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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Game 2: H2K v SK

Heh, five AD carries banned this time - Forgiven commanding even more respect than he normally does. H2K pick a very strong 2v2 bot lane in Kalista/Annie, a defensive mid in Lulu, and some bruiser power in Hecarim and Rek'Sai. SK have a defensive mid of their own in Orianna, but are dependent on Forgiven's Vayne to get through lane phase and take down H2K's bruisers, with her and Janna's protection. If H2K can get Hecarim through lane phase despite the pressure from Lee Sin and Shyvana, they should be in good shape.

The first ten minutes sees mirrored tower trades and a ton of farming. Eventually H2K's bot lane is caught over-extending by a strong Lee Sin gank and Hjarnan gives up first blood. At 13 minutes Fox traps Ryu under tower with Shockwave, but wastes his Flash chasing for the kill, and immediately gets dove by a multi-man H2K gank squad and loses his tower. SK reacts well by taking the dragon, and the game remains close. H2K again use smart rotations to catch out first fredy, then Fox, in the top lane, but how much the kill edge they get actually matters is unclear. Forgiven has quietly edged out to a 30 cs lead and is well on his way to completing his second item at 20 mins.

On 23 minutes H2K pull off an excellent teamfight engage with Hecarim, using Homeguard/TP and Lulu ult to instagib Forgiven before he can do anything. Hjarnan is able to chase down Fox too, which leads H2K to have a horrendous rush of blood and attempt a reckless baron. When it gets down to 3k they realise it's a terrible idea and try to turn on SK, who had been harassing them, but Forgiven has respawned with a completed Shiv, comes in and kills two low HP targets with ease. SK get the baron.

You'd think this would change the whole game, but it doesn't really. SK still only have 3 towers down at 32 minutes after a long, long period of farming. Kalista actually has more damage items than Vayne, albeit Forgiven has a QSS. SK force baron, H2K chase in to them, and SK try to engage with fredy coming from behind. The engage isn't actually very good, H2K cutting off Svenskeren and evading the Shyv/Ori combo well enough, but then Forgiven makes a huge individual play by Flash -> Condemning Hjarnan onto the wall opposite baron and chunking him down till he has to pop summoners and flee. SK win the teamfight off the back of his boldness.

But then, just when SK seem to be definitively in control, H2K clean ace SK at their top inner tower! This time there is no heroic Condemn to turn things around as Hecarim and Lulu run amok in SK's backline on 36 minutes. Hecarim didn't even have ult - SK are simply unable to push down H2K's towers without exposing themselves to that engage.

SK change tactics, and have fredy push bottom alone while they bait baron. H2K don't react quickly enough and end up losing baron and multiple towers as Kasing gets picked off by Forgiven and SK kite away from their engage attempts. With baron, Forgiven and nRated are strong enough to deal with Hecarim and Rek'Sai on their own, and with no dive threat, H2K succumb. Forgiven essentially had his 8th choice AD on this patch (allowing that he'd rather play Corki of those available to him but SK needed more damage to deal with Hecarim and Rek'Sai in the late game). It didn't matter.

1.0 - Individual play
Game 3: H2K v SK

H2K go for a teamfight centred comp, bringing Rumble, Sejuani and Sivir, with Ryu providing assassination and splitpushing potential on Zed. SK answer his threat with Fox on Vladimir, and combat H2K's teamfight CC and AoE with two large tanks in Shyvana and Rek'Sai, and Forgiven's Lucian. Never been too convinced by nRated's Nami, but his Tidal Wave could be devastating.

Laning phase progresses with not a lot happening until 7 minutes, when a Flash->Glacial Prison secures first blood on Forgiven. Loulex maintains his focus on the bottom side of the map, calls down Rumble from top via TP, and after a long back-and-forth they secure dragon and a kill in exchange for top lane and a farm advantage for Shyvana. H2K rotate their lanes around to get Zed in favourable splitpushes, and have first Loulex, then Odoamne, sneak in to his lane and get kills on Fox and fredy on opposite sides of the map. SK get baited in to a 4v5 fight in the mid lane while fredy stays top pushing, and lose it fairly hard, Ryu pulling off an excellent assassination on Forgiven.

