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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Game 5: TiP vs. Team Liquid

TiP go full teamfight for game 5, with Sejuani, Gnar, Kalista and Ziggs. They have the waveclear with Ziggs to hold off the sieging power of Lucian and Corki that Liquid are bolstering with Nunu, Lulu and Nautilus. If TiP can flank they will win, but if they can't, it's unclear if they'll be able to get to TL's backline.

TL get off to a strong start, IWD invading and stealing Rush's Gromp, while Fenix forces XwX's Flash and the duo lane gains early control. IWD turns attention to dragon while Rush catches up and takes it down. IWD moves in to Rush's south jungle and wards the hell out of it, and these wards spot out Rush's attempt at a level 6 lane gank on Quas, which lead to him going top and using his ult for nothing much.

TiP stablise the game well enough, but still lose second dragon with only a token contest. First real action comes at 19 minutes where Quas trades Flash and ult to stop Impact TP ganking his bot lane as they siege down the outer tower with IWD's help. IWD bases and ganks top, and Impulse respond with Rush and XwX rushing up to help Impact. Fenix intercepts the support and trades his life for two kills while TiP's mid inner is traded for TL's bot outer. TL try to make a teleport play on the TiP bot lane as they retreat, but it backfires and TiP take the third dragon of the game. No large lead for either team - we're going late game.

And no better indication of that than IWD buying Zeke's Herald - not a commonly seen item. At 25 minutes TiP try to force a fight with Sejuani and Gnar's CC, but Piglet had chunked Apollo out with The Culling beforehand, and XwX didn't arrive in time to do anything, so TiP's tanks were killed cheaply. Quas' Luden's Echo Lulu does a huge burst of damage to XwX and he goes down too. TL take baron, third dragon and multiple towers off the back of this misjudged engagement. Piglet and Xpecial combine to pick off Apollo, then they group and dive at bot inner, letting them break through the base. TL have shown smart objective calls all through this match, punishing Rush's inefficient Sejuani play mercilessly.

One more baron bait and TL are pushing down on TiP's base, but they manage to hold them off with the engage threat, some reckless play across the base wall by Piglet and XwX's bombs. TiP try to sneak dragon so they can turtle out for longer, knowing the fifth dragon will finish them, but TL catch them, cut them down, and break the curse.

1.0 - Objective calls/preparation/vision




I'm in love with the coco.
yeah i love coco, he was super fun to watch on pre-rework mid nidalee because he would be constantly jumping back and forth and played her more as an assassin than a poke mage. kinda like nidalee is now, but with the old mechanics. coco's great!

i love cj right now even tho skt look so strong

madlife's back, shy's still a monster, jungle ambition is hilarious and coco going off on lebonk and space being randomly an urgot god, so cool

for however long it will last
Game 1: Fnatic v UoL

Finally! A team targets Hylissang in picks & bans, as Fnatic take Annie and Morgana out of the pool before first picking Thresh. The other bans go to the mid lane, except for Huni's Hecarim. UoL assemble a comp with three tanks, Sivir, and PowerOfEvil takes Varus mid (poor solo queue). Fnatic take Vlad to deal the consistent DPS needed to kill the tanks with Kalista, and Kassadin to jump to the squishies.

Fnatic get first blood on Rek'Sai with a 4-man dive on Viziscasci's Maokai, who didn't react to the gank which he spotted out with his sapling. This loses him a huge chunk of experience, but thankfully for him Huni makes exactly the same error 2 minutes later, giving a kill to Vardags. Fnatic still pull out to a 1k gold lead thanks to taking two top towers while UoL kill Huni for a second time. Fnatic get a kill on to Kassadin soon after thanks to a Flash -> Death Sentence by Yellowstar, and things look good for them.

UoL react by grouping mid and taking down Fnatic's outer tower with their sieging power since Vladimir and Kassadin don't clear waves 10 minutes in. UoL take their second dragon and try to push down bot lane, but Fnatic respond with a Teleport engage. The skirmish ends 1-1, Fnatic repelling the push.

