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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Okay there is something I wanted to complain bout this morning but I had to rush to work.

I'm kinda baffled by Riot's marketing. You go and release this new Syndra snow skin. And yet- you don't coordinate the champion sale. I don't pay full price for champs.

I'd buy the new snow skin if her champ sale occurred while the skin is on sale. But who knows when the champ goes on sale. Probably later in the month. And I'll probably lose interest and pass on her again. I'd never been blown away by her. I just really like the concept

The trick there is that you are one person, and riot has millions of people willing to pay full price for champions.

it's a testament to the success of their marketing and skins teams that you're even considering buying a champion that you're not very interested in just to have her skin.

yeah the C9 guys(sneaky, rush, meteos, incarnation) are way more enjoyable to watch for me.

The sneaky/meteos duo can get a little unbearable, sneaky can be okay on his own, and Rush is a blessed angel.
Players like Dlift and Bjerg I watch for their play, specially because their taste in music is trash and their voices are annoying so I just keep the stream muted. Same goes for memelords like Sneaky/Meteos streams.

If I wanna chill I just watch stuff like QT or gosu
Players like Dlift and Bjerg I watch for their play, specially because their taste in music is trash and their voices are annoying so I just keep the stream muted. Same goes for memelords like Sneaky/Meteos streams.

If I wanna chill I just watch stuff like QT or gosu
Yeah basically this, also add scarra to the last list with qt and gosu.
yeah neko nailed it with the c9 guys. they're basically the south park of league streamers, complete with sneaky's annoying cartman impression.

I basically only watch QT, but I've started watching more nightblue these days. Dude seems a lot better than he used to be.

Edit: Yeah, scarra is great too. Dude's stream just oozes positivity. Everyone loves scarra, he'll feed and everyone in his game will just be like "oh, scarra"


NB3 has gotten a ton better in recent months because he doesn't read the troll comments. He used to get bitter and upset about trolls, now he either ignores them or laughs about it.


streamers i watch:

at work:
valkrin until he stops streaming into theoddone until i go home at 7pm pst

at home:
sickmotion because he's the only one streaming that late with a personality (whiny babby)
alex ich back when he used to stream before getting into the lcs
ireliacarriesu before he got swamped by school
trick2g (SILVER/BRONZE SUBWARS ONLY because the players are so damn bad its hilarious)

NB3 has gotten a ton better in recent months because he doesn't read the troll comments. He used to get bitter and upset about trolls, now he either ignores them or laughs about it.

the single worst streamer in all of league. constantly blames teammates for their mistakes, rarely admits to his own mistakes, taxes hard and often, almost never gives up buffs, and is the biggest babby of them all


Sneaky is bad even when he's acting fine because all of his donation messages are leaky butthole memes

Rush acts like a kid in a candy store when he plays and i absolutely love it
NB3 has gotten a ton better in recent months because he doesn't read the troll comments. He used to get bitter and upset about trolls, now he either ignores them or laughs about it.
That's good, whenever I would click his stream he would just whining about something, also I don't like his voice that much.

My favorite thing is when people donate asking QT how they should get out of silver, and he just says well you are silver for a reason. Or he uses that as a time to plug skill capped.

Gross neko you watch trick2g.
NB3 is like a guilty pleasure these days because I just love to watch him squirm while noticing the little things like how he changed his S# challenger stream title to "multiple challengers" because he finished S5 in fucking masters.

His Rengar games are guaranteed fun for the whole family. It's like watching blooper reels, all it's missing is some canned laughter whenever he does something stupid.


Hm, I don't really watch any streamers. I usually look for a competition to watch. I'll watch a competition from almost any game
You get the heal by fucking up someone in their team then you use your mastery emote over their corpse as their ignite goes to waste and you get back to full HP anyways, what else do you want
yeah the NA korean streamers are actually pretty fun to watch because they're almost never angry at anything

NA koreans are the best because they're shocked by how much less serious NA solo queue is and they just have fun to the fullest

great for entertainment, awful for the region's competition

i wouldn't want rush to change anything though. kind boy 4ever.

Edit: Trick...gives great advice to lower elo people. But he's got one of the most abrasive personalities in the world. it's a love it or hate it thing, but the people who love it tend to try to emulate it and it's AWFFFULLLLL

Edit2: Agreeing with Quonny here. I used to feel the same way about NB as y'all, but he's been a bit better when I watched him recently. Still not preferred but fine in small doses.


the single worst streamer in all of league. constantly blames teammates for their mistakes, rarely admits to his own mistakes, taxes hard and often, almost never gives up buffs, and is the biggest babby of them all

Really? I just watched him yesterday and he was constantly giving up buffs, never complained. He did do the whole "I'm getting this guy banned because I know a guy at Riot" thing once, but that was because someone last locked jungle and was trolling all game.

He was awful a few months ago, but he's gotten a lot better. Still not my preferred streamer, but he's not a piece of shit like he once was. Also he makes horrible plays sometimes and that's always funny to watch.


NB tries so hard to be a memer it's unbearable

Vooby is objectively the best lol streamer but he's taking a break atm
I'll definitely check out Valkrin then, I don't think I've ever watched him before.

My guilty pleasure streamer is Saint. he's so jaded, it's wonderful. First streamer I ever watched, too, before QT got popular.


I'll definitely check out Valkrin then, I don't think I've ever watched him before.

My guilty pleasure streamer is Saint. he's so jaded, it's wonderful. First streamer I ever watched, too, before QT got popular.

Mine is hotshotgg lol. I can't explain it but that dude just fascinates me


dude literally fills in challenger and does just as well in each role vs people who main that role, even LCS pros

except maybe toplane

Yep, and doesn't the stupid dank memes bullshit, just talks about the game.

I was watching him a few days ago and actually bothered to have a ~5 minute conversation on twitch chat with his viewers over the viability of AD Twisted Fate and what to do/not do if a player really wants to play AD TF. I can't think of any other high elo streamer who'd do that, including nice guys like Voyboy, Scarra, etc. They'd just say don't do it and move on.


The sneaky/meteos duo can get a little unbearable, sneaky can be okay on his own, and Rush is a blessed angel.
Yeah I can get how sneaky/meteos duo can get to be too much, but like just watching meteos now by himself, he's just chilling and talking about what he's doing. And yes Rush is a kindboy.


Seriously though, NA are just douchebags

They have no skill of their own and can't develop any players so all they do is go to a poorer country and suck them dry


Its like coca cola all over again
It's not even NA it's just basically AMERICA. Lets be real here Canada/Mexico ain't taking your players!

One country > your entire continent. DEAL WITH IT.
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