Does your arm hurt? Because youre seriously reaching.Link648099 said:1. Talking about morals, that topic can lead in many different directions. Heck, it could even be pushed back so far where we can try and tackle the question "Where do our moral ideals originate from?" And you probably know as well as I do how much of a headache that discussion can be. Of course, I guess it's not fair to mention that pretty much all of human society over the past 5000 years or so has never allowed homosexuals to marry, and this includes the ancient Greek and Roman societies too, and I doubt anyone here can call them bigoted or homophobic or whatever.
Personally, and I know by saying this that most of ya'll will pounce on me like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat, but oh well, when it comes to faith and religion, I know how to defend myself. But anyways, my morals (i cannot speak for anyone else), and thereby, moral reasons against homosexuality (as well as incest, rape, murder, theft, lying, bestiality, etc. etc.) originate in the firm belief in a perfectly moral theistic being, specifically the one revealed in the book commonly known as the Bible.
2. Refer a bit to Eggplant's posts please. And the charge you made against polygamy and incest promoting abuse and rape, please be careful, becuse I do believe a very good case, historically, can be made charging that to homosexuals as well, specifically when it comes to children in a homosexual household.
I guess it doesnt hurt to mention that polygamy has been a perfectly valid and acceptable lifestyle in many cultures for thousands of years. Now I am not defending it, as I am morally agasint it as well, it's just something I wanted to point out. The big trend today is to not judge a foreign culture based on your own understanding of what "culture" is, as most likely one is culturally biased.
Also, the legal aspects of polygamy or bigamy could be worked out. Thats not a big problem really. Something along the lines of pre-nupts, fitted to the group, would be sufficient, I think.
In your last paragraph, you asked "Dont they, like everyone else, deserve respect?" Does that section "like everyone else" also include those parties mentioned above as well? Should they be denied the respect of a union that is officially recognized? Surely, not all of those types of relationships lead to abuse and rape, and if you claim that they do, please be careful before we start talking about all the "stereotypes" placed upon homosexuals.
1. Whatever your morals are, this country is based on the idea that religious beliefs should not be the guideline for how it is run. Therefore, the belief that your morals should dictate the legality of something is a completely baseless notion.
2. The figures for homosexual rape are much, much, much lower then any figures for heterosexual rape, including within a household.
As for polygamy and incest, I never said I was against their legalization. I was simply outlining some of the differences between them and homosexuality. But it is a fact that many, if not all of the isolated societies in the US that practice incest and polygamy are ones teeming with rape and incredibly cruelty towards women. That being said, if two consenting adults that happen to be married want to have sex, or even get married, its not my place to stop them. And if three or more people want to get married, and a legally amicable solution can be created (although I doubt it,) I cant really object. Bestiality should still be illegal, because its cruelty to animals.
Sorry to rain on your little self indulgent final paragraph, even with its cute little