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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Just checked
http://www.lolpro.com/ has illoai guide so may be up to date?
http://probuilds.net/ just got updated to show what masteries pros use (Didnt show new masteries at first)

yeah i think i had suggested something similar to that

i think it was that like each maxed out spell raised the ball duration for like .5s and finally at lvl 16 you get the ability to use a 9 ball ult (or something like that)

not sure if i like my ult idea, but having longer lasting balls is nice since it might help you get multi-ball e's and stuff

yeah, it's not very interesting, but at least for how he works right now, i find it's kind of ok

the way he looks and the way his passive works, would kinda be cool if his q was like more mana cost the more you charge it up to a max that gets applied as extra dmg. this in exchange for a longer q cooldown.

maybe something interesting for his passive is that his autos place a mark on targets and if he hits a spell on that target he procs the mark for extra dmg and % mana

i kind of like the idea of him being a tear user, i always felt like xerath should be a long cooldown mage, so athenes/morellos feels less suiting for him imo, at least from a visuals/balance perspective for me

Yea, Xerath q always felt lacking for what it does especially compared to Varus' q.
Varus Q Longer range(minimum range is lower as well), damage increases with range, slow is only 20%. Ratios scale with range.
Xerath Q Same damage no matter the range, 50% slow, 200 shorter range.

The tradeoff for no damage reduction doesnt seem worth it imo. Even though his max range is shorter, it seems xerath takes longer to get to his max range than Varus. Not sure on that one though.


i mean, that's just not a real comparison to be making tho

spells themselves can't be compared just like that specially accross different classes, scaling and purposes, it's just not proper way of thinking about champions

it's like saying ok let's just compare it also to vi's q cos it also extends range and has a self slow, you know :p

i think xerath's problem is that his w is boring, it's just another dmg spell, doesn't feel like it adds anything interesting to his kit

edit: also even if that comparison would be ok (say comparing it to another mage with a similar q) you're forgetting cooldown on ur comparison which iirc is 4s at max rank for xerath q and like 8s for varus or something higher like that


you're nuts

new xerath ult is like on the best spells in the game

it's super fun for xerath and whoever is getting shot by him, it has mindgames and really awesome moments for both players. juking xerath ult feels great and landing all three shots is delicious too.

it's an awesome spell, imo the only actually good thing about xerath

vfx could be better tho
i mean, that's just not a real comparison to be making tho

spells themselves can't be compared just like that specially accross different classes, scaling and purposes, it's just not proper way of thinking about champions

it's like saying ok let's just compare it also to vi's q cos it also extends range and has a self slow, you know :p

i think xerath's problem is that his w is boring, it's just another dmg spell, doesn't feel like it adds anything interesting to his kit

Functions of vi q are different though. Both Varus and Xerath's q are made for poke. A small comparison could be made. Even w/o comparing it to varus q, Xerath's q is still meh.

W - Yep, old W/kit was so fun. You actually felt like a siege mage.

I think Zed is the most annoying champ with face that goes Thunderlord. Other than going varus mid, I don't care for ad champs. May just cave in and give zed a go.

nah xeraths w is fine

its calling zeus from the heavens to smite his enemies

his most boring spell is his ult.

Other than Xerath's ult visuals being meh, his ult is fun.


Yeah. Maybe let his last ult hit look massive.
not sure if massive but would be cool if it was less pew pew and it was a bit more of an explosion

Functions of vi q are different though. Both Varus and Xerath's q are made for poke. A small comparison could be made. Even w/o comparing it to varus q, Xerath's q is still meh.

W - Yep, old W/kit was so fun. You actually felt like a siege mage.
nah, i think u got it wrong

5s cd (i could swear it was 4 lol), 240 + 75% ap for a really high range spell is pretty good

standard ap mid nuke base dmg, good scaling, low cd, high range, pass through

it's a good spell

It's been a while since I've seen a Xerath in a game.

i've played him a bit but league of tanks is pretty punishing for poke champions specially ones with super low mobility like him (two of his spells have cast times, q slows and ult roots him in place lol)

he could use a buff but i would love it if he had some of the changes i mentioned above (basically much higher base cd for q + reward for charging in the form of mana/cd refunds and/or extra dmg)

i just think that poke every 4s doesn't befit him and whenever he's strong he's obnoxious af
nah, i think u got it wrong

5s cd (i could swear it was 4 lol), 240 + 75% ap for a really high range spell is pretty good

standard ap mid nuke base dmg, good scaling, low cd, high range, pass through

it's a good spell

Same could be said about his W. Improvements to his Q would be ok, depending on what is.

i've played him a bit but league of tanks is pretty punishing for poke champions specially ones with super low mobility like him (two of his spells have cast times, q slows and ult roots him in place lol)

That along with the heal changes + mastery changes are slight nerf to poke champs as well.


but tbh you should be 35% cdr from runes and athenes so i dunno why you would ever need to buy two cdr items

Garath is specifically thinking about jungle AP, which means he's picking up Runeglaive, so between that item and his glyphs his baseline consideration for "moar CDR" is essentially "where do I get an additional 20-25%?".

The long short of it is that AP jungler have different and more varied considerations concerning where to pick up that last bit of CDR. Those 10% CDR items tend to be more attractive to junglers because of cost efficiencies, build paths, passives/actives, etc.