A couple of minutes later UoL get a pick on Reignover, which they turn into a top outer tower. Fnatic respond quickly by rushing mid and trading tower for tower, and get good positioning ahead of the third dragon. A prolonged fight ensues where Huni and Febiven are able to get on to UoL's backline - if Steelback didn't lose the 1v1 with PowerOfEvil this could've been a clean ace. UoL come back and take the dragon, and things look like calming down...

... only for Fnatic to go for an extremely aggressive baron at 23 minutes! It gets stolen, Febiven and Huni get killed, and UoL jump out to a large lead. Fnatic still want to play aggressively, and get caught in enemy jungle, get chased across the map, and eventually their AD carry is caught by a Braum Flash Q, and their inhibitor drops. Still they force things, get punished again, and lose a second inhibitor.

Fnatic could never get any CC on to UoL's backline once they grouped since they lacked proper engage, and this made them panic and attempt overly aggressive plays. I guess they'll put that one down as "nice cheese".

1.0 - Team composition


Yup, this will gonna be an amazing series. UOL already 3-0 this season vs Fnatic. :d Fnatic was lacking a tank with a reliable engage vs that poke team. They had enough champs to dive them, but no good engage.
Game 2: UoL v Fnatic

Yellowstar looked like he was dishing out some choice words with Steelback during champion select. UoL bring along Ziggs and Jinx for some long range DPS and sieging power, protected by Sion and Gragas, while Fnatic bring TF for some splitpushing and Rumble for long range engage potential with Sivir and Nautilus. I wonder how good Febiven's TF is, and how well Fnatic will work with it.

Vardags and Yellowstar trade flashes at level 1 - might be an opening for Reignover. As it turns out, he puts his gank top to help Huni recover from some early pressure. At 7 minutes Huni, in tandem with Yellowstar, loops around behind PowerOfEvil just before his Flash comes up (down from an early Yellowstar roam) and secures first blood for himself. This gets Fnatic TP advantage, which they use to great effect when Kikis attempts to invade their southern jungle, pushing through for a kill on Vardags under his tower after catching him. Fnatic are starting to get out of control as Steelback secures a kill on Hylissang, although Reignover gets himself caught soon after.

At 14 minutes Fnatic completely rip the game open with their global pressure. UoL use their TP to gank Steelback, but he escapes easily, and Fnatic use TF's ult and Yellowstar's roam to catch and kill Ziggs. UoL try to 4-man push the bot lane while Sion is there, in hopes of trading for the tower Huni is taking in top. They forget to factor in that his TP is still up, Fnatic completely surround them, cook them with Equalizer and collect 4 kills. UoL try some desperately plays and end up down 10k gold at 18 minutes. GG!

TF requires you to play the laning phase differently, especially when you're at a TP disadvantage. UoL didn't respect the deadly global threat and were punished severely for it. We then get a demonstration of the unique brand of fun that Ziggs brings to competitive LoL (I genuinely love long stalls, I'm weird) before Fnatic force UoL out of their shell with the 5th dragon threat and end the game.

1.0 - Laning phase


I like Fnatic a lot but having trouble to close a game with a 15k gold lead is a testament that the tactical level of the region has still along way to go.
Entertainment is top notch though. (and all is forgotten if there is a Shaco pick later)


I like Fnatic a lot but having trouble to close a game with a 15k gold lead is a testament that the tactical level of the region has still along way to go.
Entertainment is top notch though. (and all is forgotten if there is a Shaco pick later)

Ziggs does have a lot of waveclear and Fnatic just didn't want to throw.


Ziggs does have a lot of waveclear and Fnatic just didn't want to throw.

Of course UOL had a responsibility in this and they didnt roll over, but if I recall correctly the gold lead for Fnatic was 25k when they finally reached the nexus. I think that this is beyond being cautious at this point.


GG UoL, going to be 3-1 isn't it

Seems that way. Fnatic won with a lot of global plays last game. And this game they crushed top really quickly and seem to be leveraging that to win.

edit: That 100hp Udyr tank was amazing.
edit2: Fnatic seems to be done playing.
Game 3: Fnatic v UoL

UoL have the bruiser duo of Irelia and Udyr, with Syndra and Sivir as their carries. Fnatic have brought a bunch of tanks and Ahri/Lucian to kite the bruisers around with.

