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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5


Neo Member
The worst part about that game from UoL side is that Syndra had to end burning ULT on Hecarim every fight in the mid game. Of course it made sense because Huni rush FH>Trinity, and he was fed. The problem is this allow Lucian and Ahri to get fed and then by late game you have 3 annoying damage dealers on Fnatic. UoL was fucked in every aspect. If Syndra didn't blow Huni up in those mid game team fights the pony runs away with it. If he did then Lucian and Ahri gets free DPS and I believe they both ended up with 10+ kills....lose-lose situation for UoL.

This is literally Fnatic's playstyle and it works so well.

Reignover carries early game and tries to get Huni Fed.
Febiven does his thing mid lane at least going even if not winning
Steelback farms and Yellowstar roams.

In the end you get a Fed Toplaner, Fed/Even Mid Laner, Most likely a fed Jungler, and a ADC/Support combo that can clean up and control the fight.
This is literally Fnatic's playstyle and it works so well.

Reignover carries early game and tries to get Huni Fed.
Febiven does his thing mid lane at least going even if not winning
Steelback farms and Yellowstar roams.

In the end you get a Fed Toplaner, Fed/Even Mid Laner, Most likely a fed Jungler, and a ADC/Support combo that can clean up and control the fight.

And that's how it should be played. That's exactly what team play is. They get top fed, and fed laner transfer his strength/advantage to mid/adc. So in the end you have a well rounded team. Unlike SK where Forgiven is always strong but if he's off in the side lane just farming you're not using that advantage. It's going to waste.
UoL has a great 5v5 team comp wombo/combo team. But if ... Huni gets ahead and can jump on Sivir, and force her to run for her life I don't know where they are going to get any damage.

Edit: And Huni screws up the level 1. UoL in very nice position here.
Edit: Yep... only thing that would of fucked UoL happen over didn't happen and it's wombo from here on out.

G A M E 5 B O Y S


UoL has a great 5v5 team comp wombo/combo team. But if ... Huni gets ahead and can jump on Sivir, and force her to run for her life I don't know where they are going to get any damage.

Edit: And Huni screws up the level 1. UoL in very nice position here.

There's the wombo combo you mentioned.

edit: UoL has some amazing kiting.
There's the wombo combo you mentioned.

Pretty much. I mean if Huni gets ahead and can jump on Sivir you're left with 3 tanks + Ori. Just not going to put out any damage, but if Huni can't get ahead now you have 3 tanks + Ori wombo while Sivir can deal damage in the back being untouched.

I just didn't see how this game was going to be competitive. Either Shyvana gets ahead and Fnatic runs away with it or he doesn't get ahead and UoL runs away with it. Someone is going to get stomped.

Edit: And yea... Shyvana (Huni) jumped on Sivir but he wasn't fed so he couldn't kill her. She just kites backward and kills him.
Edit#2: Thresh missed every single hook there and it didn't even matter LMAO.
Game 4: UoL vs. Fnatic

UoL bring a teamfight focussed comp with Maokai, Sejuani, Orianna and Sivir all helping to provide engage and AoE. Fnatic look to have more pressure in the early stages with Gragas jungle and TP/Smite Shyvana, before relying on Kassadin and Jinx to carry the day.

UoL apply jungle pressure to the 2v2 lane and are eventually able to force Steelback into an awkward base, leaving him coming back to lane Pickaxe vs. BF Sword. Maokai quietly opens a 20 cs lead on Shyvana, giving UoL advantages on both sides of the map 10 minutes in. Fnatic get first blood in a mid lane gank, but Maokai roams down and equalises the trade. UoL start pushing towers at this point, starting with bot outer, before basing and targetting mid outer with a prolonged siege.