SK essentially do nothing in response to H2K's pressure, leaving fredy splitpushing while Ryu kills Forgiven again in mid lane. Eventually H2K are strong enough to force tower dives and bait baron. It becomes clear that SK's splitpushing has been pointless - Shyvana can't get in to the H2K backline and can't survive their damage for even a few seconds when she does. H2K had a good sense of how to rotate around the map to neutralise SK's splitpushing and buy time for their comp to scale, and Ryu's individual excellence on Zed didn't hurt.

0.5 - Individual play
0.5 - Rotational play
Game 4: H2K v SK

H2K bring out a double tank comp, with Sion and Gragas, and have Kassadin and Sivir to rush down SK's backline while they're stuck dealing with them. In response, SK have a defensive, standard comp, with only Lee Sin bringing early pressure - Maokai, Orianna and Janna are all about controlling space and protecting Lucian in the late game.

The first 7 minutes pass without incident, before Svenskeren applies heavy pressure on midlane. Although it doesn't do too much in itself, it frees up the opportunity for fredy to TP gank bot lane and secure first blood for Forgiven on Kasing. Kasing, on respawing, tries to get advanced vision for his mid lane, but gets caught thanks to SK's defensive pink ward and ends up costing his team dragon. More catches in the same area prompt Ryu to attempt a dive on fredy, but it fails and he ends up being killed before he bases. 5-0 SK.

H2K try their best to take towers to mitigate their losses, but Svenskeren keeps invading and picks up more kills and flashes, leading to a second dragon and a 3k gold lead. Then it all falls apart for SK between 20 and 25 minutes, with repeated individual errors from fredy and Svenskeren first stalling their advance, then excellent engages from Loulex allowing H2K to catch Fox, then Forgiven, and take their mid outer tower. SK don't learn their lesson, and Loulex is allowed to flank on to Forgiven in mid lane and force a teamfight with Forgiven dead. It results in an ace, since it's nearly impossible to escape Sivir and Kassadin, and H2K run away with the game following that excellent teamfight.

1.0 - Teamfighting
I feel like H2K would of won the whole damn thing if it wasn't for that game #5 blunder vs Fnatic.

Edit: With the comp H2K has and the lead I don't see how they lose this.

And this... is why I play Hec top. Lmao just eat the ADC.
Game 5: H2K v SK

Loulex gets his Gragas banned but gets Sejuani. Forgiven gets Jinx, and SK go for a very farm focussed comp with Kassadin and Shyvana, relying on Svenskeren to provide the early pressure on Lee Sin, as usual. H2K have a ton of movement speed and backline dive potential with Hecarim, Sivir, Ahri and Janna, with which to follow up Loulex's engages.

After a bout of intense trading in the bot lane which H2K get the better of, Svenskeren ganks to blow a bunch of summoners and reset the lane. Hjarnan is eventually able to get the better first base (BF Sword vs. Pickaxe), but it goes fairly even. Meanwhile, Svenskeren gets caught in enemy jungle for no reason at all and gives up first blood to Ryu's Ahri at 6 minutes.

H2K push in to SK's jungle in time for the 8:30 red buff with deep wards. Odoamne Teleports in for a 5 man assault, and they're able to catch nRated before diving Forgiven under turret. They also get Svenskeren's Flash (but not his buff, funnily enough). Fredy saves his TP and does the first dragon. H2K are making the pressure tell with relentless aggression to punish the greedy comp from SK, and they lead 4-1 by kills and 3-0 in towers 12 minutes in.

At 18 minutes H2K force a TP/Homeguard engage with Hecarim, and even though SK kite back from it, and the Sej ult whiffs (give or take the slow), they are still overrun by Ryu's Ahri afterward. They lose a tower and dragon, lose another engagement before H2K have even based to recover from the previous fight, and then Forgiven gets blown up by Ryu in mid lane. Hjarnan is taking off 80% of Forgiven's HP with one auto (crit + Shiv proc) and Boomerang Blade.

H2K force baron at 23 minutes, but lose 4 kills for it, only Ryu surviving. SK get overconfident as a result, deciding to leave their base and try to take dragon, only to get completely trampled by Hecarim and Sejuani. Five more kills and an inhib follow for H2K. This series is done; H2K finish 3rd in the Spring Split, securing 50 Circuit Points, 20 more than SK.