The early game is all about top lane, as with no lane swaps, and Ignite/TP on Hecarim, there's a ton of jungle pressure applied. Huni reads the first gank thanks to his early ward, predicting Kikis would gank him before going to his blue. Reignover then shows up and gets some good damage down on Viziscasci. Next time he secures first blood for himself, before they're able to tower dive 2v2 when Kikis tries to turn the tables and net a double kill for Huni's Hecarim. He comes back to lane and kills Viziscasci solo with his large advantage, meaning he gets a 10 minute Frozen Heart. Viziscasci goes to bot lane to farm and immediately gets killed again.

UoL pull a clever rotation, moving Hylissang and Vardags to the top lane, which catches Fnatic completely off guard and gets them two kills. Ahri, who's been pushing the very weak Irelia in to her inner tower in the bot lane, roams behind UoL's mid tower and they dive PoE and Hylissang for a double kill. At this point UoL realise that the laning phase is completely lost, and they go for guerilla warfare.

This catches Fnatic by surprise, and they punish an overcommitment to a bot lane collapse by Fnatic with a charge down mid lane for two towers, leaving Kikis to his fate afterward. They are somehow only down 1k gold and a tower up at 17 minutes. At 18 minutes a chaotic teamfight breaks out as UoL try to rotate to defend their top inner tower, and UoL somehow win it 2-4, Kikis coming in for a clutch stun at under 30HP and living thanks to his shield. I think Steelback may have went far too hard.

Fnatic reassert their control by grouping up and catching PowerOfEvil before killing Hylissang and Kikis under their mid inner tower as they destroy it. Despite the chaos and the noise in the stadium they keep their heads and focus on controlling objectives, pulling out to a 3-0 dragon lead before baiting baron and forcing a favourable fight with Hecarim's Homeguard/TP. They don't quite get it, but they get to 22 kills in 23 minutes.

UoL manage to make the game chaotic again, somehow dragging out a teamfight that started with their AD carry dying instantly to Febiven's Ahri till Udyr and Irelia take down Fnatic's carries and flee with bleeding red HP bars (26 minutes). Then they sneak in to Fnatic's south jungle and pick off Yellowstar, before 5-man diving Steelback. They drive in to Fnatic's base before retreating, while Fnatic book it for baron. Eventually they get it, killing most of UoL as they tried to stop them. This lets them get the first inhib of the game. Then they leave Steelback to push bot lane when UoL try to push down Fnatic's top lane.

UoL threw every sucker punch and guerilla tactic they could think of at Fnatic, and they got purchase more often than not, but overcoming such a disastrous lane phase proved to be impossible. Fnatic kept their heads, were prepared to force fights when they had the opportunity and remembered, after briefly forgetting, to play the objectives. What a game.

0.5 - Laning phase
0.5 - Objective control/preparation/vision


Neo Member
Huni Huni Huni Huni!

Do not give him Hecarim! Fnatic knows how to extend a lead man. Sure UOL did everything they could to come back but Fnatic's teamfights are so good.
I think hec might be the strongest competitive pick right now. Not banning him is just stupid

The worst part about that game from UoL side is that Syndra had to end burning ULT on Hecarim every fight in the mid game. Of course it made sense because Huni rush FH>Trinity, and he was fed. The problem is this allow Lucian and Ahri to get fed and then by late game you have 3 annoying damage dealers on Fnatic. UoL was fucked in every aspect. If Syndra didn't blow Huni up in those mid game team fights the pony runs away with it. If he did then Lucian and Ahri gets free DPS and I believe they both ended up with 10+ kills....lose-lose situation for UoL.

And this is why yesterday I kept saying best way to beat Heacrim go AP Top/Mid, then have AD in ADC/Jungle. An AP top does not allow Hecarim to rush FH. He wants FH that's his baby. FH and Trinity together is the perfect blend for Hecarim. A Vlad top forces him to go Spirit Visage/Banshee early. Giving up either CDR or HP Regen. And it doesn't let him stick on the ADC in team fights like glue. If you go 3 AD + AP mid it gives him all the free roam in the world. I've been spamming Hec games the last 2-3 weeks and that's the only time I get sad is when they have mix damage.
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