Fnatic react slowly to this rotation and attempt a belated defense, which gets brutally punished by a beautiful Sej/Ori/Sivir (Boomerang Blade) wombo combo across Gragas, Kassadin and Shyvana and UoL jump out to a large lead. A few minutes later they're sieging down bot inner when Fnatic attempt to bait them in to a bad fight with Huni's Shyvana ready to TP behind them. This time the combo isn't there - the Shockwave whiffs and the Sej ult is fired a bit too early to really be effective. Just when it looks like Fnatic might be able to have Kassadin chase down the entire team with Shyvana and Jinx, Hylissang lands a vital hook on Febiven and UoL instantly burst him down. Fnatic are routed again, and find themselves down 7k at 20 minutes, unable to defend their towers, and going to a deciding game. That's twice this series UoL have punished the Kassadin pick.

0.5 - Rotational play
0.5 - Teamfighting
dat rumble ult.... really should have not even contested it.

Yep UoL has the same exact team comp as game #4. 3 tanks + Ori (utility mage) + ADC.

The problem with game #4 was Huni was on a under farm Shyvana and couldn't dive the back line (Vardig's Sivir).

However in this game Huni is on Rumble and even though he died twice so what? He can ult the back line. He doesn't have to be physically in the back line to do damage to the back line.


Game 5: Fnatic v UoL

Fnatic bring a ton of engage and AoE damage with Rumble and Ahri, and UoL bring more or less the same teamfight centric comp they had in game 4, replacing Sivir with Lucian. This should be bloody.

And it starts off that way, Viziscasci Teleport ganking Huni at level 1, Vardags picking up first blood. He doesn't get an assist though, and with no TP he gets no farm. He makes the only decision available and tries to zone Huni off of his wave, but Yellowstar comes top to defend the tower and secure Huni some experience. UoL stay calm and use their advantage well though, having Vardags base the instant he has enough gold for his BF Sword and securing second blood on Huni before his flash comes up, albeit it goes to Kikis and he and Viziscasci both have to blow their flashes for it. Huni respawns and TPs back to his lane, which lets UoL in to take the first dragon with TP advantage.

Kikis goes top in an attempt to catch Huni again, but he dashes forward until to run straight in to Reignover, and Huni doesn't need a second invitation to drop the Equalizer and burn him down - Maokai and Sejuani being no match for Rumble and Gragas in a 2v2 - although again the jungler ends up with the kill. The game is even as the lane phase draws towards a close, and it looks like the split is going to come down to some huge teamfights.

And to no one's surprise they come quickly. Kikis pushes deep in to Fnatic's souther jungle and jumps on to Yellowstar and Steelback, and both TPs are called in. Reignover buys time for his AD carry while PoE and Vardags get forced to take on Huni and Febiven 2v2, which, despite a good Shockwave, they lose. It looks like UoL will be able to retreat with a small loss, but Reignover lands a Body Slam on to Vardags and Hylissang and it ends up 4-2 in Fnatic's favour after a chase. UoL still want to contest the dragon but end up giving up another kill as Fnatic have much better positioning following their win.

Not sure I agree with Steelback going Ghostblade second when he's faced with a Maokai and Sejuani, especially when UoL look like they're going in to farm mode. It ends up paying off, though, as UoL don't go in to farm mode like they should. Instead they try to take dragon at 24 minutes, and Fnatic collapse on them and run them down thanks to the frontloaded damage from Rumble, Ahri and Sivir. From here, Fnatic leverage their lead to bait baron in to the jungle and blow them up.

Just when the game looks over, UoL manage to defend their nexus against a push that prompted the victory music after Huni TP'd behind him in the bottom lane. Then UoL sneak a second dragon to postpone the 5th dragon threat, and with Febiven forced to clear bot lane they're able to get wards down near the baron. Their comp is starting to scale up - Rumble's ult isn't what it was 20 minutes ago. It's all coming down to the next engagement.

Fnatic realise what they need to do - punish UoL's aggressive builds by piling on too PowerOfEvil or Vardags, and they do so! With a commanding 39 minute teamfight victory, Fnatic are the EU LCS Spring Split 2015 Champions!

Yellowstar lifts the trophy and kisses it. :)

1.0 - Teamfighting

Playoff Totals:

13.5 - Teamfighting
11.5 - Laning phase
7.5 - Individual play
7.0 - Rotational play
5.0 - Objective calls/preparation/vision
4.5 - Team composition
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