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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 7


Dat zyra play

Say this for G2: they did a lot better than KT. Had a real chance to win game 1 after repeatedly ganking Faker, did win game 2 after SKT made a terrible misplay at bot tower, and only lost a tight game 3 to a godly play from Wolf.

In summary for each of the regions:

Korea (SKT): SKT are still the best, continuing their region's utterly dominant record in international competition since the beginning of the LCS era, defending their own MSI title, but they were shown to be mortal, as three teams succeeded in taking games off them. There's no doubt that Faker-era SKT are going to go down as the greatest LoL team ever unless the game is played for decades, the only question is for how long they stat at the top and whether other Korean teams will be able to hold up their mantle when they finally decline.

Europe (G2): Best performance internationally from Europe since S5 Worlds with Fnatic and Origen. G2 earned redemption for multiple woeful showings despite completely dominating domestic competition since they joined the EU LCS. Zven and PerkZ were immense under pressure, and when Trick finally showed up in the semi-finals they looked a class above China's best team. Although they were clearly nervous and defensive throughout groups, they did draft for late game, giving Zven the responsibility to carry.

China (WE): Same old story, really. Individually they demonstrated unbelievable talent, Mystic destroying lanes and Xiye even steamrollering Faker with his Lucian counterpick. But when push came to shove in the playoff series, they were outdrafted and prone to naive calls without preparation. In keeping with what's becoming a Chinese tradition, their top laner appeared inexplicably out of his depth.

Taiwan (FW): Came in as favourites for second after winning IEM Worlds. Surprisingly poor group stage despite the win over SKT, but the classic trio of Maple, SwordArt and Karsa came to the fore when it mattered in the final matches. If only WE had their shotcalling sharpness and relentless focus on denying vision when ahead. Faker destroyed Maple in their series, putting an end to any hopes of them being Korean-killers. I see them as one of the most knowledgeable and experienced teams around in international competition, but lacking in raw ability when pushed off their best champions.

NA (TSM): Looked nervous all tournament and repeatedly allowed large leads to be squandered with indecision. Sven had his worst tendencies come to the fore, repeatedly caught recklessly counter-jungling, and Turtle had one of the worst tournaments of his career. It is worth remembering that they were twice within one game of advancing to the bracket stage (just as they were at S6 Worlds). Missing out on the pool 1 seed for Worlds could hurt.

GAM (Wildcard): Caused some chaos, taking no less than 3 maps from TSM (while throwing big leads in two others) and beating G2 and WE to boot. Went out in a fitting way - botching a balls deep 5-man dive of the Flash Wolves' bot lane and getting aced.
Say this for G2: they did a lot better than KT. Had a real chance to win game 1 after repeatedly ganking Faker, did win game 2 after SKT made a terrible misplay at bot tower, and only lost a tight game 3 to a godly play from Wolf.

In summary for each of the regions:

Korea (SKT): SKT are still the best, continuing their region's utterly dominant record in international competition since the beginning of the LCS era, defending their own MSI title, but they were shown to be mortal, as three teams succeeded in taking games off them. There's no doubt that Faker-era SKT are going to go down as the greatest LoL team ever unless the game is played for decades, the only question is for how long they stat at the top and whether other Korean teams will be able to hold up their mantle when they finally decline.

Europe (G2): Best performance internationally from Europe since S5 Worlds with Fnatic and Origen. G2 earned redemption for multiple woeful showings despite completely dominating domestic competition since they joined the EU LCS. Zven and PerkZ were immense under pressure, and when Trick finally showed up in the semi-finals they looked a class above China's best team. Although they were clearly nervous and defensive throughout groups, they did draft for late game, giving Zven the responsibility to carry.

China (WE): Same old story, really. Individually they demonstrated unbelievable talent, Mystic destroying lanes and Xiye even steamrollering Faker with his Lucian counterpick. But when push came to shove in the playoff series, they were outdrafted and prone to naive calls without preparation. In keeping with what's becoming a Chinese tradition, their top laner appeared inexplicably out of his depth.

Taiwan (FW): Came in as favourites for second after winning IEM Worlds. Surprisingly poor group stage despite the win over SKT, but the classic trio of Maple, SwordArt and Karsa came to the fore when it mattered in the final matches. If only WE had their shotcalling sharpness and relentless focus on denying vision when ahead. Faker destroyed Maple in their series, putting an end to any hopes of them being Korean-killers. I see them as one of the most knowledgeable and experienced teams around in international competition, but lacking in raw ability when pushed off their best champions.

NA (TSM): Looked nervous all tournament and repeatedly allowed large leads to be squandered with indecision. Sven had his worst tendencies come to the fore, repeatedly caught recklessly counter-jungling, and Turtle had one of the worst tournaments of his career. It is worth remembering that they were twice within one game of advancing to the bracket stage (just as they were at S6 Worlds). Missing out on the pool 1 seed for Worlds could hurt.

GAM (Wildcard): Caused some chaos, taking no less than 3 maps from TSM (while throwing big leads in two others) and beating G2 and WE to boot. Went out in a fitting way - botching a balls deep 5-man dive of the Flash Wolves' bot lane and getting aced.

Heard Faker woke up late and skipped breakfast. That might have affected his performance vs G2.
I find it sad that G2 was the second best team at the tournament and yet went 8-10 in games.

