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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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rip stone
I was actually Vs Azir, our Mundo had the courtesy of botching a gank and giving him a double and blue buff so I had a good time.


5 fucking 5 k


hmm, i really don't see what neko's talking about with syndra's face

she looks fine to me

the splash is bad in general for all three champions because they share it without interacting with each other

and syndra in general got screwed cos bard got a shit ton of love while she still has those weird not-iceballs not-snowballs and her outfit just looks drab and boring. a bit more color and some actual snowballs for spheres instead of the weird shit she's got and that skin would've been awesome, but it really feels like they gave up way too early

again i'll be part of the problem and buy it but u know, not cool, specially for 1350rp


That chest is a travesty too.

Stealing this to post here because I think its a good read

/u/shasty translation
"When the sister teams on SKT was combined into one, we had a period of confusion. A lot of players were had difficult considerations to face for the narrow pool of starters. There was a question about me during the Q/A sessions, 'What will be done for a player who has the skills to be a starter but has no guarantee to start?' The Answer was 'there will have to be some sacrifices.'"
"The biggest reason I stayed in SKT was because of manager Choi and Coach Kim, they supported me and always let me know that I am a valuable asset to the team. For this reason, I decided to stay in the team no matter what."
"In spring split, Faker and I competed for starter position, and the position was given to whoever was best fit to lead the team to victory for a specific game. Faker and I both got starts. There were are a lot of noise about the competition for starting in our team, but I didn't waver because my teammates, coach, and manager were all great people."
" I also didn't have many complaints even when I didn't get enough starting positions during the summer split. Faker was relatively better than me and thus started more often, and I understood because the judgment was up to the coaching staff and their decisions were reasonable."
"The reason why I decided to move out of SKT was not because of teammates nor the coaching staff. It was after I played in the semifinals of the World Championship. I had the opportunity to start, and had very satisfactory performance in games 1 and 2. So I thought I would play in game 3 also, but Faker started for that game. When I was leaving the stage and Faker got on, everyone cheered "Faker!"
While I was leaving the stage, I had a lot of thoughts. 'What role and meaning do I exactly take in this team? Don't people ultimately want Faker?'"
"I really like Michael Sandel's book 'Justice'. He describes about utilitarianism in the book. There has to be sacrifice of the few for maximum happiness of the majority. Of course, the book doesn't describe such sacrifice as justice. But if not everyone can be happy, the best outcome is for the few to sacrifice."
"Experiencing semi-finals reminded me of Pawn in EDG. In 2014, he won the championship as part of Samsung Galaxy and got on the award stage. Caster Jun propped a question to the crowd to excite a cheer for Pawn: 'Who is the world's best mid laner?' The crowd answered 'Faker!' In 2014, Pawn objectively gave the best performance as a mid laner, but the crowd did not return the glory to him."
"But I don't think that's wrong. People root for who they like. They can root for Faker even though he may not be the best, and it allowed for big catharsis when Faker indeed took back the throne this year. I can say Pawn and I are victims of the fanship, but more people can be happy rooting for Faker - so isn't this good? Also, what I felt probably pales to how Pawn felt..."
"I don't have any special feelings against Faker or Pawn. It's not Faker's fault that Pawn was not appreciated. And who wouldn't like the special performance that Faker presents? In living closely with Faker, I have observed what an amazing player he is and I sincerely hope he can keep performing well and continue filling his role. For progress of E-sports and LoL."
"The progress we made for LoL and e-sports was partly because of Faker's monstrous performance and the crowd who are passionate for it. The guy has a lot of burden on his back. I hope he does well and think he still has a big potential."
"If i was younger, I think I would've gone to another team in LCK and compete against Faker. Just because of the competitive side of me as a player. That wouldve been a worthy challenge. However, I'm getting old. And I have to consider the future. I'm already at 4-5th year of my progamer career. I believe the fanship is right, but I can't continue with the burden of the fanship's attention or criticism. I would like to continue my career away from such spotlight."
"If I think about it, every game was a torture for me this year. Match against CJ, LCK finals, World Championship. Imagine what would've happened if I ever underperformed in those important matches... How would I have been portrayed in comparison to Faker? I would like to lay down that burden now."
Full Interview


the poppy comic is kinda cool, but again, i think rito was really dumb to be going with the whole AND POPPY WAS THE HERO ALL ALONG over and over again

like enough already, it's ruined all the charm of figuring it out on our own if you just straight up tell us

Why is morg holding kayles sword?
they're sisters i guess?

i dunno i just saw really shitty fanart and had to post it

i took it down for neko since it's bad fanart but u know, imo it was fair game since it's regular league stuff

like, that's morgana, that's her shitty design, what can i say, it wasn't any more nsfw than her splash


time to stop coming to this thread during work hours sigh

Yeah I won't come near this site during work hours. I'm sure my boss would be fine with an occasional post but I'm sure I'd probably screw around more than I should. especially if there's some new champ or news

Game has over 120 champs yet all you see is fiora, yi, lee, yas and trash.

