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Law School & Lawyer GAF

Saw this today and figured it was worth posting. Seeing the numbers actually makes me feel slightly better. When I first came to school the general consensus was biglaw was a coinflip at Georgetown. That made me feel a lot worse when I saw people with big firm gigs, since I thought I was pretty damn close to median, if not above. I just wish I knew what everyone else was doing. I can't afford a small firm salary with my loans. I'd be losing net value every year if I was paying IBR. It wouldn't be a problem if I could get loan forgiveness in a government job, and that's where my experience is, but that seems more and more difficult everyday. Overall, I should have taken a scholarship at a lower ranked school. I guess this is just my 2 cents for the people applying in here: Don't pay sticker. Take whatever scholarship money you can get.

Both of my top two are on there, but substantially different places. But my choice, lower on the list, cost me about 8,000 all considered, while my other option would have put me well over 100k in debt.
cheers for the congrats man! didn't think i'd achieve the grade after all the lazing around i did, but it turns out i absolutely smashed the exams!

just crafted the legal cv, and i've written a good cover letter as well, i was told to mention the name of the woman who has recommended me in the cover letter, which i've done.

however you can send them online, or send them through the post directly to a named person (The people applying online do not know this). do you think sending a letter via post is more personal and therefore more impressive? i'm guessing everyone just sends them online. i'd like to be different!


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
cheers for the congrats man! didn't think i'd achieve the grade after all the lazing around i did, but it turns out i absolutely smashed the exams!

just crafted the legal cv, and i've written a good cover letter as well, i was told to mention the name of the woman who has recommended me in the cover letter, which i've done.

however you can send them online, or send them through the post directly to a named person (The people applying online do not know this). do you think sending a letter via post is more personal and therefore more impressive? i'm guessing everyone just sends them online. i'd like to be different!

Unless the recipient explicitly requests that resumes be submitted to them online, I would always physically mail them.
Unless the recipient explicitly requests that resumes be submitted to them online, I would always physically mail them.

Yeh or I could go there in person and deliver it? Hmmm, that might be a bit too desperate, or does it show enthusiasm?

i don't even know any more!


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Yeh or I could go there in person and deliver it? Hmmm, that might be a bit too desperate, or does it show enthusiasm?

i don't even know any more!

Eh, that depends. I know that I wouldn't appreciate that. It interrupts their day and puts them on your schedule. Things may be different in the UK, though.
yes, got into the top 20% of my class last semester (this is my 2L summer). the goal was to do this by graduation but i did a lot better than expected this year.


Applications are all in...now we're playing the waiting game. I'm actually more nervous about this than I was when I first applied last year haha


Oh god, interview for typist position tommorrow

oh god, should be applying for proper clerkships after that wraps

The internship fell through btw


Interview went okay, they seemed more interested in my typing abilities and secretarial skills (as I expected), still, it's a law firm!


Just got accepted to transfer to Catholic University's law school in DC. Anybody know anything about it, it's reputation, etc.?
Just got accepted to transfer to Catholic University's law school in DC. Anybody know anything about it, it's reputation, etc.?

I actually went there for undergrad and worked with a few attorneys from CUA at my old office. They've got a decent reputation in the area. Things are obviously tough there, but the alumni network is pretty decent and people in the city respect the degree (BigLaw types excluded).

My undergrad experience was probably significantly different than what law school would be there. By the time I was done I was sick of the administration's ridiculous policies creeping into campus life, but the law school is pretty removed and has never really had any of those problems before.


I actually went there for undergrad and worked with a few attorneys from CUA at my old office. They've got a decent reputation in the area. Things are obviously tough there, but the alumni network is pretty decent and people in the city respect the degree (BigLaw types excluded).

My undergrad experience was probably significantly different than what law school would be there. By the time I was done I was sick of the administration's ridiculous policies creeping into campus life, but the law school is pretty removed and has never really had any of those problems before.

jack and fuckin' coke --> #2

1. Please don't remind me of the time I spend on that site. I've never been more ashamed of myself.

2. That's a pretty accurate view of how I felt by the time I was done. Three years removed I can look back at it somewhat positively. At the time though I was fucking done with that place.

EDIT: O and I've heard the new Pres. of the university is a free speech scholar from the law school so the speaker stuff might be better.


1. Please don't remind me of the time I spend on that site. I've never been more ashamed of myself.

2. That's a pretty accurate view of how I felt by the time I was done. Three years removed I can look back it somewhat positively. At the time though I was fucking done with that place.

