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Law School & Lawyer GAF


Where are you trying to go?

I assume first semester grades were kind to you?

Also, I don't recognize you anymore.

First semester was around a 3.0. So not good, but I'll take my chances. If I don't get in anywhere I'll stay at my current school, I'm happy here...so...yea.

UK, NKU, Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Wash U. in St. Louis, Loyola Chicago, Loyola New Orleans, Miami (FL), Tulane...off the top of my head. A handful of others.

I don't recognize myself anymore. I'll skim a thread trying to find where I posted and I'm looking for the Sub-Zero, and then I realize I don't have that avatar anymore haha.
Well, good luck to you.

I have heard it is very hard to transfer, but these are people transferring to Harvard and NYU, so I don't know about the schools you are looking into.

I'm a shitty student, so I can't criticize over your GPA. My section was loaded with some of the best talent in my class though, so that is my excuse.

GPA doesn't mean you can't succeed at another school. One of the better students in my class was a transfer from a 3/4 Tier law school. Just goes to show you that the LSAT matters more than the caliber of the student. Understandable, though. Hard to predict. Based on my LSAT I should be a much better student than I am!


Well, good luck to you.

I have heard it is very hard to transfer, but these are people transferring to Harvard and NYU, so I don't know about the schools you are looking into.

I'm a shitty student, so I can't criticize over your GPA. My section was loaded with some of the best talent in my class though, so that is my excuse.

GPA doesn't mean you can't succeed at another school. One of the better students in my class was a transfer from a 3/4 Tier law school. Just goes to show you that the LSAT matters more than the caliber of the student. Understandable, though. Hard to predict. Based on my LSAT I should be a much better student than I am!

Well, as far as the Kentucky schools go, I'm hoping the recommendation from a Kentucky DA will help out with those schools.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
First semester was around a 3.0. So not good, but I'll take my chances. If I don't get in anywhere I'll stay at my current school, I'm happy here...so...yea.

UK, NKU, Louisville, Cincinnati, Dayton, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Wash U. in St. Louis, Loyola Chicago, Loyola New Orleans, Miami (FL), Tulane...off the top of my head. A handful of others.

I don't recognize myself anymore. I'll skim a thread trying to find where I posted and I'm looking for the Sub-Zero, and then I realize I don't have that avatar anymore haha.

Man, I know that you're coming from Boston, but one thing to keep in mind is the cost of living for some of these locations. In particular, I'd avoid Miami unless you know Spanish and plan on settling down in South Florida.


Man, I know that you're coming from Boston, but one thing to keep in mind is the cost of living for some of these locations. In particular, I'd avoid Miami unless you know Spanish and plan on settling down in South Florida.

Miami was only on the list b/c it's a law school in the region. I'm probably not going to end up applying there.


In New York news, the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals (NY's highest court) has announced that a condition of bar admission will be 50 hours of pro bono. Because if anybody can give poor people valuable representation, it's new law grads and law students with no experience! Those are our New York values. Wouldn't want to require actual lawyers to do pro bono, after all.

I am smh something fierce at this...
Just handed in my last law school final ever. On the one hand it's awesome and I'm super excited to be done school. On the other hand, it makes me feel incredibly anxious to think I'm done with school forever (minus bar classes) when it's been a constant in my life for the last 20 of my 25 years.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
For some insane reason, I decided it was a brilliant idea to take a class in Anti-trust. I dropped the class after two meetings and begged my old professor who was teaching another class (that I had dropped to take Antitrust) to take me back :lol

^^^^^ I'm almost done with law school too and I think what I'm going to miss most are all the chicks. Really.
Just handed in my last law school final ever. On the one hand it's awesome and I'm super excited to be done school. On the other hand, it makes me feel incredibly anxious to think I'm done with school forever (minus bar classes) when it's been a constant in my life for the last 20 of my 25 years.
See for me while nice and certainly enjoyed, meant little with the bar on the horizon. Only when I passed it did I feel complete.


in general, there are definitely easier ways to make money than going to law school. however, for some, i think it's worth it to go. if you have a worthless degree, law school may be a decent choice. but only then, you should only go if you're going into a top 6 school, a top 14 with a scholarship, or a non top 14 that is the strongest school in its region with substantial scholarship. but be prepared to drop out if you are below the median of the class. just my opinion.
Of course this is sound advice and right on the money, but the general rule of thumb and the average "I want to go to law school" kid is not in that sliver of the population you described.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's always your LL.M. or your SJD!!!
I work in a small office, and will work in the same small office when I'm done with school. The number of non-television or porn hot chicks I see on a daily basis when not at school is very low.
Just popping in to say that I'm done. Graduate in a week, last final was on Thursday.

