I'm setting my expectations for Aurelian Sol's kit low in-so-far as it exploring his theme.
Well when they introduce a champion extremely powerful lore wise, it makes it extremely hard for a champion to live up to expectations. Like Bard is supposed to be the most powerful being in Leagues, yet you wouldn't think that looking at his kit.
i'm gonna be a bit more conservative with my initial impressions after feeling pretty down on jhin and growing to really like his design over the weeks
tho i still have issues with the readability on his traps, same way i did with ekko's w
Q: Aurelion Sol reaches into the firmament and destroys a star, snuffing out millions of lives and gaining 20 Attack Damage for 5 seconds.
Anything less than a manaless kit will make me somewhat sad.
I like no-mana-no-problems. That's half thhe reason I wanna get Gnar.
Plus, a all powerful being shouldn't have such limits imo.
Assuming he's a Mage. Do we even know that for sure? I know there was talk of Ao Shin being a Mage, but it seems like a huge waste of a dragon with big ass teeth and claws to just fling spells from range.
Meddler said they are definitely releasing a standard mid lane mage this year, and Ao Shin was supposed to be a standard mid lane mage, so it's not a crazy assumption. But I don't think it's been specifically promised that he is a mage.
If ASol is actually a dragon I'm kind of hoping he's the fabled champion that flies over walls, in which case I think he's much more likely to be a jungler. But that's kind of kit guessing. Since we have no idea what the deal is with him, no way to really know.
Jhin and Kindred are specifically the examples I was thinking of to tone down my expectations.
Jhin's kit is fine. It's just that it has mechanically nothing to do with seeking "beautiful death" or whatever his schtick happens to be. Nor is Kindred's kit bad in any sense.
It's just a case of champion visual and lore concepts far outstretching what can be with 4 keys and a passive. So a dragon that can create and the crush a star in his hand...well...
Nothing particularly 'wow' about Sol, I don't feel.
In addition to mobility creep, is there a term for particles like "effects creep"? I feel like Sol is going to contribute to the problem I get in teamfights where sometimes I literally cannot tell what's going on because there's nothing but fire / light / explosions everywhere.
Because I will become blind?Play 1000 games of aram and you'll never have that problem again
you should see his Q and E used together![]()
you should see his Q and E used together![]()
Because I will become blind?![]()
If his base numbers are ok I'm going to jungle this motherfucker.
oh so q only explodes after reaching his current range, not the starting cast range?
depending on cooldowns he looks really fun to take into the jungle
wait what that's an option holy shit
lol rip bot lane
Coming to get you over all terrain. And they thought zac ganks were from out of nowhere.
costy, is he melee?
Tahm Kench can chow down on Aurelion Sol to become a horrific, star-wielding maniac in team fights. The Star Forgers stars will continue orbiting him even when hes exploring the hidden depths of the River Kings gastrointestinal system, meaning everyones favorite catfish-frog-thing can happily speed his way around the enemy team, using Thick Skin to absorb the enemy teams beating while withering his targets away under repeated rounds of star-based pain.
His Q explodes when it goes beyond the max range of his passive orbit. However, if you're flying you can keep up with it. So it'll keep going and expanding while you fly.
you should see his Q and E used together![]()
Someone explain how Sol's E is supposed to be used?
I have no idea how this champ is supposed to work lol.
Someone explain how Sol's E is supposed to be used?
I have no idea how this champ is supposed to work lol.
his kit looks kind of ass.
Once heralded as the preeminent lane bully, Renekton’s struggled to keep up with the top tops as the seasons progress. When we last saw Renekton’s reign of anger, teams were picking him as the one champion that could reliability ‘do it all’, giving equal parts damage, defense and crowd-control to anyone that needed it. Not wanting to reinstate Renekton as the go-to top lane generalist, we’re looking at his ability to secure advantages via skirmishes and laning prowess to really drive home his identity as the early-game croc on the block.