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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Amazing how in the end, NA LCS didn't change.

TSM v C9 Finals

TL 4th

CLG disappointment after so much potential

TIP only knows how to play hard

I dunno, I could see TL beating TIP. TSM blew Rush's weaknesses wide open. TL were no doubt watching and taking notes.
Also these teams need to stop shoving Lulu mid down their mid laners throats

You have some of the best mids in the world and you force them into zero impact picks just so you can have Juggermaw and NA's new waifu smite Shyv, fuck off
Also these teams need to stop shoving Lulu mid down their mid laners throats

You have some of the best mids in the world and you force them into zero impact picks just so you can have Juggermaw and NA's new waifu smite Shyv, fuck off

XWX had almost no impact (no pun intended) past game 1. It's hard to tell if he's slumping or just couldn't handle the Bjerg/Santorin pressure. He farmed well, sure, but I never get the feeling of "XWX is about to go off!" like I do with someone like Bjerg. All that farm doesn't amount to much if you're not taking advantage of your item lead.
Game 4: TiP v TSM

TiP adapt to a Juggermaw variant, with Lulu, Alistar, Shyvana and Nunu. TSM have three big tanks, Nautilus, Gragas and Sion, protecting Urgot (a half-tank) and a Corki. This is a game we've seen recently - Juggermaw races to assemble damage before they get their towers mowed down by the Corki and Urgot, protected by their tank battalion (C9/Liquid Game 4, if memory serves). Wonder if TP/Smite Shyvana makes a material difference to how it plays out.

Impact does well, solo killing Dyrus, and TiP make some good moves in the laning phase to get Kog'Maw rolling. Unfortunately the wheels come off in a 4v4 at the second dragon, where Apollo walks in to TSM's team and Rush later abandons him. They have an even more disastrous fight in their south jungle a few minutes later where Lustboy baits them in to WildTurtle and he gets a quadra kill. With such a large advantage, TSM quickly close out the game.

1.0 - Teamfighting

TSM have still not lost a meaningful best of X series to North American competition on LAN to any team other than C9 since the days of TheRainMan. They will play C9 next week to determine who will hold the record for the greatest number of LCS titles.


TSM's success with Santorin, Bjerg, Loco and Lustboy really just show the difference between Reginald's involvement and HSGG's lack of.

The /r/CLG comment by DLIFT saying how absent HSGG is makes this all really sad.
Really interesting to listen to Crs (now Liquid) manager Liquid talk about Regi - he basically says Regi's a god of scouting (he was discussing his problems with Piglet). It's unbelievable how good he is at finding talent who will easily fit in to the team.
Really interesting to listen to Crs (now Liquid) manager Liquid talk about Regi - he basically says Regi's a god of scouting (he was discussing his problems with Piglet). It's unbelievable how good he is at finding talent who will easily fit in to the team.

Yeah, no doubt. Regi may be a bit of a dick at times but he's without a doubt one of the best managers in the scene. Your team doesn't get to every single LCS finals without having someone who knows what they're doing. C9 Jack also seems very competent, he's grown that team into one of the biggest esports brands over only a few years.

I really hope CLG figures out their shit. They've continued to have the same cycle over and over. I'd like to actually have a finals that isn't C9 vs TSM. Having more strong teams would only make the region better. I think Monte's comment that they should just gut the team and start from scratch is probably needed at this point. If there are no legacy players on the team they can't fall into old habits and follow the same pattern, unless the issue is Hotshot -- in which case you get someone else to run the team.


Yeah, no doubt. Regi may be a bit of a dick at times but he's without a doubt one of the best managers in the scene. Your team doesn't get to every single LCS finals without having someone who knows what they're doing. C9 Jack also seems very competent, he's grown that team into one of the biggest esports brands over only a few years.

I really hope CLG figures out their shit. They've continued to have the same cycle over and over. I'd like to actually have a finals that isn't C9 vs TSM. Having more strong teams would only make the region better.

I bet Soccer Mom Dinh does all the real talent scouting and hiring.
Did he predict UoL? I have to doubt they were favs

Eh I thought it was a 50/50. TSM, C9, Fnatic are all pretty easy ones. SK had shown some serious weakness if you get Forgiven off his comfort champs. They looked a bit like TIP in that they played a very certain style and no one had really countered it yet.


TSM is good yes, but it is never any fun to see the favorite win.
I think I disagree with this personally. Some people may only enjoy watching non-favorites win, but I still think TSM with Bjergsen is pretty fun to watch. I suspect it's a personal preference rather than truly never.
If C9 can pull themselves together like they used to be, then it will be an interesting series.

If we get C9 from the first 2 matches vs TL then no chance. If we get C9 from the last 3 then maybe. I think TSM looks a lot better at adapting mid series atm. It took C9 2 losses to get it together, it took TSM only 1 to pinpoint TIP's weaknesses and exploit them.


Kori carried Supa Hot Crew. Even though xmithe shit the bed in the playoffs I think their team was moving in the right direction. Maybe he'll be good with them.
Well if they are going to make any roster change they might do it now before summer split starts. Try to work out and synergy problems as soon as possible so they can hit the next split running if they want any shot at worlds.



someone make that my avatar?
i am down to root for clg next split with this avatar


LCS Spring 2015 Playoffs - 3rd Place Match

Best of Five

EU: (1) SK Gaming vs (3) H2K

NA: (6) Team Liquid vs (4) Team Impulse
Damn that crowd is loud.

Game 1: H2K v SK

H2K take a comp with low consistent damage, but do free up Loulex to play Nidalee. SK have a TP/Smite Shyvana and Rek'Sai to provide late game absorption, and a Kassadin to kill the backline, with Caitlyn/Janna for early game pressure. If H2K don't get ahead, they're going to get outscaled quickly.

Except for SK using Caitlyn to secure first tower in a lane swap, nothing much happens until 7mins, when Ryu gets ganked from the south mid lane bush and loses his Flash. H2K 5-man Forgiven and nRated two minutes later, but SK stay calm, steal enemy blue, pop a couple of flashes, and have fredy push top hard. Looking good for them 10 minutes in - Nidalee hasn't done anything to justify the pick.

H2K know they're running out of time, and so they group up and try to push through mid outer at 15 minutes. SK outlast the push while farming both sidelanes and then a minor teamfight breaks out as they poke down H2K's mid outer. It becomes clear H2K can't do any damage to SK's backline, and even though the fight ends 1-1, Forgiven has enough time to 100-0 H2K's mid inner tower afterward. SK lead 4 towers to 1 at 17 minutes. H2K desperately engage a 5v5 at 19 minutes, get clean aced, and lose baron. GG.

0.5 Laning Phase
0.5 Team composition
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