No job yet, but I'm waiting to hear on one in particular, and a lot of the jobs I am interested in applying to don't want me to apply until after I sit for the bar. I have an incredibly small amount of debt for a top 20 law school, though. Between undergrad and law school I have a total debt of less than 10,000, and that includes borrowing about 3,000 from my parents to pay for the BARBRI course. A little over a grand for each year of education!

I have an offer for an unpaid internship at a Public Defender's office. They don't hire until you have 12mos of experience, but apparently if you work out well for 6mos or so there is a pretty good chance they will hire you.

I also have an "in" with the State Attorney General's Office that could turn into an opportunity pretty soon.

I want to do criminal defense long term, but my anticipated career path was always Prosecution into private defense. I could see how the PD might work out well for my longer term plans, though.

So, my plan is to study for the bar, take it. In August I will be starting as an intern while I await bar results. I will continue to put out applications in the interim. By the time I hear bar results I should either have another job offer or have several months of experience under my belt, either way.

edit: Oh, I actually have a hearing for my Clinic set for Tuesday. so I guess I'm not technically done until Tuesday afternoon.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I almost put this in the "anyone else unemployed" thread, but felt this was more appropriate.

So we just wrapped up this huge $1B+ settlement during the course of which we used several contract attorneys and paralegals. Friday, May 11th was their last day. My boss talked with them about it and said that we appreciated their help and that if we have future projects crop up, we'd be happy to use them. I talked to them, too. Told them the same things.

Sunday, one of them, we'll call him, "Bob," emailed me and said, "mre, am I supposed to come to work tomorrow?" I wrote him back, said, "no," and again went over how we appreciated his help, and that we'd be in touch if we needed future assistance.

This morning, I'm on my way to make copies and I see Bob coming out of the kitchen with some toast in his hand and says good morning to me and walks back to his desk like a fucking boss. I'm confused, so I email my boss and ask him if he had a talk with Bob and changed his mind regarding Bob's status with our firm. He said, "no," and then wanted to know why I asked him that. Before I can respond, Bob pops into my office and says that he's heading to Maryland to get his passport, but that he'll be back in a few days and heads out.

All I can do is sit here and think that I'm working with this motherfucker:

Yay! My first A+. In Securities Regulation of all things, something I knew nothing about going in. This has been a great semester grade-wise, with an absolutely minimal amount of work.


Just started studying for the October test. Graduated from a highly ranked liberal arts school with a 3.16. I know I'll have to score high to get acceptance to the schools I want to go to and I'm also spending this year doing internships with a few judges in my state. And TLS continues to cause me unneeded stress every time I check the forums...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Just started studying for the October test. Graduated from a highly ranked liberal arts school with a 3.16. I know I'll have to score high to get acceptance to the schools I want to go to and I'm also spending this year doing internships with a few judges in my state. And TLS continues to cause me unneeded stress every time I check the forums...

TLS, such a cesspool.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I actually have a class this semester where the adjunct professor is insistent on the Socratic Method shit. She actually seems upset that nobody does the reading.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Prelude to MRE's office fire



That's such an lawyer attitude to take.


Which schools are you considering?

Some of the higher ranked schools in the South. Not as high as Vandy or Duke, but Emory, Alabama, UGA, UNC, and Georgia State are all possibilities. I am an Eagle Scout as well, although I haven't read much on how that weighs into the process. I had an awful freshman year of college with a few classes that really brought down everything I did the rest of my four years so I'm trying hard to bring myself back up.


Some of the higher ranked schools in the South. Not as high as Vandy or Duke, but Emory, Alabama, UGA, UNC, and Georgia State are all possibilities. I am an Eagle Scout as well, although I haven't read much on how that weighs into the process. I had an awful freshman year of college with a few classes that really brought down everything I did the rest of my four years so I'm trying hard to bring myself back up.

