So who's creating our club? I think our little group can easily fit within the member limit.
Malzahar is going to destroy their bar because they forgot him.i like to imagine all the floating/flying champions in league of legends hang out together
you got anivia, velkoz, janna, valor, sona, syndra, xerath, and zilean all hang out together at the bar at the end of the day and point and laugh at Lissandra because not only does she not fly, she's practically rooted to the ground.
corki cheats by using a roflcopter to fly, so they don't let him into their exclusive floaters club
i like to imagine all the floating/flying champions in league of legends hang out together
you got anivia, velkoz, janna, valor, sona, syndra, xerath, and zilean all hang out together at the bar at the end of the day and point and laugh at Lissandra because not only does she not fly, she's practically rooted to the ground.
corki cheats by using a roflcopter to fly, so they don't let him into their exclusive floaters club
Malzahar is going to destroy their bar because they forgot him.
I'll do it. This patch is going live tomorrow?So who's creating our club? I think our little group can easily fit within the member limit.
like always it'll be early wednesday morningI'll do it. This patch is going live tomorrow?
Lot of lol gaf on NA you should play with usYeah, why?
riot bought radiant entertainment aka makers of rising thunder and stonhearth
first time i hear of these people but i think it's the first time rito's bought a development studio
i hope they make league related stuff, i want an ahri game
like always it'll be early wednesday morning
I wonder if thematically his kit's connections to Shyvana were meant that way. His passive is like burnout meets Diana W. He can jump over walls and "go fast" like her but different. Has a lot of aoe like her but different. Knock back ult.
interesting if they meant to do that given how she has her powers from being part dragon and his are like super sized.
What in the moist barrels of fuckuhhhh
Another frigging Draven skin... Come on...
Another frigging Draven skin... Come on...
aurelion sol's launch skin also looking really good
Draven minions, too.
Welcome to the league of Draven.
might unistall eventually. getting the shittiest teammates. top lan jax going 0/6/1/. Mid vel feeding a 10/1 mid riven. adc can't farm
I literally asked my teammates if this was their first time playing league.
might unistall eventually. getting the shittiest teammates. top lan jax going 0/6/1/. Mid vel feeding a 10/1 mid riven. adc can't farm
I literally asked my teammates if this was their first time playing league.
Poor James Franco.It wierds me out that he can't blink with only one eye. My wife does the same thing.
You essentially have two options.might unistall eventually. getting the shittiest teammates. top lan jax going 0/6/1/. Mid vel feeding a 10/1 mid riven. adc can't farm
I literally asked my teammates if this was their first time playing league.
Lolmight unistall eventually. getting the shittiest teammates. top lan jax going 0/6/1/. Mid vel feeding a 10/1 mid riven. adc can't farm
I literally asked my teammates if this was their first time playing league.
might unistall eventually. getting the shittiest teammates. top lan jax going 0/6/1/. Mid vel feeding a 10/1 mid riven. adc can't farm
I literally asked my teammates if this was their first time playing league.