I liked Zeke's before these changes but don't most adcs get too close to 100% crit now for it to be super useful late?

Also, why has cass not blown up with that keystone? Seems like she'd really benefit from it

Some do, but getting 80-100% crit has quite a bit to with how the Last Whisper line of items are weak at their intended task of taking down tanks (as is BotRK unless you have an on-hit that meshes will with it like Silver Bolts). ADCs are essentially forced to go heavy into crit. The %bonus penetration is going to be increased soon enough I suspect and that will leave one less item lost available to pick up a crit item.

Once LW items are adjusted, the typical mid-game builds will be AD+Crit item, AS+Crit item, LW item - that gives 50% crit. If your ADC is fed and carrying, Zeke's will become attractive again.

As for Cass, it's because all the mages that are supposedly blowing up due to that keystone had high win rates before. Its effect on relative champion power is overrated. Every single mage in the top 15 or so since 5.22 was there in 5.21 and earlier, whether they can abuse Deathfire Touch (Brand, Malz) or not (Annie, Zilean) is of no consequence. The only champion I can see that was slapped around by the S6 changes is Heimerdinger and for reasons I don't understand ATM.


There was a point where he was getting picked in literally every other game, if not more. It might've been after Yas came out or when ppl started playing him more often.

xerath is a known common (super) soft counter to yasuo, as the only blockable spell is the E. you can legit poke a yasuo into submission with xerath

I would go with it being a skill matchup more than anything. He isnt just gonna let you hit him and he is very mobile.


thats the thing though

in a straight mid lane, yasuo's mobility is overrated. if you're xerath sitting in back of your minions, yasuo was one direction and one path to use his mobility to get to you

if he chooses to take that path (dashing through minions) he eats an immediate W Q to the face (you can even auto to break shield first), then he's close enough to you to where his windwall can't block your stun, then you walk away

his mobility is overrated and is horribly used by 99% of yasuo players at every elo except masters and above. it's as much a curse as a blessing, maybe more of a curse

tldr: midlane yasuo's mobility is incredibly overrated.
There was a point where he was getting picked in literally every other game, if not more. It might've been after Yas came out or when ppl started playing him more often.

Probably better options with more mobile or safer mids. They nerfed his stun as well don't know if the timing matches up with his fall off though.


Same could be said about his W. Improvements to his Q would be ok, depending on what is.
w is boring tho

q allows for snipes, jukes etc.

w is like a bit more dmg (since it's maxed second so for a big part of the game it doesn't deal significant dmg), a bit of cc, nothing major

That along with the heal changes + mastery changes are slight nerf to poke champs as well.
i feel like the price increase on hp pots and the new masteries helped poke overall but not sure if i have a firm grasp on the meta to say for sure
edit: speaking of poke, rito wants nidalee spears to possibly do 1.5k damage again huh http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/12/121-pbe-update.html
The rank 5 damage is unchanged
Tahm Kench
(W) [NEED TO CONFIRM - looks like Tahm Kench no longer gets % movement speed when running away from enemy champions. Still has movement speed for running towards them.]
[NEW] Assassin (Cunning tier 2)
New Mastery added to tier 2 of the cunning tree
"Deal 1.5% increased damage when no allied champions are nearby".
Called it


It's just the beginning

Patch 6.03 will include a max % hp damage buff and a 5.5 ap ratio because why not

And lol syndra got rekt, that splash art for her is some 2012 stuff


splash is legit pretty bad, characters look just pasted together

very disappointing

It's just the beginning

Patch 6.03 will include a max % hp damage buff and a 5.5 ap ratio because why not

And lol syndra got rekt, that splash art for her is some 2012 stuff
yeah, gnar and bard are kind of ok, but that's not great syndra art




Riot Games splash art in 2015


i don't think syndra's art is necessarily bad, i just think the splash in general is lame just like group splashes tend to be

the thing is, group splashes were generally a thing for cheap skins and now they're being used more on 975 and up and this syndra skin is freaking 1350rp and she's like background detail

like the trees on the bottom left have more screenspace than her

and all the characters aren't interacting with each other like in that april's fool skin, so it just feels like they just saved themselves some money by drawing just one background and just three separate champions in random unrelated poses

very lame


Riot Games splash art in 2015
i duno what's wrong with the cropped art, you get the broken back and the little bit of leg, that's all a syndra player could ask for

no feet tho



No its really bad. Look at her face, it looks like it was done in a few minutes and the production manager was like whatever push it out


someone just PMed me on reddit and asked me if I ever thought about writing guides about league because of my posts on the summonerschool subreddit. i literally laughed out loud because 1. i'm a one trick and 2. i suck at this game rofl.


someone just PMed me on reddit and asked me if I ever thought about writing guides about league because of my posts on the summonerschool subreddit. i literally laughed out loud because 1. i'm a one trick and 2. i suck at this game rofl.

someone just PMed me on reddit and asked me if I ever thought about writing guides about league because of my posts on the summonerschool subreddit. i literally laughed out loud because 1. i'm a one trick and 2. i suck at this game rofl.
someone from reddit pmd me and asked if i ever thought of killing myself because i told him b5 tactics dont work past b5
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