have two girls togethor where they mostly just use their hands. It can be extremely difficult to find such porn, but when I do damn is it good![]()
Waychel said:Although this is true, couldn't the same be said about porn as it is now (being geared towards guys)? There have been more male than female opinions offered in the course of this thread and very few seem to agree on much of anything just the same. I don't think that it is just a case of "different strokes for different folks" (no pun intended... LOL), but also of mood. I'm not going to go into detail about all the stuff I watch here, but I know that the type of porn I watch varies depending on what I'm in the mood for at the time.
I don't think that creating porn appealing to women would be that hard. All you would need to do is give as much focus to the guy as to the girl. That alone would probably making most porn out there far more appealing to the women who watch it. Type/genre are a whole other issue entirely, though.
border said:There's hentai that doesn't involve rape? Seems like they are always full of yelping screaming girls who, at the least, aren't enjoying it and at the worst don't want it. I didn't think many girls would like hentai, since it seems to be some of the most blatantly violent and misogynistic porn there is.
slayn said:I guess I just don't understand what you want and am trying to understand (general curiousity). With exceptions of course, Blow Jobs don't seem to be popular. Hence, I would assume that you aren't terribly interested in the camera focusing on the guy's dick. And, as has been discussed, there is entirely too much man-ass in porn as it is. What is it you want to see then? His face?
cloudwalking said:I like porn, but only if it's one girl and one guy, or girl on girl. I'm not interested in the group sex stuff at all. Also, nothing real violent and fucked up, weird fetishes are not my thing. Just run of the mill sex is good enough for me.
I skip over any parts with blowjobs... It's just boring for me. I'm sure you can understand why. Watching anal doesn't thrill me too much either, maybe one day if I try it and like it my tune will change.
As for gay porn, I have never gone looking for it, stumbled across it once, and was grossed out. So that's that.
Honestly I prefer to just lie in bed and dream up my own fantasies rather than watch porn, and I bet most girls would agree with that. I'll look for porn on the internet, but rarely. I have to be in the right mood for it. Or just really, really bored. I don't purchase porn -- well, I can't anyway.
But, yeah, porn is all good with me. And like Koshiba said it's really fucking late or I'd probably have more to say.![]()
GhaleonEB said:I assume you mean MALE gay porn?
i assumed "gay male" was rhetorical, but i could be wrong. :/GhaleonEB said:I assume you mean MALE gay porn?
Be-Ah-Hui said:My opinion, obviously, differs greatly from the other girls (who've posted): I don't like porn
I don't watch porn, and never had. I've stumbled upon porn images on the Internet before, but you can't really help that. I cancelled my Showtime package when I found soft-core porn late at night once![]()
I'm sure i'll be thought of as a prude, but IMO, the only guy I want to look at nude is my significant other. Honestly, I have no urge to watch other people having sex. I'm fine with having sex with my fiancee and learning new things as we go, not from having seen it in a video.
Don't get me wrong, I looove sex, I even have orgasms in my sleep (I know, TMI), I just don't like porn
And no, i'm not a conservative or Republican :lol
I'm actually picturing him shouting what he just posted out he uses the computer in the local library to browse GAF.cloudwalking said:is your caps lock key broken?
cloudwalking said:is your caps lock key broken?
Amakusa said:Nope, just needed to stand out because it's worth reading. If I type in all caps... it's really worth.
LakeEarth said:I'm a guy but I want more of these movies to have storylines, or at least a small minute long setup to kinda make these people have a 'character'. So much internet porn is sit the girl down "Who are you" "I'm blah blah" "You excited" "Oh yeah" "Alright lets go!"... it's like the porn industry finally stopped trying to convince people they're "actors" anymore.
slayn said:I guess I just don't notice the focus as much as you do in guy/girl porn. In softcore cinemax stuff, definitely. But most of the 'hardcore' stright stuff I've seen just involves centering the two of them in the camera and letting them go at it. There really isn't a focus except when it zooms in at which point its kinda hard to focus on one but not the other.
I guess I just don't understand what you want and am trying to understand (general curiousity). With exceptions of course, Blow Jobs don't seem to be popular. Hence, I would assume that you aren't terribly interested in the camera focusing on the guy's dick. And, as has been discussed, there is entirely too much man-ass in porn as it is. What is it you want to see then? His face?
Waychel said:I like to see the guy's dick in porn. =x Actually, what's whirred is I like seeing a guy getting a hand job more than I like seeing him getting sucked on. I think this is because you see more of the guy's dick in porn when he's getting a handjob than when he's getting head. I also like to see the guy come in porn (that's like my #1 turn on in pr0n), but in half the porn out there involving blow jobs, the girl will spit it out... which just totally grosses me out. I prefer bukkake type stuff over seeing the girl spit. D=
border said:using it for the purposes it was intended for? =P