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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I think I didn't get S+ because of the low cs count. Good try, good effort.

Last 2 ekko matches: 25/1/21. not too shabby considering i haven't touched him since he came out. Only death came when I was watching a different part of the map. Also, I wasted a ton of money on health potions. I should have just bought one of those refillable things. Like at least 400g on potions (vs Ez poke)
Holy fuck. Sneaky just Corki W'ed over a wall then somehow teleported back to his original position.

That's the same bug that - I think it was Xmithie - happened in a competitive game with Sejuani. I believe they said it's a visual thing and he just wasn't in range to actually cross that wall, Corki's new Valk is stumpy as shit, couldn't make the same jump on the other side even though I was damn close to the wall.
So I came into this thread about an hour ago and saw a gentleman post a screenie of his bard mastery and thought lemme give bard a try and HOLY CRAP, this guy might just make me love playing support.


So definitely getting better with the new poppy. A lot of it is going to come down to utilizing her W in the most effective way possible. the temptation to just W as you run into a fight for the move speed is strong but the most effective use of it is timing it to block the gap closers both in and out of the fight. Stopping a LeBlanc, zac or fizz cold is pretty great for peel and preventing key targets like a trist from jumping away from you is pretty huge as well.

It'll separate the good poppy's from the great. Lol
Being Trist vs Poppy isn't a good time lol, but I believe I can W out of her E if I cast it at the same time as with other displacements, gotta try that out.

Speaking of trying things out, I'm starting to really like Ghostblade rush to go along with new Precision. So much arpen, who needs those stupid LW items? Not sure how good it actually is but it sure feels nice, plus having a cozy recipe doesn't hurt.


Gold Member
Why would someone ever just play the same champ over and over again

I feel the same lol.

I have played for a year but my champ masteries aren't even past 40 yet. that's with me having 5 level 5 champ too.

I'm a bit afraid of playing other champs. It feels like if I play other champs/lanes that I'm unfamiliar with I'll play like a bronze 5. At least that's what my friends tell me when I play for fun and not to win. They said I play like bronze when I use thresh lol.


Why is there a wolf in the background
i think it's a fox?

but yea it kinda looks like a wolf

ahri is rehearsing for dark souls 3
that would be cooooooooooooool

Holy fuck. Sneaky just Corki W'ed over a wall then somehow teleported back to his original position.

new corki w range is pretty lame, it's so short that i'm surprised he even made it through before being pushed back lol
Bah, Rengar is just so annoying to fight against. Even when you're near your tower, Rengar will still ult and one shot you.

Still don't want to waste a ban on him.


When I see the new Nidalee skin I can't help but think of Jem and the Holograms. That hairdo is straight up from the 80s.


Rengar is fun for no one but the person playing him.
only when he's overpowered, whenever he's balanced then the person playing him won't have much fun since they'll be losing 90% of the games

Bah, Rengar is just so annoying to fight against. Even when you're near your tower, Rengar will still ult and one shot you.

Still don't want to waste a ban on him.
i generally ban things i find annoying to play against more than ops

but i also think rengar is kind of op right now so got many reasons to get rid of the shitty cat
Yasuo is like, a really bad matchup for Kassadin isn't he.

Why would someone ever just play the same champ over and over again

strictly speaking? because:

a.) they're trying to learn the champ

b.) they're trying to get a champ to rank 5

c.) they just enjoy the champ. Illaoi is fucking awesome.

seems fairly straightforward.


Yasuo is like, a really bad matchup for Kassadin isn't he.

strictly speaking? because:

a.) they're trying to learn the champ

b.) they're trying to get a champ to rank 5

c.) they just enjoy the champ. Illaoi is fucking awesome.

seems fairly straightforward.

That was my match history hehe.


i want to play more ekko but i want to play leblanc even more

Yasuo is like, a really bad matchup for Kassadin isn't he.
probably a skill matchup tbh

lots of pressure on yasuo to make something happen in lane but kassadin can do tp + new flask and q/e until he has enough gold for catalyst and then there's not much yasuo can do


They haven't touched his base damage since the initial nerf the patch after he came out, only his shield and healing bases

He wasn't op because of his base damage. He was op because he could build tank and still get good shields then ult out of trouble and get 50% of his health back on top of being a cc machine
probably a skill matchup tbh

lots of pressure on yasuo to make something happen in lane but kassadin can do tp + new flask and q/e until he has enough gold for catalyst and then there's not much yasuo can do

I've not found that to be the case at all. That lane feels like a Yasuo win 10 times out of 10 with Kass simply trying to survive until 6 so he can go roam.


I've not found that to be the case at all. That lane feels like a Yasuo win 10 times out of 10 with Kass simply trying to survive until 6 so he can go roam.

that's the thing

kassadin can be like 30 cs or a couple kills down and still wreck shit up while yas needs to stomp lane since after that it's throwing-at-teamfights-time

if kassadin didn't get stomped he's won lane


I've not found that to be the case at all. That lane feels like a Yasuo win 10 times out of 10 with Kass simply trying to survive until 6 so he can go roam.

That's the matchup with almost any other champion with Kass though as your main focus is just surviving.

Your not really expected to win/bully the lane until you get 6 and RoA so you mainly just focus on CSing. If he plays overly aggressive you have to position well enough so he cant get multiple hits off you + your Q W E combo makes it so trades go in your favor as well.


also yasuo has no way of harassing kass under turret so kass can just let himself get pushed and very easily farm the waves

zed is a much more difficult matchup for kassadin


i mean what's he gonna build?

frozen heart?

if he's not fed he's garbage anyways, no item build can inject utility in such a one dimensional champion


but yea the kind of person that plays rengar is not one that's gonna be "ok i'm behind let's help out the team, build sighstone and tank"

because the person that plays rengar is a nazi

a really bad nazi
but yea the kind of person that plays rengar is not one that's gonna be "ok i'm behind let's help out the team, build sighstone and tank"

because the person that plays rengar is a nazi

a really bad nazi
I think that a little much, 99% of players aren't going to say ok im behide.
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