Congrats Mre! Awesome news! Hoping to have similar news soon.... working on the biggest lead I've had all year.
Thanks!Congrats, man!!!!
Thank you as well! And good luck with your job search!Congrats Mre! Awesome news! Hoping to have similar news soon.... working on the biggest lead I've had all year.
Can we all agree that the best judge is Learned Hand?
Just came across his name during Torts readings, and was amazed that his named was actually "Learned Hand". Mind blowing.
After 1 month on the job with my firm in AL as a contract attorney, they decided that the contract relationship just wasn't working out.
So they made me an associate! Champagne and cavier 3 meals a day from here on out, gentlemen!
Yep, Congrats too!
Also, I'm super stoked because I HAVE A JOB! Its a paying 1L job no less, gonna be working in house doing transactional work for a corporation. So grateful.
I'm jelly. I'm a 2L and can't get a paying job...
Learned Hand is the most gangster name I've seen.
Yep, Congrats too!
Also, I'm super stoked because I HAVE A JOB! Its a paying 1L job no less, gonna be working in house doing transactional work for a corporation. So grateful.
Can we all agree that the best judge is Learned Hand?
Just came across his name during Torts readings, and was amazed that his named was actually "Learned Hand". Mind blowing.
Doing collections for a homeowners association. Some guy who didn't pay and got sued called me and went on a 20 minute rant and ended it by saying he would send a check but he was going to piss on it first.
I kept listening because I was morbidly fascinated by how nuts he was. Plus at the start of the call he said that he could only talk for one minute because he had an international conference call about to start.
^"The Lawsuits against Law Schools"
I'll take that guy's job in the NYC Law Dept..... No, seriously....
Somethings gonna come through for you man.
i forget, does anyone else on gaf work in-house?
Whoo, got a summer internship at a finance related federal agency. Not paid, but should be really interesting work.
So what percentage of everyone's job search is blindly sending applications and what percentage is "ground work" like contacting former employers, e-mailing coworkers, e-mailing people you can find a tangential connection with and asking about opportunities? I feel like I don't send out a ton of applications, but there are a SHITTON of people I have semi-regular contact with that know I'm looking.
So I posted this in the unemployed thread but it is probably more applicable here:
I have a pretty important meeting with my former boss tomorrow morning. There's an empty desk in the office that I think should have my ass in it. Going to talk to him about that and a few other applications that he may have some connections with. Fingers crossed!
Good luck!!! I have a big interview tomorrow as well, then Spring Break...I can't wait to sleep in during the week.![]()
new law school rankings, per US News:
alot of movement, Harvard at 3.
i forget, does anyone else on gaf work in-house?
new law school rankings, per US News:
alot of movement, Harvard at 3.
I don't know why, but I love these rankings.
taking the LSAT this June
I don't know why, but I love these rankings.
That's why. Don't worry. I went through it, too.
I've loosely followed the rankings even though I'm now almost six years out. I like them quite fine in the abstract -- my only main issues with them being:
-The really extreme gaming that goes on like some schools putting all their crappy numbers students in night programs so they don't count against rankings but the school still gets to bilk them out of their loan money.
-The lies told in the average-salary and employment columns. Honestly feel these hurt a lot of people, caveat emptor or not.
Cordas v. Peerless Transportation Co. -- 27 N.Y.S.2d 198 said:This case presents the ordinary manthat problem child of the lawin a most bizarre setting. As a lowly chauffeur in defendant's employ he became in a trice the protagonist in a breach-bating drama with a denouement almost tragic. It appears that a man, whose identity it would be indelicate to divulge was feloniously relieved of his portable goods by two nondescript highwaymen in an alley near 26th Street and Third Avenue, Manhattan; they induced him to relinquish his possessions by a strong argument ad hominem couched in the convincing cant of the criminal and pressed at the point of a most persuasive pistol. Laden with their loot, but not thereby impeded, they took an abrupt departure and he, shuffling off the coil of that discretion which enmeshed him in the alley, quickly gave chase through 26th Street toward 2d Avenue, whither they were resorting with expedition swift as thought for most obvious reasons. Somewhere on that thoroughfare of escape they indulged the stratagem of separation ostensibly to disconcert their pursuer and allay the ardor of his pursuit. He then centered on for capture the man with the pistol whom he saw board defendant's taxicab, which quickly veered south toward 25th Street on 2d Avenue where he saw the chauffeur jump out while the cab, still in motion, continued toward 24th Street; after the chauffeur relieved himself of the cumbersome burden of his fare the latter also is said to have similarly departed from the cab before it reached 24th Street.
