Oh, you mean except for the fact that heroin isn't organ-damaging like alcohol is? The fact is, adulterants used in heroin are what cause organ damage. Pure heroin is physically safe, and opiods have long been used as treatment for pain. Opiods wouldn't be used for pain, if they damaged their own organs. So you are wrong on this one, again. You are right though, that adulterated street heroin can cause damage.
You discredit what I say for being anecdotal information, then follow that up with "A long time ago in the past Heroin has been used to kill pain. Firstly, when all that first came about, less was known about heroin than we know today, so that's void. Secondly, opoids are still used to treat pain, it's called morphine, it's less potent than heroin and does the job just fine minimising the risks involved. Thirdly, a practical use and recreational use are two different things. Do you honestly believe that your body being altered outside it's normal capacity on a daily basis does no damage at all? Just because the heroin is pure? So much of your body is affected by heroin, pure or unpure, the unpure adulterants just accelerate the damage. Also, like I mentioned before, the purer the heroin the bigger chance of overdosing is involved, especially as tolerance is built. So "physically safe heroin" is flat out bullshit.
So you admitted to other drugs. Now you only have to admit you lied about the time frame.
I said other drugs being involved is a very high possibility, I never said that it was actually the case, the only thing I know was that she was blasting a lot of heroin in a short space of time. Also a week is accurate.
Again wrong when it comes to pure, unadulterated heroin. As it does not cause organ damage. Why is it so hard for you to admit alcohol is just as bad? You're wrong man. It's okay. Look at my previous post, when I talked about heroin I said pure heroin, the kind that would be available if legal. Of course street heroin can be organ damaging. And yes anecdotal is worthless. Not because I don't believe you, I can take every word you said as fact but it would still be worthless. Don't be so self-centered. I'll repeat myself: one person can't see it all.
Organ damage, refer to above. As for "one man can't see it all". I never stated anything like that, you did. I'm actually the one being flexible and keeping my opinions open to discussion, you are not. So you're really referring to yourself i'm afraid.