So how do you call them : Geniuses , smart people?
If someone have intelligence and a little of common sense wont try drugs.
What's the difference between legal drugs and illegal drugs, aside from political favor?
Or in other words, could you explain how marijuana is worse than Adderall?
Did you know what Aspirin will kill you faster than weed? Did you now that it'll kill you faster than LSD or shrooms?
If anything, the drug war makes it EASIER to get a hold of drugs, since the sellers have no real rules.
Back in high school weed, cocaine/crack, meth, pills, lsd, and shrooms were all very easy to find. They passed back and forth pretty much every day. Anecdotal experiences suggest, to me, that around half of the student population frequently used drugs (usually weed, but not exclusively).
Those same people found it MUCH more difficult to get a hold of alcohol because it's legal and underage kids can't really find it in the streets without help from an adult.
Even in college, bud is easier to find than alcohol. Alcohol requires a long walk to your car and a trip to the store and back which takes around 20 minutes. Bud requires a short stroll to basically any hall in any dorm, which takes less than 5 minutes.
However, if a government-protected company (probably pharmacies or cigarette companies) was able to produce/grow their own drugs and sell them in id-requiring stores, drugs would be just as hard to find as alcohol. In addition, the black market sales would crumble because mass-production always destroys tiny businesses. Just like today, the black market would have to resort to illegal truck seizures to make sales (like with cigarettes), which is a problem not even related to drug legality.