The chauffeur's story is substantially the same except that he states that his uninvited guest boarded the cab at 25th Street while it was at a standstill waiting for a less colorful fare; that his passenger immediately advised him to stand not upon the order of his going but to go at once and added finality to his command by an appropriate gesture with a pistol addressed to his sacro iliac. The chauffeur in reluctant acquiescence proceeded about fifteen feet, when his hair, like unto the quills of the fretful porcupine, was made to stand on end by the hue and cry of the man despoiled accompanied by a clamourous concourse of the law-abiding which paced him as he ran; the concatenation of stop thief, to which the patter of persistent feet did maddingly beat time, rang in his ears as the pursuing posse all the while gained on the receding cab with its quarry therein contained. The hold-up man sensing his insecurity suggested to the chauffeur that in the event there was the slightest lapse in obedience to his curt command that he, the chauffeur, would suffer the loss of his brains, a prospect as horrible to an humble chauffeur as it undoubtedly would be to one of the intelligentsia.
The chauffeur apprehensive of certain dissolution from either Scylla, the pursuers, or Charybdis, the pursued, quickly threw his car out of first speed in which he was proceeding, pulled on the emergency, jammed on his brakes and, although he thinks the motor was still running, swung open the door to his left and jumped out of his car. He confesses that the only act that smacked of intelligence was that by which he jammed the brakes in order to throw off balance the hold-up man who was half-standing and half-sitting with his pistol menacingly poised. Thus abandoning his car and passenger the chauffeur sped toward 26th Street and then turned to look; he saw the cab proceeding south toward 24th Street where it mounted the sidewalk. The plaintiff-mother and her two infant children were there injured by the cab which, at the time, appeared to be also minus its passenger who, it appears, was apprehended in the cellar of a local hospital where he was pointed out to a police officer by a remnant of the posse, hereinbefore mentioned. He did not appear at the trial. The three aforesaid plaintiffs and the husband-father sue the defendant for damages predicating their respective causes of action upon the contention that the chauffeur was negligent in abandoning the cab under the aforesaid circumstances. Fortunately the injuries sustained were comparatively slight.
Good Luck brucewaynegretzky! Stay positive man.
I have an interview for an internship on Friday, so hopefully that goes well.
On a side note, I'm doing some Torts reading and came across the BEST opinion I've ever read. Just the language used and flair with which the Justice writes is outstanding:
Maybe I'm cynical, but that reads as if he's trying way, way too hard.
Well, I have a plan B & C if I do crappy on the LSAT but law is my preferred choice by far. I hope 1L isn't as bad as you guys portray it.
My advice as a lowly 1L- if you don't get into a top Lawschool (I have a very narrow definition of top- not to be snooty but just so you don't realize you just went 250k into debt for a desperate battle royale for work) DON'T GO.
My advice as a lowly 1L- if you don't get into a top Lawschool (I have a very narrow definition of top- not to be snooty but just so you don't realize you just went 250k into debt for a desperate battle royale for work) DON'T GO.
My advice as a lowly 1L- if you don't get into a top Lawschool (I have a very narrow definition of top- not to be snooty but just so you don't realize you just went 250k into debt for a desperate battle royale for work) DON'T GO.
What's your definition of top? I figured if I don't get into a top 50 school I would go with plan B.
What's your definition of top? I figured if I don't get into a top 50 school I would go with plan B.
Top 6; shit top 3 even.