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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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same va isnt it?
It is, but they should still sound like different people
What have they done to lollipoppy?
Sneak peek of her splash art


I'm really liking the ability rework she has. She's a battlefield controller with a lot of enemy displacement, either through forcing enemies to step on her shield or through her three abilities.

What I don't like is her personality. I always pictured Poppy as a super-serious, Napoleon complex Yordle. She weilds a huge hammer to compensate. She's aggressive with her abilties, slamming people into walls. But then you get to her quotes and emotes and she's all jokey and cute, with tons of hammer wordplay.

Would've liked to see her with a bit more "I gotta prove myself" attitude.
I find Poppy's character really endearing now. We called her the accidental hero a lot in the office, cos it's kind of what she is. The idea that she's carrying around this giant hammer looking for a hero, without realising she's the hero all along is definitely endearing to me. Her VO really supports that. She's still courageous and brave, and she never backs down from a fight, but she's a bit more down to earth on stuff. She's very sure of herself and her abilities, but without thinking/noticing that she's the hero the hammer is destined for.

I dunno, I find that to be a far more nuanced and better character than "that one yordle that's super serious about being a tough warrior".


Speaking of accidental hero

Can we have a mistborn inspired champion
Surely there are same fans in the riot office, you gotta find them and pitch this idea to them

If you need concepting support I'm right here


unlike a lot of rando "mains" that appear when a champion gets reworked, poppy actually has a dedicated base of mains, however small it is


she seems to have more facial animation than other champions in the game

that's pretty cool, maybe someday lux will wink when she taunts
I feel kinda bad for Illaoi though, first preseason stuff on her reveal and now Poppy reveal on her release, she's been basically forgotten lol


lilowl is gnar 2.0

Looks to me like she's pacing.

Perhaps giving orders to the soldiers. Or a speech. Perhaps simply contemplating what to do next or waiting for the battle to begin.

She's probably scanning the soldiers as they pass to see if they're the hero she's seeking.
Is the Puppy rework live or later this week? is a nice excuse to buy her, didnt noticed I didnt buy her at that low price

I feel kinda bad for Illaoi though, first preseason stuff on her reveal and now Poppy reveal on her release, she's been basically forgotten lol

Just like Gnar,


I play with a duo queue.

Guy picks first time rengar and loses lane hard.

They decide to blame me for the game.

Next queue, I get them again and its just a stream of abuse from the moment I enter champ select. I troll pick Bard jungle and someone dodges.

Next queue:

Double Jungle

I take top side and destroy top and solo lee in his jungle while Shen takes red and supports lucian.

The duo was Kayle/Nunu.

Loved watching them slowly grow silent in all chat after realising they were going to lose to a double jungle team.


the best games are after you come off of a loss and get the jerk who was flaming you the entire time, then have them on the enemy team and destroy them

also rex, don't lose too much lp today im trying to carry you back to diamond :3
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