What's even more depressing is when I watch lol-esports on twitch and see the same lineup over and over and over. Every so often I'd be delighted and see a rare pick like Karma, Zac, etc. But most of the time it was just the same old dudes. Part of the blame lies with Riot as we all know. If not all. The pros just cant help but bring the most powerful tools they can. On the other hand, I'm sure it's daunting balancing 120 heroes + items, etc.

Looking forward to new matches played in this meta. At least we will see new faces (I hope!). I lvoe Tristana, but hoping hard DoubleLift finds a new champ to play


man why they gotta be nerfing MF, can't she be viable for one split rito? Also i hate you people who vote teemo, he's literally got 4 great skins, diana has 2 total. :(


Oh ok.
League lore is dumb.

lol! I actually like the LoL lore though (I'm being serious). I mean yeah- if I had to compare it to something EVE Online Lore or even WoW Lore I'd suppose LoL would come in last. But I appreciate the back stories. They could've just given us the finger and not bother with lore. We'd still give them $$$ (or at least, a lot of us would)

edit --->
man why they gotta be nerfing MF, can't she be viable for one split rito? Also i hate you people who vote teemo, he's literally got 4 great skins, diana has 2 total. :(

Another problem is the current Diana skins are just a tad bit fugly too. Her default skin looks way better.


Bjerg and Doublelift are streaming and shit talking so bad. All game they're just calling their teammates garbage and raging.

TSM is so unlikable.
Bjerg and Doublelift are streaming and shit talking so bad. All game they're just calling their teammates garbage and raging.

TSM is so unlikable.

i never watched doublelift enough to know if he's like that but every time i've turned on bjerg's stream he just seems like such a prick.


Bjerg and Doublelift are streaming and shit talking so bad. All game they're just calling their teammates garbage and raging.

TSM is so unlikable.

I'm glad you noticed that too. Can I say I think DoubleLift is a little---. You know I'm not sure if it's against the rules to say whats on my mind. But let's just say I don't think he's very respectful of his random teammates. Granted, to be fair I have lots of not-so-colorful things to say bout randoms sometimes too. But I'd expect him to be above me since he's pro and all

it is, but some of the characters are cool enough that you kind of wish there was more of it
Right on! Like Ekko, Lucian, Thresh, Kazik (sp?), and Illaio. Some back stories are really, really solid. Heck I even enjoy Diana's back story and her ingame "voice acting" lines are just spot on. I don't know if she's "insane", crazy, or just plain salty. Maybe all of it


I'm glad you noticed that too. Can I say I think DoubleLift is a little---. You know I'm not sure if it's against the rules to say whats on my mind. But let's just say I don't think he's very respectful of his random teammates. Granted, to be fair I have lots of not-so-colorful things to say bout randoms sometimes too. But I'd expect him to be above me since he's pro and all

Doublelift is a douchebag who thinks he's above everyone. Randoms, teammates, whoever. He's so condescending.

I never liked playing TF (or could have for that matter) till I tried this build where you rush firecannon, rageblade and lichbane for maximum fun.
Edit: The fact that illaoi has the hots from Braum makes me laugh.


Okay there is something I wanted to complain bout this morning but I had to rush to work.

I'm kinda baffled by Riot's marketing. You go and release this new Syndra snow skin. And yet- you don't coordinate the champion sale. I don't pay full price for champs.

I'd buy the new snow skin if her champ sale occurred while the skin is on sale. But who knows when the champ goes on sale. Probably later in the month. And I'll probably lose interest and pass on her again. I'd never been blown away by her. I just really like the concept
it is, but some of the characters are cool enough that you kind of wish there was more of it
Yeah, i kinda was just kidding around. To me it just seems like there is so many different styles clashing together. Like the void creatures, all of the magical people, all the people that use guns and a ton more. It must be crazy tough to try to write about all of this different characters. I like some of the special lore events like the kha and rengar or the ashe, liss and sej one. Those are neat.

Remember how they did the thing where you could pick tf or graves for the blidgewater event. It would be neat if they did a event where you pick a group to fight for, so like Demacia, noxus and some other group.
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