LAX is probably the worst I've ever been to. I was blown away the first time I was there that such a prolific airport could be such a shithole.
I've gone through LaGuardia a handful of times, and it's not even in my Bottom 3 for airports (that'd probably go to Logan in Boston, CVG in Cincinnati, & MIA in Miami), but it could certainly use the update. It's a bit stuck in the past, mostly in that the airport can't adequately move and support the amount of people who fly through there and the facilities are just kind of old and busted.
I remember walking into a bathroom at LGA once and there were a few tiles missing. In the space of one of the tiles, there was square foot-sized hole. There happened to be an airport employee in there, and when I asked him what happened, he just shrugged and said, "I'unno," and then proceeded to DUCK TAPE A PLANK OVER THE HOLE. He even nodded and made a "problem solved" gesture afterwards haha.
And if they can get subway stops built into it, that'd be fucking awesome. It's one of the things I love about living in Chicago. Whether I'm going to O'Hare or Midway, I can take the train all the way there without having to transfer to a bus.
So one of the arguments about how Cuomo is a toxic bumbling idiot is that he's ready to dump $4bn into one of three airports, while the subway system, which carries millions more people, collapses on itself.
Oh, by the way, did anyone notice that the $4bn cost is BEFORE the planned airtrain and ferry?
He talks about 3rd world infrastructure...behold, the global epicenter of money
This is what happens you you elect someone who travels exclusively by limo and business class airplane
This is probably how it's supposed to look in the end:Anyone have some decent pictures? The OP ones are awful. Can't even tell what the layout will look like.
For the billions they're going to spend, I wish they were actually going to fix the primary reason why LGA is so bad...the runways.
LGA only has two runways. They are short runways, require more advanced flight paths than most airports, and they intersect each other. That means only one plane at a time can alternate between landing and taking off.
No matter how nice the new terminal is, or how much extra space they give planes to taxi, it doesn't solve the fundamental issue...which is really a shame.
The problem, of course, is space. LGA borders the bay, so where else could it build? I read a proposal once to demolish the prison on Rikers Island, and rebuild LGA there. Seems like the only thing that would be remotely possible.
Regardless, NYC needs a mega airport, larger than JFK or LGA, that's positioned well-outside of the city, like NRT or DIA. Maybe one of the airports out in Long Island could be demolished and re-built, with a dedicated train line into the city. I've never been out there, so I have no idea how feasible that would be, or if they have any additional space to play with.
For the billions they're going to spend, I wish they were actually going to fix the primary reason why LGA is so bad...the runways.
LGA only has two runways. They are short runways, require more advanced flight paths than most airports, and they intersect each other. That means only one plane at a time can alternate between landing and taking off.
No matter how nice the new terminal is, or how much extra space they give planes to taxi, it doesn't solve the fundamental issue...which is really a shame.
The problem, of course, is space. LGA borders the bay, so where else could it build? I read a proposal once to demolish the prison on Rikers Island, and rebuild LGA there. Seems like the only thing that would be remotely possible.
Regardless, NYC needs a mega airport, larger than JFK or LGA, that's positioned well-outside of the city, like NRT or DIA. Maybe one of the airports out in Long Island could be demolished and re-built, with a dedicated train line into the city. I've never been out there, so I have no idea how feasible that would be, or if they have any additional space to play with.
ITT people have never flown through LAX.
Looking forward to NYC and Berlin forming a club!
LGA is worse.