1.0 - Laning Phase

Playoff Totals:

10.5 - Teamfighting
9.5 - Laning phase
7.0 - Individual play
6.0 - Rotational play
3.0 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
3.5 - Team composition
Game 1: TiP vs. Team Liquid

TiP take a teamfight centric comp with Gnar, Gragas and Orianna protecting Kalista. TL take three splitpush threats with Vladimir, Zed and Vayne, backing them up with early global pressure from Rek'Sai and lockdown from Nautilus.

Apollo gets a good amount of harass down on Fenix' Zed at level 1 with Thresh, which might well tilt the lane a little. Nothing much happens until 11 minutes when Rush has time to solo dragon with Gragas. It's that kind of laning phase. Then at 13 minutes there's a big error from IWD, forcing a gank on to XwX where he stays calm, makes good use of Shockwave and his Barrier summoner to buy time for his support, jungler and top laner (via TP) to get there and kill IWD and Quas, both kills going to Impact's Gnar. Impact and Rush play together superbly in this encounter. Impact goes back to his lane and takes the first tower of the game.

"Piglet's losing this duo lane - props to Apollo for that one." says Phreak. Not sure I agree - he might have lost his Flash when Xpecial roamed, but he's actually leading in cs in a bad matchup. He's doing fine and isn't responsible for his team's disadvantage. Piglet then makes TL's first good play of the match, stealth tumbling on to Apollo as he returns to lane following Impulse's second dragon and securing himself a kill with Xpecial's help.

TL pull off some shrewd rotations to turn a tower deficit into a tower lead, and things are looking much better for them at 20 minutes than they were at 15. The game's slowed down, they have side lane pressure, and their three farm dependent champions are all farming well. Impulse respond by grouping and shoving over mid outer, taking advantage of the poor ranged waveclear on TL's comp.

The pace of this game is glacial. Reminds me of season 2 (and what people say about season 1). At 24 minutes TL try to contest a dragon, but Fenix isn't there in time and it ends up 3-1 in favour of Impulse, Apollo saving Adrian's life with a well timed Fate's Call. Good teamfighting by Impulse - the Flash Gnar to CC Zed when he arrived especially - but Liquid should never have fought that.

Impulse realise Liquid are turtling deep on their side of the map, and sneak baron. With Liquid's poor waveclear, I fear this is the end. It is. Piglet's kill on Apollo aside, and the good rotation to top afterward, Liquid did nothing in that game. At least season 2 paid the viewer off with amazing teamfights after 25 minute farmfests.

0.5 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
0.5 - Teamfighting

Wait, what are TiP doing? XwX wastes Shockwave while they're sieging down the last inhibitor tower with two downed inhibs and they need to back off, then they get involved in a silly brawl before baron spawns and Piglet picks a couple of them off, giving TL a chance to have a final fight over TiP's 5th dragon. Okay, so they finish it off well enough at that fight, but that was rocky.


i feel like tl's comp was too greedy

i never understand why teams pick things like vayne when you can have jinx or even caitlyn
XWX got to last pick/counter. He picks Yasuo (analyst says it's actually a good pick, I disagree I think Zed would of been much better). Still losses...... big.

Yasuo is a fucking cancer Jesus. if it wasn't for Sivir being so big Impulse be in such a huge hole.

Edit: that was a nice wind wall though! Sivir really saved them in the early game.

Damn Rush with 3 man knock up, Yasuo no where near. Comes late gets Sej ult on top of Rumble ult. LMAO. Impact carried hard game #1, and Quad carrying game #2. Return of the top lane carries?

Edit #2 : yep... Sivir had a huge ass lead in the early game but they couldn't translate it to shit because Yasuo was so far behind. That's why I rather they Zed there. If they would of two lanes ahead they could translate that into objectives/pressure. 1-5.. Yasuo....
Game 2: Team Liquid vs. TiP

TL go for a teamfight focussed double AD comp with Sejuani, Rumble, Corki and Twitch. For TiP, Impact gets Morgana into Rumble, and Sivir, Janna and Rek'Sai bring the waveclear, peel and early pressure. XwX brings his favourite, Yasuo. Whether he can get to Twitch may decide the whole game.

TiP put the early pressure on Piglet and get first blood for Apollo. IWD responds with a gank on XwX, which lets Fenix gain complete control for the next few minutes, continually chunking XwX out. Rush goes top again, but this time TL are ready and respond with Quas' TP and take a 2-1 kill lead. Piglet and Xpecial manage to farm evenly despite being at a large item disadvantage, even blowing some summoners and ult cooldowns with a hook under tower, and TL look to be edging out to an advantage until IWD attempts to invade Rush's red and Xpecial walks in to Apollo and Adrian to hand over a kill.

