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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I'm glad they kept the face.

This was the worst thing about this update ToT
It was all great until they decided to get rid of old Lollipoopy splash art.
Rito why?

Otherwise great redesign, looking forward to Taric's.


her ult looks really strong, range is kind of hard to gauge on the video but anything that can easily turn a fight 4v5 could be super broken if it's not really hard to land

she'll be really beast at securing objectives too, just knock the jungler out of baron/dragon or charge knockout the enemy mage and get rid of the waveclear

This was the worst thing about this update ToT
It was all great until they decided to get rid of old Lollipoopy splash art.
Rito why?

Otherwise great redesign, looking forward to Taric's.

it's right there -__-


i really like that she's not in an action pose for the splash

more skins should be like that, her splash shows a lot of her personality this way and lets u see a bit into the place she's from with all the giant statues in the background

this is going to make ARAM poppy broken, isn't it

that ult lol
maybe she can throw u off the map and kill u


Maybe she is stealing that hammer since it was a gift from the blablablabla lore

No she was entrusted the hammer, and is looking for the hero. Considering that Jayce uses a mecha hammer that sort rules him out.
Plus Sion uses and Ax, so the hero must be a Demacian. Can't be Garen, although it would be hilarious if so.


No she was entrusted the hammer, and is looking for the hero. Considering that Jayce uses a mecha hammer that sort rules him out.
Plus Sion uses and Ax, so the hero must be a Demacian. Can't be Garen, although it would be hilarious if so.

From the way the first paragraph sounds to me, she was given it to find the hero who will become legend, then it says '(she) never suspects the hammer might have found the right person already'. Implying it was destined for her all along.


i wouldn't mind if they did yordle version of lux i think

I think he's fun to play :/
that may be but his kit as a whole still works in a very "if it's off cooldown use it" kind of way and he's always been problematic whenever he's strong

there's very little depth to shen imo


Boy oh boy do I love seeing more Hecarim nerfs without any form of compensation to his jungling.

On the other hand, Poppy rework looks fantastic. That ult is the greatest goddam thing ever. Love that LoL finally has a movement cripple CC in the game, it's been a long time coming. Please tell me she can jungle.

EDIT: She can jungle still uh uh uh oh yeah new jungler in mah rotation.


Fervor is pretty damn good on Lucian, at least early game. Easy to build up with the passive. Double shots h u r t

Need to mess around more with masteries, barely touched them
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