EDIT: O and I've heard the new Pres. of the university is a free speech scholar from the law school so the speaker stuff might be better.

haha I'm sorry. I just had to post it since it was the first thing that came up when I googled CUA law school on toplawschools.

I'm sorry. I'll edit my post if you want.

Could you give a rundown on living in DC near campus? Good places to live, night life, etc.?
haha I'm sorry. I just had to post it since it was the first thing that came up when I googled CUA law school on toplawschools.

I'm sorry. I'll edit my post if you want.

Could you give a rundown on living in DC near campus? Good places to live, night life, etc.?

I'll PM you tonight after I finish up a few bar lectures. And no worries on the link. I was always really careful to try and be less dickish than the typical people on that site, and I don't really hide how I felt about CUA. In a lot of ways they're a solid school, and in a lot of ways they are the epitome idiotic religious nutjobs. However, most of what I've seen of the law school, including people I've met since then, lead me to believe the law school is pretty well insulated from the bullshit.
Congrats. I saw you post about a Cincinnati meetup earlier, and was confused.

I always heard it was very hard to transfer, but you seem to have done okay for yourself. Is this the one you wanted most, or have you gotten answers from everybody else already?


Congrats. I saw you post about a Cincinnati meetup earlier, and was confused.

I always heard it was very hard to transfer, but you seem to have done okay for yourself. Is this the one you wanted most, or have you gotten answers from everybody else already?

I grew up just south of Cincinnati in Kentucky, so my top 2 were UK and UC. I heard from UC today, and while I would love to go to UK, I want to eventually practice in Cincinnati and all my law contacts work at firms in Cincinnati, so UC just makes more sense.

Transferring is a crap shoot. Seriously. I got rejected from some schools ranked far below UC. And let's be honest, UC isn't ranked really high...I think it's like 67 or something...so not that high. But I'm transferring from a school that was unranked...that's a decent jump as far as I'm concerned and I'm happy with it. Especially considering I fucked up first semester and ended up with a 2.9 for the year.

But yea, the transfer process was more of a pain in the ass than actually applying to law school in the first place.
Sounds like UC is the place, even if you do have those UK ties. When I read your post earlier I thought you were just going to be driving up, but now I understand!

Cincinnati probably has a fine reputation within that city, and probably pretty good throughout the state. And you seem to know people, so it is all to the good. Unless you have to take out a ton more debt to do it. That would suck.

67 is good, not great but good. But I think the other factors in your favor more than compensate for that.


Sounds like UC is the place, even if you do have those UK ties. When I read your post earlier I thought you were just going to be driving up, but now I understand!

Cincinnati probably has a fine reputation within that city, and probably pretty good throughout the state. And you seem to know people, so it is all to the good. Unless you have to take out a ton more debt to do it. That would suck.

67 is good, not great but good. But I think the other factors in your favor more than compensate for that.

Not to mention tuition is half what I'm paying at my current school...Huge plus.

Fun fact, UC is the 4th oldest continuously running law school in the country. Blew my mind when I read that. I'm reading through the information pamphlet they sent with the acceptance letter.

On a side note, remember the days when acceptances were in big envelopes and rejections were in normal sized envelopes? Yea...I open my mailbox and see the normal sized envelope and think i got rejected...pleasant surprise.
State schools for the win. I chose Texas over Duke, and saved (through various sources of funds and fuzzy math) something like 100k. Maybe a bit more. Oh yeah!

But I don't actually have a job, so ...


State schools for the win. I chose Texas over Duke, and saved (through various sources of funds and fuzzy math) something like 100k. Maybe a bit more. Oh yeah!

But I don't actually have a job, so ...

If you had gone to Duke we would no longer be friends.

And you'll find one. what did you end up doing for the summer?
I would not have been a Duke basketball fan. I would have embraced the shit out of the lovable losers that make up the Football team, though.

I am doing Bar prep now. I have an internship with funding starting early August.

I have a few prospects. I don't want, nor have I applied for any firm jobs. I am looking at DAs and Public Defenders, many of whom won't hire you until you: take the bar, pass the bar, and/or have some experience under your belt.

I'm also looking at doing JAG. I would miss my beard, but otherwise I could dig it.

I have a few contacts from previous jobs that might turn into something.

I might also give in and apply for a few firm jobs just to get something, but just not the type of career I want. Although I could do with the money for a few years. My GPA is pretty bad, though. I hate the curve with a passion.