At 17 minutes IWD ganks top while Rush pushes bot with Adrian and Apollo, which would've been a good trade for TL if Fenix didn't die 1v1 to XwX. One minute later and XwX catches Sejuani's ult in his Wind Wall. He's turning it on and TiP are pulling very slightly ahead as a result.

At 24 minutes, after a long dragon dance, Impact lands a Q->W combo on Xpecial and Apollo pops ult, thinking it's the perfect moment to go in. At first it looks good as Piglet gets taken down quickly, but IWD and Quas combo their ults for a devastating counter-engage, securing multiple kills, mid outer tower and dragon. Rumble with double pen and Zhonya's does damage. TL seem inspired by their victory and push straight down mid lane for a siege, land a hook on Apollo, grab three kills and turn for baron after taking TiP's mid inner. XwX, who was MIA while his bot lane was being dove, and Rush go to stop them, but have to trade their lives to do so, TL's entire team escaping with blinking red HP.

TL pick off XwX and take baron, and despite some impressive guerilla warfare from TiP they can't hold off the relentless pressure and teamfight power provided by a Sejuani and a very fed Rumble combined with the Corki poke, forced to concede the first inhibitor at 35 minutes. TL march in to TiP's base at minute 41 and try to force the final fight, only for IWD to hit his ult only on Impact, get bound and killed. Still, Fenix, Piglet and Quas are able to spread out and stop XwX from getting to the AD carries, kite Impulse out, and win the game from there.

1.0 - Teamfighting
why has nobody learned to not let quas have that pony

The one weakness of the Pony is an team with at least two AP threats. He can't stack armor and if XWX gets big Quas might not be able to carry.

TP comp pretty nice since Corki/Shyvana/Gargs all have AP skills yet Shyv/Corki still does AD. Pony can't stack armor for everyone and if he goes MR makes it easier for Corki to kill him when they kite.


i feel like piglet either doesn't care or doesn't understand some of this team's calls

like there was a fight toplane last game that was happening like right next to him and he was just casually farming

also i feel like liquid has a lot of problems with their macro coordination with like back times and stuff


i feel like piglet either doesn't care or doesn't understand some of this team's calls

like there was a fight toplane last game that was happening like right next to him and he was just casually farming

also i feel like liquid has a lot of problems with their macro coordination with like back times and stuff
He just does the weirdest, cocky shit.

Before that last fight, wave was pushing to turret and he was just eating sheen procs and missiles, then when all minions around him are at 10% HP... he tumbles forward.

If it weren't for the TP he was dead right there. That's some solo Q Vayne shit
The one weakness of the Pony is an team with at least two AP threats. He can't stack armor and if XWX gets big Quas might not be able to carry.

TP comp pretty nice since Corki/Shyvana/Gargs all have AP skills yet Shyv/Corki still does AD. Pony can't stack armor for everyone and if he goes MR makes it easier for Corki to kill him when they kite.

Uh? Why wouldn't you be able to just build MR, when tank Shyvana is mostly AP damage, and even full-ADC Corki does more AP damage than AD by about 10%? You will tend to negate more of Corki's damage with a Banshee's Veil than you would with a Randuin's.


i feel like piglet either doesn't care or doesn't understand some of this team's calls
Why is it so hard to say that Piglet is just trash? Players fall off. Mancloud used to be one the best midlaners in NA, you think he's even close anymore?

Just get Keith, competent NA talent.


quas stuck in elo hell.

dyrus should retire and quas should replace him
why? dyrus is a really good player with lots of experience that has good synergy with his already successful team

quas is pretty good but it's not enough of an upgrade to be worth risking all of that

quality posts as always noot lol

He just does the weirdest, cocky shit.

Before that last fight, wave was pushing to turret and he was just eating sheen procs and missiles, then when all minions around him are at 10% HP... he tumbles forward.

