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Larry David announced Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 will be the final season. Series finale will be on April 7th.(Season premiere Feb. 14th)


Neighbours from Hell
I liked the finale. It was obvious it was headed toward a mirrored finale to Seinfeld from the beginning of the season. I like the way they chose to end it. Some of the bits in the episode were quite funny. And I liked seeing some of the characters return. I really liked this season overall. Wasn't god tier, but there were a lot of moments I enjoyed from it.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I liked the finale and making it parallel Seinfeld and having a better ending was good. Other than that this season was awful.
I liked the finale and making it parallel Seinfeld and having a better ending was good. Other than that this season was awful.
I also agree with this, but since season 8. I have enjoyed it for what it was since, but it never came back from that 6 year hiatus from 2011 to 2017. It jumped the shark big time, especially with Celebs


I tried watching some of season one and it was just downright awful. Is there a particular season I should start from where it becomes funny?

Season 1 Episode 9 is classic Curb. Yeah, if you don't "enjoy" that episode then yeah, you won't ever really get it.


I've never seen a single episode of this show. How would y'all describe it?
Social porn awkward situations arising from Larry’s complete lack of tact and people skills, often ironically since he’s mostly ”trying to do the right thing” and getting doubly punished for it; also since a lot of the people he interacts with are grandstanding douchebags.

Each episode is like a mini puzzle to see what will go wrong, and when all the pieces converge, it’s glorious. Very similar to Seinfeld (sans S8-9) in that regard. There’s a recurring happy-go-lucky tune, typically occurring in the first half of the episode, that I call the ’Everything’s Still Mostly Fine Theme’ when things are still somewhat optimistic and the social situation hasn't fallen apart yet.
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I loved the callback to the “Pants tent“ from episode 1 at the very end. I always found that so relatable. 😂
Man I'm going to miss this show, it was always some strange comfort knowing another season would inevitably come out.
I would be down for a Freddy Funkhouser spin-off , Vince could easily be a younger Larry and carry that torch.


I am part of the way through the finally. This season is awful, and I am glad it is ending. A show that really had no politics has become obsessed with it.
I'm sad reading this. I'm on my first watch, currently on season 6, and I love this show. It's full of awkward situations but it's so light all the time, so trivial. I guess the world was really much better/simpler in the beginning of the 2000's.


Eh, the political stuff wasn’t that big a deal to me. It wasn’t aggressively pushing any ideologies, atleast from what I got out of it. The bigger issue with the last season was the writing just wasn’t anywhere near as good as it used to be. Most of the jokes fell flat and lots of the situations they put Larry in weren’t remotely believable compared to the show at it’s best. The show up until this point straddled the line pretty geniously between Larry being an insensitive jerk but also relatable to most people in the things that annoyed him. Larry is what we all would be if we had no filter and just acted on every minor inconvenience. They really lost the plot in this way and he just came across in most of the new episodes, as an asshole for no reason. Still worth watching though if for no other reason than Leon. The final episode was good, too.
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