Not really doing anything now, focusing on the bar. Will turn up the job hunt once I start my internship. I'll be in Dallas for at least 6mos (unless I get hired to start immediately and have to bail on my lease).


I would not have been a Duke basketball fan. I would have embraced the shit out of the lovable losers that make up the Football team, though.

I am doing Bar prep now. I have an internship with funding starting early August.

I have a few prospects. I don't want, nor have I applied for any firm jobs. I am looking at DAs and Public Defenders, many of whom won't hire you until you: take the bar, pass the bar, and/or have some experience under your belt.

I'm also looking at doing JAG. I would miss my beard, but otherwise I could dig it.

I have a few contacts from previous jobs that might turn into something.

I might also give in and apply for a few firm jobs just to get something, but just not the type of career I want. Although I could do with the money for a few years. My GPA is pretty bad, though. I hate the curve with a passion.

Not really doing anything now, focusing on the bar. Will turn up the job hunt once I start my internship. I'll be in Dallas for at least 6mos (unless I get hired to start immediately and have to bail on my lease).

As long as you don't like the basketball team...then we're good.

And you have an internship starting in August, so you have some prospects. Stay positive. Get the bar out of the way and go from there...baby steps and all that.

I'm actually also looking at JAG...what branch are you thinking of?

It looks like you have things pretty well in hand...I would stay positive and just keep your options open, if I were you. Plus, doesn't Texas have a good legal market in places like Dallas/Houston/San Antonio?

This thread is relevant to future plans of mine :D. Subscribing!
If you have any questions, no matter how random, feel free to ask. We're much nicer than those people on toplawschools
Air Force, Navy (and I guess Marines- I don't mind having to go through real Boot Camp), Coast Guard.

Army and I have issues going back to High School. Plus their lawyers are more specialized, which is not what I want out of JAG.


Air Force, Navy (and I guess Marines- I don't mind having to go through real Boot Camp), Coast Guard.

Army and I have issues going back to High School. Plus their lawyers are more specialized, which is not what I want out of JAG.
Yea I was looking at Navy and Army. Although Army would be a long shot...like you, we have history.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
I can join the conversation as a potential JAG recruit, too. I just graduated in May and I am taking the WA bar at the end of this month. I was leaning toward Navy or Air Force. I want to serve abroad in Europe or Asia. I speak some Japanese and spent time studying in Japan, so I am hoping that helps (I am also Native American, so I hope that is an extra boost, even though I know they say that they don't really consider it).

I wrote recruiters for both of those branches. The air force recruiter is out of town, so I won't hear back for a while, but the Navy recruiter said that, since I have already graduated, I would be a Direct Appointment candidate. They only select direct appointments once a year in the Spring and applications start in September, so I will unfortunately have to wait a little while.

Currently, I have no other prospects. I run out of money soon and I have to be out of my current apartment 3 days after the bar. Luckily, I can move in with my girlfriend at her parents place, but there are even less jobs in that part of the country. I can't really decide what to do. This week has been stressful.
Air Force lies!

Direct Appointment or otherwise?

Real Boot Camp, or lite version like Air Force? Not worried about it, just curious.

I'm tired and can't think of anything at the moment, but I might have more for you later.

Nerdy Fergy

Neo Member
Also, the selection rate last I heard is ~6%. I spent my entire law school career pruning myself for JAG and public interest professionally so I had the best shot of getting it. If your resume doesn't already scream JAG or public interest, you might be f'd.

What sort of things would be helpful in your opinion? Since I will be direct and I have a little while before the application/selection process, what do you recommend that I do with that time? Was there anything you did in particular that led to you being stationed in Germany? That would be a dream.

My current legal experience is all over the place. I spent my 1L summer at my school's legal clinic, then did a semester as an intern with a superior court judge, then worked another semester at one of Japan's largest law firms.
i'm also going to try JAG. i have good grades (top 20% of class), law review, and have a public interest focused resume (job with legal clinic, internship with judge, two interships with state attorney general). do you think i have a shot?
So I just registered for my 1st year courses for September.

7 mandatory courses in the fall semester and 6 in the winter? Holy shit. Da fuq did I get myself into?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
So I just registered for my 1st year courses for September.

7 mandatory courses in the fall semester and 6 in the winter? Holy shit. Da fuq did I get myself into?

It's called your 1L year, aka the year you will, most likely, realize that you're not as smart as you thought you were.

Good luck!
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