If it weren't for the TP he was dead right there. That's some solo Q Vayne shit
yeah at this point i can't imagine any coaching staff seriously accepting a vayne pick so i'm guessing he's just stubborn like that

like just pick a good champion... how hard is that :T

Why is it so hard to say that Piglet is just trash? Players fall off. Mancloud used to be one the best midlaners in NA, you think he's even close anymore?
maybe you're right, but i give him the benefit of the doubt because he's korean and i love koreans lol

also best midlaner in na during the reginald age is less important than winning worlds and being a strong contender the best adc in the world :p
Game 3: Team Liquid v TiP

TL have a lot of late game scaling with Hecarim, Azir and Vayne, while TiP have earlier pressure with Corki and Shyvana, relying on Kassadin and Gragas to split TL's dangerous carries apart and pick them off.

Rush ganks mid lane and gets first blood on Fenix, and XwX has an easy time farming up a storm throughout the rest of the lane phase. At 7 minutes TL secure a double kill on Quas with a TP Homeguard gank, possible because Quas went Merc Treads w/ Homeguard as his first item and TiP didn't pay any respect to that possibility, looking for a dive on to Vayne and Janna.

At 15 minutes there's a huge engagement in the bot lane where Quas ends up with two kills but TiP win the fight since XwX roams down on Kassadin while Fenix recalls. Fenix then gets himself killed by Apollo and Rush, walking in to river with no support. TL are down two outer towers, and while TiP let them take their first dragon at 20 minutes, they dive Fenix, forcing his ult and both summoners, before taking down the last outer tower immediately afterward. One minute later and they catch Fenix trying to rotate through TL's north jungle to assist Piglet and Xpecial, and turn it in to a 4-0 fight and baron.

TiP have had a much better idea of where to put their champions on the map, and applied a ton of pressure on Fenix to stop his Azir getting dangerous at all. Still, they can't close the game out, or break TL's base, and when they bait for a second baron they end up letting IWD suicide bomb the pit and steal it after they'd won the fight. TL have been losing in every area of the game, but are tenaciously hanging on. That dragon TiP let them take is looking costly now - they'd be on 4 if they'd went for it.

Unfortunately, as is so often the case when a team who's been hanging on gets a small cut into the opposition's lead, they leave their base, get overconfident, and lose their base shell (seriously, just get farm on Vayne and Azir, do not force stupid fights). Still, even with a 14k gold lead and a full build Shyvana TiP can't get a second inhibitor tower and are forced to bait for a third baron.

They do this successfully, and end the game.

0.5 - Rotational play
0.5 - Laning phase
I think the bigger problem with TSM Quas would be that Quas doesn't handle falling behind in games well, and TSM has a tendency to let their top laner fall behind for the sake of other lanes or global objectives.
Uh? Why wouldn't you be able to just build MR, when tank Shyvana is mostly AP damage, and even full-ADC Corki does more AP damage than AD by about 10%? You will tend to negate more of Corki's damage with a Banshee's Veil than you would with a Randuin's.

You want to go FH after Trinity if you can. Gives you armor and CDR. By going Spirit Visage you're giving up the HP regen of Banshee but you get the CDR (only 10% now). By going Banshee you give up the CDR but get HP Regen. Also you might have to go Mercs. However if it's 3 AD to 1 AP Mid you go FH you get CDR and armor in the same item.

Either way if it's mostly AD you can stack the FH/Thornmail/then like Spirit/Banshee/warmogs (does both)

Shyvana is mostly an AD champ with AP skills just like Corki. So either way that sucks.
Either way if it's mostly AD you can stack the FH/Thornmail/then like Spirit/Banshee/warmogs (does both)

Shyvana is mostly an AD champ with AP skills just like Corki. So either way that sucks.

Tank Shyvana does very little AD damage. Her damage is mostly from item AoE burns (AP), Thornmail passive (AP), Burnout (AP), Flame Breath (AP), and Dragon's Descent (AP). She literally only does AD damage with auto-attacks and Q-empowered autos. It's like a 70-30 AP/AD split even with a BotRK.

Like, I don't even know what you'd have to do to get mostly AD damage as a tank Shyvana. Convince the enemy team to stand perfectly still and never hit you?


Tank Shyvana does very little AD damage. Her damage is mostly from item AoE burns (AP), Thornmail passive (AP), Burnout (AP), Flame Breath (AP), and Dragon's Descent (AP). She literally only does AD damage with auto-attacks and Q-empowered autos. It's like a 70-30 AP/AD split even with a BotRK.