You're in the same boat as me then. My freshman year was beyond horrible, as in around 1.9 levels. But I turned out OK and am now shooting to transfer to school in and around Kentucky. Good luck!


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Some of the higher ranked schools in the South. Not as high as Vandy or Duke, but Emory, Alabama, UGA, UNC, and Georgia State are all possibilities. I am an Eagle Scout as well, although I haven't read much on how that weighs into the process. I had an awful freshman year of college with a few classes that really brought down everything I did the rest of my four years so I'm trying hard to bring myself back up.
(1) Where do you live, (2) where were you raised, (3) what was your major and major GPA?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Atlanta for the first two, B.S. in psychology with a ~3.5 in major.

I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't apply to some of those schools, but you need to take a real hard look at your GPA and the median GPA for the entering classes of those schools. Emory, UA, and UNC are going to be very difficult for you to get accepted to unless you absolutely kill the LSAT. I obviously know more about UA, and I can tell you that the Dean has been trying to change the national perception of the law school (as reflected in the OH SO IMPORTANT US News rankings), and has aggressively raised the entrance requirements over the past 8 years or so.

UGA is more manageable, given your Georgia connections, but even it could prove difficult for you based only upon your GPA.

Of the options that you have listed, Georgia State seems to be the best fit. Not only academically speaking, but from a cost perspective as well. If money is not an option, I would cast your nets wider, but lower, and take a look at UF and FSU as well.

If you de decide to apply to UA or UF, let me know and I'll help in any way that I can.


I'm not in Law School myself but after attending my brother's graduation at Northwestern Law, I wish you all luck. It's pretty crazy to think that the elite schools are graduating hundreds of lawyers with JD's, a hundred more with JD/MBA's, and another hundred with LLM's. Only one of my brother's friends got the big firm job you probably dream about in Chicago (175k to start). My brother got lucky and got a job offer in San Francisco for an Accounting Firm but he told me the large majority of them don't have offers right now. He was happy to have an offer but to be honest 80k in San Francisco with his debt is not going to do him any huge favors.


I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't apply to some of those schools, but you need to take a real hard look at your GPA and the median GPA for the entering classes of those schools. Emory, UA, and UNC are going to be very difficult for you to get accepted to unless you absolutely kill the LSAT. I obviously know more about UA, and I can tell you that the Dean has been trying to change the national perception of the law school (as reflected in the OH SO IMPORTANT US News rankings), and has aggressively raised the entrance requirements over the past 8 years or so.

UGA is more manageable, given your Georgia connections, but even it could prove difficult for you based only upon your GPA.

Of the options that you have listed, Georgia State seems to be the best fit. Not only academically speaking, but from a cost perspective as well. If money is not an option, I would cast your nets wider, but lower, and take a look at UF and FSU as well.

If you de decide to apply to UA or UF, let me know and I'll help in any way that I can.

Thanks for the advice. The Georgia schools are definitely the best from a financial standpoint and I would be more than happy attending either. I just figured I'd check out everything and apply to at least one that was quite a reach just for kicks. I do plan on absolutely killing the LSAT, and for me, my academic performance has always reflected the mindset and planning I have going into a class/semester. I feel that I am now at one of the best positions I have been at in years and am ready to put in the work to earn high marks on the test. It's really a shame I allowed myself to take this long to figure out what makes me perform the best academically, but what's done is done and I've accepted that. Thanks again for your advice, I appreciate it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm not in Law School myself but after attending my brother's graduation at Northwestern Law, I wish you all luck. It's pretty crazy to think that the elite schools are graduating hundreds of lawyers with JD's, a hundred more with JD/MBA's, and another hundred with LLM's. Only one of my brother's friends got the big firm job you probably dream about in Chicago (175k to start). My brother got lucky and got a job offer in San Francisco for an Accounting Firm but he told me the large majority of them don't have offers right now. He was happy to have an offer but to be honest 80k in San Francisco with his debt is not going to do him any huge favors.