The fact that people are impressed with G2, in any capacity, shows just how pathetic the rest of the world is. They should probably just change worlds to be top 8 LCK. Inviting the rest of the world is simply pointless.


Anyone else watched LCK Week 1 of Summer Split?

Some amazing matches and even more amazing upsets. Without spoiling

- MVP showing up strong with Max beasting. Their toplaner was not good, but just showed how broken Seju is late game. Also first Xayah game in the series (and they were awful with her lol)

- The rookie team (or mostly made of rookies) Longzhu with the biggest upset beating KT 2-0 easily. Kahn playing incredible with Jarvan goin 5-1 at some point and dominating Smeb. Him and BDD showing some great team synergy.

- SSG beating SKT easily 2-0 with ambition just flat out bullying everyone (including Peanut) Faker under performing but the real decline is with Bang missing nearly all of his ults on Ashe and just downright playing like a team that have been partying untill late last night

Great start


Sneaky 1-6

C9 beaten truly. They have been going downhill for a while, maybe this might be one of their lowest point? At least they didn't lose to Team Liquid.... Yet.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sneaky 1-6

C9 beaten truly. They have been going downhill for a while, maybe this might be one of their lowest point? At least they didn't lose to Team Liquid.... Yet.
How else can it end for Sneaky when you draft a comp with no front line?


C9 deserved to lose game 3. That comp was trash, and who picks Ashe adc with a comp that can't protect you let alone them.

Roccat also choked against G2. and are probably going to have mental issues losing to a bunch of subs, and letting them go on killing sprees.

UOL had an easy win. closing out the bo3 in less than 2 hours? I think

Anyone else watched LCK Week 1 of Summer Split?

Some amazing matches and even more amazing upsets. Without spoiling

- MVP showing up strong with Max beasting. Their toplaner was not good, but just showed how broken Seju is late game. Also first Xayah game in the series (and they were awful with her lol)

- The rookie team (or mostly made of rookies) Longzhu with the biggest upset beating KT 2-0 easily. Kahn playing incredible with Jarvan goin 5-1 at some point and dominating Smeb. Him and BDD showing some great team synergy.

- SSG beating SKT easily 2-0 with ambition just flat out bullying everyone (including Peanut) Faker under performing but the real decline is with Bang missing nearly all of his ults on Ashe and just downright playing like a team that have been partying untill late last night

Great start

yea LCK so far has entertained me the most this week. LZ looking good with Pray/gorilla. Jarvan top is a straight beast atm. Galio, Sej, and Zac are going to become must bans. At least Zac will


Imaqtpie, scarra, Dyrus, Shiphtur, and Voyboy are now the Echo Fox Challenger team. Looks like EF going 1-3-1 from the start.

How is this team supposed to work? Doesn't a 1 3 1 need two laners dominate their lane/weather the early game and none of those players dominated their lanes in their prime. Well, Scarra was before I watched LCS.


I see Jhin on both LCS streams

Did I miss something or is he good again? I don't see a lot of champs with shields, maybe that's it

edit: oh ok piglet's jhin is 3-0 3 minuites in
TL should never make it to permanent partnership

Didn't pay attention since MSI, so just noticed turtle is on fly now, did TSM slick up a 6th man outside of putting Reg?


TL was slowly dismantled.

This fox vs fly game is pretty damn good

Holy shit! Echo fox with the game 2 upset. Like damn. That was amazing shot calling.

Froggen is no joke and basically won them that


Echo Fox got the win, woohoo. :D I still wished Altec went to Echo Fox.

TL should never make it to permanent partnership

Didn't pay attention since MSI, so just noticed turtle is on fly now, did TSM slick up a 6th man outside of putting Reg?

U mean Doublelift? Yeah he's back...


Bruh this is the first time I am watching TSM vs C9 live from the beginning.

Jensen vs Bjerg!

Sneaky be doublift!

Contractz vs Sven.

If C9 beats TSM does that mean CLG can beat TSM again


Wow tsm pulled a clg and slowly broke C9 down.

Honestly though contract lee did not do much for C9.

I know sneaky is going to pop off because it is rare for C9 to to 0-2 in a series
High level games can come down to such narrow margins and tight teamwork. Biofrost Redemption's the baron for vision through the pink ward, which lets Doublelift aim his arrow right at Sneaky, which Bjergsen gambles on hitting to get in position to one-shot him, which wins TSM the baron and the game. Of course there are a lot of things C9 could have done to prevent it - prioritse blocking the arrow ahead of stopping Sven getting near the pit, have Mikael's ready, have QSS, collapse Doublelift or Bjergsen (making the fight pretty even if they kill Sneaky anyway).


Doublelift is just a great adc and having that tahm deny kills was crucial.

C9 played a way better game but still made mistakes.

I can't even blame the rakan+xayah comp becaus enemy made some great plays.

Sol Mori

How is this team supposed to work? Doesn't a 1 3 1 need two laners dominate their lane/weather the early game and none of those players dominated their lanes in their prime. Well, Scarra was before I watched LCS.

The 1-3-1 thing is a joke about how 3 of the players are mid lane players and none them are really jungle or support.

Listening to scarra and dyrus they don't really have any idea how it is going to work and the first game is next wed.
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