Like, I don't even know what you'd have to do to get mostly AD damage as a tank Shyvana. Convince the enemy team to stand perfectly still and never hit you?
Nah, tank Shyv still does around 65% physical damage.
I think the bigger problem with TSM Quas would be that Quas doesn't handle falling behind in games well, and TSM has a tendency to let their top laner fall behind for the sake of other lanes or global objectives.
Yeah, Quas is like Zion, they need the 1v1 lane where they can stomp out the opposition while their jungle have a different focus, but they crumble if put in a position where they are going to get absolutely fucked so they have to somehow tone down the fuckery.
Tank Shyvana does very little AD damage. Her damage is mostly from item AoE burns (AP), Thornmail passive (AP), Burnout (AP), Flame Breath (AP), and Dragon's Descent (AP). She literally only does AD damage with auto-attacks and Q-empowered autos. It's like a 70-30 AP/AD split even with a BotRK.

Like, I don't even know what you'd have to do to get mostly AD damage as a tank Shyvana. Convince the enemy team to stand perfectly still and never hit you?

Shyvana gets a speed boost with her W though (so i your face) and you're hecarim (who's melee). In lane you're going to be standing face to face. I play both champs and I've played the matchup itself at least 30+ times on both sides. I mean you don't have to agree with me but you can go try the matchup for yourself.

Go re-watch that game even fed Hec still has some trouble dealing with Shyv because of the mix damage. Remember Season 3-4 Shyvana? Searph? Most of them went BORK into tank.

I've had well over 75+ rank games with Shyv and slowly spamming Hec game these last 3 weeks. It's just a terrible situation for Hec to be in. Trinity is 3k+.

You can't have Trinity/FH/Banshee/Spirit Visage + tier 2 boots and home guard by 25 minutes without snowballing out of control.


I'm mostly just saying that out of experience.
I did a little research. I found this diamond V player who has a Shyvana guide for the teleport/smite top lane thing:






Those are their last 5 Shyvana games. In each case, their build has cinderhulk skirmisher, possibly BOTRK, and tank items. The damage breakdown to champions is as follows:


None of those damage-to-champion percentages are anywhere close to 65%, so I'd be curious to see a game summary where this is the case.
Shyvana gets a speed boost with her W though (so i your face) and you're hecarim (who's melee). In lane you're going to be standing face to face. I play both champs and I've played the matchup itself at least 30+ times on both sides. I mean you don't have to agree with me but you can go try the matchup for yourself.

Not really talking about the lane phase. Top laner vs. top laner barely even is a thing anymore in LCS play, if you're building purely to fight the other top laner they're just going to swap out on you anyway.

I mean, yes, granted everyone does a larger percentage of AD damage in a real, true 1v1 toplane match-up, because you just end up auto-attacking each other more. That's just for such a miniscule portion of the game between jungle follows, lane swaps, teleport plays, and split-pushing that it really isn't worth itemizing for anymore.

You itemize for the teamfight, and teamfight tank Shyvana does AP damage. That's why Quas built Banshee's into Maw and still wasn't dying to Shyvana.
Game 4: Team Liquid vs. TiP

TL take three tanks, Sivir for Piglet, and Ahri for Fenix. TiP last pick Leblanc for XwX, and they need him to show up, because Corki, Hecarim and Nunu will struggle to deal with the tankiness of TL's comp.

IWD manages to get an extra buff in the lane swap and so TL carry a slight gold lead as the returns return to normal with one tower down each. Fenix then picks on first blood on Impact as he flees a wrap around gank from IWD, before nailing a Charm on to XwX between Distortions and grabbing a solo kill. Piglet goes for the greedy Avarice Blade following the Pickaxe, hoping to win out with efficient farming.

At 14 minutes TiP manage to gank Fenix and secure XwX his first kill, but TL still hold an advantage and by rotating Piglet in to top lane secure all of TiP's outer towers by 17 minutes. The next dragon there's a huge engagement where XwX cleanly kills Piglet, but TL still manage to pull off an ace thanks to some heroics by Quas and Fenix after Xpecial was bursted down at the start. TL's strong laning phase and calculated rotations look to have bought them a big enough lead to muddle through.

They continue to apply pressure and pick up two more kills with IWD and Xpecial intervening in mid and AD duels. Then they lose a fight 1-2, take dragon anyway, and TiP respond by forcing baron. For the second time this series, IWD steals it. TiP can't hold off the baron push. Team Liquid go to game 5 again - can they win for once?

0.5 - Rotational play
0.5 - Individual play (IWD, Quas, Fenix)
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