If the internet were correct, the employment rate for JDs would be 30% and the average post-grad salary would be like 35K.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I'm not in Law School myself but after attending my brother's graduation at Northwestern Law, I wish you all luck. It's pretty crazy to think that the elite schools are graduating hundreds of lawyers with JD's, a hundred more with JD/MBA's, and another hundred with LLM's. Only one of my brother's friends got the big firm job you probably dream about in Chicago (175k to start). My brother got lucky and got a job offer in San Francisco for an Accounting Firm but he told me the large majority of them don't have offers right now. He was happy to have an offer but to be honest 80k in San Francisco with his debt is not going to do him any huge favors.
The employment rate for JDs is absolutely miserable. It really is depressing.
Thanks for the advice. The Georgia schools are definitely the best from a financial standpoint and I would be more than happy attending either. I just figured I'd check out everything and apply to at least one that was quite a reach just for kicks. I do plan on absolutely killing the LSAT, and for me, my academic performance has always reflected the mindset and planning I have going into a class/semester. I feel that I am now at one of the best positions I have been at in years and am ready to put in the work to earn high marks on the test. It's really a shame I allowed myself to take this long to figure out what makes me perform the best academically, but what's done is done and I've accepted that. Thanks again for your advice, I appreciate it.
Just put all this into your personal essays, too. :p


aka andydumi
I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't apply to some of those schools, but you need to take a real hard look at your GPA and the median GPA for the entering classes of those schools. Emory, UA, and UNC are going to be very difficult for you to get accepted to unless you absolutely kill the LSAT. I obviously know more about UA, and I can tell you that the Dean has been trying to change the national perception of the law school (as reflected in the OH SO IMPORTANT US News rankings), and has aggressively raised the entrance requirements over the past 8 years or so.

UGA is more manageable, given your Georgia connections, but even it could prove difficult for you based only upon your GPA.

Of the options that you have listed, Georgia State seems to be the best fit. Not only academically speaking, but from a cost perspective as well. If money is not an option, I would cast your nets wider, but lower, and take a look at UF and FSU as well.

If you de decide to apply to UA or UF, let me know and I'll help in any way that I can.

mre, did you go to UA? If so, I did too.

You are spot on with your description. He is really increasing requirements, and its tougher than its ever been.

Schnell, if cost is a worry, UA is not advisable. Its expensive as an out of stater (I was also from Atlanta going there), and most of the job opportunities coming out are relatively limited to Alabama, to say nothing of the low employment numbers for attorneys as a whole.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
mre, did you go to UA? If so, I did too.

You are spot on with your description. He is really increasing requirements, and its tougher than its ever been.

Schnell, if cost is a worry, UA is not advisable. Its expensive as an out of stater (I was also from Atlanta going there), and most of the job opportunities coming out are relatively limited to Alabama, to say nothing of the low employment numbers for attorneys as a whole.

Sure did. Class of 2010. UA is a great law school, but they say right on their admissions page that if you are coming from out-of-state and are a borderline candidate, it really, really helps to talk about your connections to Alabama if you want to be considered.

I wouldn't say that the jobs are limited to Alabama, but as with all of the schools outside of the t-14 (and to be honest, we should probably trim THAT list down even more), it has a strong regional reputation. Many of my classmates went on to jobs in GA, TN, MS, FL, and TX. However, I'd say it comes down to personal connections on the individual's part moreso than UA's rep.

Law firms IN the state are heavily biased towards UA grads, however.


aka andydumi
Sure did. Class of 2010. UA is a great law school, but they say right on their admissions page that if you are coming from out-of-state and are a borderline candidate, it really, really helps to talk about your connections to Alabama if you want to be considered.

I wouldn't say that the jobs are limited to Alabama, but as with all of the schools outside of the t-14 (and to be honest, we should probably trim THAT list down even more), it has a strong regional reputation. Many of my classmates went on to jobs in GA, TN, MS, FL, and TX. However, I'd say it comes down to personal connections on the individual's part moreso than UA's rep.

Law firms IN the state are heavily biased towards UA grads, however.

I graduated in '06. I agree on the need for connections coming out. Not so much needed in Alabama, but to move out it helps to know the right people.

I also agree its a great school, but I would again recommend that schnell thinks very hard about it before going to UA if costs are a big concern, particularly if he is a borderline student.

In today's law market it seems a lot wiser to go to a regional/state school and stick to that city and state to practice for a while rather than take out huge loans for an uncertain future. Doubly so if you don't have top grades and connections going out into the market. Because a low paying job will make you hate yourself for accumulating 100k in loans.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I graduated in '06. I agree on the need for connections coming out. Not so much needed in Alabama, but to move out it helps to know the right people.

