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Late to the Party RE Code: Veronica (Dreamcast Edition)


Having the PS2 busy with the Linux Kit and not having any interesting games for the Cube (this changed last week with the purchase of Billy Hatcher) I needed something to play all this summer.
I took a look at my Dreamcast library and realized I hadn't beat Code Veronica yet. It was the only RE game I hadn't beat and I thought it would be a great idea to finish it before the release of 4.
Besides it was very acclaimed and a lot of the Biohazard fans considered it an awesome game.

Well, I have to say that I don't agree with those impressions 100%. For me Resident Evil Code Veronica has been one of the most difficult games to beat lately along with Zelda: WW or Kingdom Hearts (which I stopped playing at the middle). It's not a question of easy or difficult but about how the game manages to keep you hooked to the screen.
For me Code: Veronica has been an uninteresting game from the beginning but well I finished it.

I think that there are many factors that have me made lose interest on it easily:

1. Characters. I have never been a huge fan of the Redfields. I have always tried to play with the other characters which I found more interesting: Jill, Rebecca, Leon or even the badass Billy Cohen which for me has been one of the most interesting Resident Evil characters...I suppose I like bad-ass characters ;).

2. Lack of Ambience. Perhaps it's the use of real 3D in the game or perhaps the whole locations but you can't say the game inspires terror to the gamer... Every Resident Evil game I played before was much more terrifying. Maybe the problem is that I have beat this game after 2 Silent Hill games and I think this might affect things a bit :p .

3. Story. Well, everyone agrees that Code Veronica has an awesome story full of surprises and that explains a lot of new things...For me it has been nothing special.

Anyways, I won't calify the game as shit because it isn't. There are some good points about it such as the graphics (if we consider the time when it was released since they don't look very good in our days), the slightly better control using the analog (this doesn't apply to me but I think it is a good point) or the puzzles. I found them very interesting and although easy, they were enough good for me.
The level of difficult of the game is a bit fucked up though. The game is VERY EASY...Till the last 5 minutes when you face the last monster which is PAIN. Even with a grenade launcher, a Magnum, a Machine Gun and 3 SPRAYS I had problems beating it. I had to make use of CVXFREAK awesome gamefaq which had helped me previously to get some extra items...Unfortunatelly it didn't help me at all.

Well, I suppose that the whole context in which you play a game is a very important thing that will make you love or hate a game. You can't expect to beat certain games 5 years later and still enjoy them a lot...I have experienced it with some 16 bit games which still rock or even 32/64/128 bit games but this hasn't been the case with CV.

Well, I hope nobody gets upset at me. These were just my opinions and I understand you love the game or that even it is your favourite game ever.
My problem with the game is that it's not even remotely scary in the slightest. Not that the other games in the series were remotely terrifying, but this one doesn't even come close to the others.

I could have done without the lame crossdressing badguy too.


Well, I think that more than terror what we experience with the Re games is tension. The tension of not having enough medical herbs, sprays or munition.
But this is a thing THAT NEVER HAPPENS in RE:CV. You always have something, ALWAYS.

I think the only RE game that has surpassed the tension feeling and perhaps brought a bit of fear is RE 1 (specially the GC edition).


I'm sorry my FAQ couldn't help you better. It's usually the first boss in CV people hate, and not the final one.


Well, the motherfucker didn't want to die (after 12 Magnum Bullets !!!!) ! And when it transforms into the final form it was very hard to hit it with the hypermegaultra-phaser ;).

But good job CVXFREAK. Your faq was awesome.


Thanks. :)

I forgot if I told people to use the Magnum, but 12 shots certainly won't be enough. It's usually the Submachine Gun that's absolutely best to use, because there's two guns and the rapid fire will help deflect the smaller enemies. If by Machine Gun, you meant tjhe Assault Rifle, then that was one of the worse weapons to use on Alexia. ;)


I wanted to mean the submachine guns.

I started the first sequence (protect Claire) by a Submachine shot. Then when she transforms into that monster I switched to the magnum and fired the entire 12 bullets. Then I switched to the Grenade Launcher with Fire Grenades. 8 shots were necessary and then Alexia started flying.
I grabbed the special phaser from Star Wars and began the impossible task to shot Alexia. I really don't know how I did it but when I had no more sprays and I was in Danger-status, it seems a shot touched Alexia...and well the rest is history ;)


Heh heh, I see.

If there's a next time:
Shoot with the Magnum to protect Claire, and then waste the Submachine Guns before using the Magnum again. Pwnage.

Ploid 3.0

This game was a nightmare for me (PS2). I wouldn't have even attempted to finish it if I wasn't dared to (didn't finish DMC1 so someone said I couldn't finish this game). When I got to the chris part I though DEAR GOD NO! I thought the game would never end. Turned out to be a torture test.

Musashi Wins!

You're faqs are awesome btw, CV. I think the series has been a tedious, badly designed excercise in gaming design so far, but I looked at your faqs for the times I've been burnt by them.


I loved CV, was everything Blue Stinger tried to be and more. It lacked the scare factor but really now a days most "horror" movies are missing it too. We just more mature and our scares come from stupid shock moments, only few movies/games can really invoke fear, Silent Hill being one, The Ring for me at least, Seven...Stigmata and Event Horizon.



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DCX said:
I loved CV, was everything Blue Stinger tried to be and more. It lacked the scare factor but really now a days most "horror" movies are missing it too. We just more mature and our scares come from stupid shock moments, only few movies/games can really invoke fear, Silent Hill being one, The Ring for me at least, Seven...Stigmata and Event Horizon.


CV was also my favorite RE -- up until the remake that is.

the story was genuinely creepy (no spoilers), showing you a truly twisted and personal side of Umbrella, and the graphics still look really nice for a game that's nearly 5 years old. keep in mind, it remains the only RE game with real-time backgrounds.

i didn't play the PS2 version, but i don't remember the DC version being particularly hard. i mean, it's hard, but if i can finish it, probably anyone can.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Defensor said:
Ever play Resident Evil Outbreak or Resident Evil Dead Aim?

thankfully, no. i guess i don't consider those a part of the RE "canon"

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I pretty much agree with Che here, and no RE other than the original had any sort of "scare factor" to me; nothing's really changed since the original in terms of what can happen, and other than the infamous dog/window scene and going out the front door the first time in the original PSX release. (No spoilers on those...if you haven't played the eight year old RE by now, tough. :p )

I can't say that Code: Veronica was my favorite RE until the remake, but it was number two behind RE2. RE3 was the letdown for me, as little felt new about it. I still would have loved to have had RE2, RE3, and CV given the GC RE treatment though.

Still need to finish up CV on the GC; I only played the original DC release, so I never got to see the stuff that was added to the ending from CV: X.


i didn't play the PS2 version, but i don't remember the DC version being particularly hard. i mean, it's hard, but if i can finish it, probably anyone can.
Nah...The game isn't hard at all. Actually I don't remember having so many sprays, herbs and weapons at the end in any other RE game.
But the final boss is hard when compared to the ones in other Resident Evil Games...perhaps the exception is the T-90.
I was just thinking I wanted to play the bonus game again from CV, but my save is gone. No way in hell am I gonna play all the way through it again. :)

The earlier Dead Aim games weren't so great, but the one for PS2 (4 I think??) is actually pretty fun. I was surprised because I wasn't expecting it to be. It is a bit too easy though. Worth a try I think, go rent it.


No RE has ever had a scare factor for me. But RE:CV was my favorite for being the first real-time 3D RE and it had pretty good atmosphere. The best part was getting up to the mansion when crossing the bridge, that scene where it looked and felt like Castlevania for a few moments. That was pretty neat.
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