I also agree its a great school, but I would again recommend that schnell thinks very hard about it before going to UA if costs are a big concern, particularly if he is a borderline student.

In today's law market it seems a lot wiser to go to a regional/state school and stick to that city and state to practice for a while rather than take out huge loans for an uncertain future. Doubly so if you don't have top grades and connections going out into the market. Because a low paying job will make you hate yourself for accumulating 100k in loans.

Couldn't agree more. Lucky SOB getting out a couple of years before the market died!


If the internet were correct, the employment rate for JDs would be 30% and the average post-grad salary would be like 35K.

That sounds pretty spot on. My brother had multiple offers but even 80k in Chicago or San Francisco is laughable. A decent one bedroom apartment in an area you'd want to live at in San Francisco is AT LEAST $2000. If you have a roommate you might find a 2 bedroom in some crappy area like the sunset or richmond for like $1500 each. Degrees just don't mean what they used to. I swear to God I wish my Dad just told me to go to Dental School.

EDIT: I would like to say though that my brother absolutely loved Northwestern and regardless of the loans, I think his experience made him a much harder worker. It certainly made me feel like a complete asshole with my bullshit 4 year degree and 40k/year government job.


Hi guys and gals. I was hoping to get some feedback from you all. I'm from Canada and just finished my bachelors in Computer Engineering from U of Waterloo. However....I've grown to hate software/hardware jobs and I can't see myself doing this as my career. As a result I'm currently exploring all my options. One of them is that I was always interested in the human rights and international development area. So I was considering applying to law school (probably U of Ottawa) next year. How is the job market in this area? Is it worth it to get into more schooling? I also doubt I can get into the program considering engineering GPA's tend to be on the lower side :( Thanks in advance!

Talked to my old boss last week who said he was "very optimistic" there was going to be a job for me in the office. He's not the asshole type to string me on either which is cool. My school has one of those "cheat USNEWS" programs where they pay us for a few months that I'm gonna do while this position gets finalized. Overall, still some things that can go wrong, but I'm better off than a lot of people I know so I feel alright.

Also, somehow when I couldn't give a shit anymore and didn't have anywhere near enough time to study adequately I got my highest GPA in law school. I'll never fucking understand how this worked....

O well. IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!



Talked to my old boss last week who said he was "very optimistic" there was going to be a job for me in the office. He's not the asshole type to string me on either which is cool. My school has one of those "cheat USNEWS" programs where they pay us for a few months that I'm gonna do while this position gets finalized. Overall, still some things that can go wrong, but I'm better off than a lot of people I know so I feel alright.

Also, somehow when I couldn't give a shit anymore and didn't have anywhere near enough time to study adequately I got my highest GPA in law school. I'll never fucking understand how this worked....

O well. IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats man, and good luck with the job!

Some of the higher ranked schools in the South. Not as high as Vandy or Duke, but Emory, Alabama, UGA, UNC, and Georgia State are all possibilities. I am an Eagle Scout as well, although I haven't read much on how that weighs into the process. I had an awful freshman year of college with a few classes that really brought down everything I did the rest of my four years so I'm trying hard to bring myself back up.

So I'm gonna sound like a total pessimist here- but don't go man. Just don't do it, especially with those options- Don't mean to sound elitist by that, I used to be in the "follow your dreams and fuckit camp" until I actually got here. Not worth it. (1L wisdom though, so take it with a grain of salt).

Gaf- I feel so FUCKED- I'm pretty sure I got a B- or C in leg reg. I fucked up that test sooo harddd, straight up didn't finish, didn't put down ANYTHING for a question worth 20%, and got reemed by the rest. Make me feel better. Will I be okay?
Fuck write-on.

Congrats to all the grads, btw.

And, we're done with 1L?

I have no idea what my grades are going to be, and honestly.. I don't care right now. Just going work hard at my jobs and get some good experience.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Officially graduated. Yay! Damn was that ceremony painful. Congrats to all others graduating now/soon/recently.

Congrats! I got lucky for my graduation as it overlapped with my daughter's dance recital, so I was allowed to bail completely on graduation. I have 3 degrees, and I haven't attended a single graduation ceremony. Boo-yeah!
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