She has over 50% win rate in North America bronze/silver ranked according to SOMEONE must be losing against her.I have yet to lose against a janna support in ranked. but people swear by her up and down.
She has over 50% win rate in North America bronze/silver ranked according to SOMEONE must be losing against her.I have yet to lose against a janna support in ranked. but people swear by her up and down.
Zoning tool/slow to get stronger use out of a passive that doesn't look very reliable on its own.Good nerfs and buffs
Sol has great synergy in his passive, q, w and e
And then there is his Ult
Wtf is that
I hope nobody is trying to freeze mid i actually skipped from gold 5 to 3
finally broke my winstreak though with a big throw
that new champ looks garbage though how do you freeze lane with that passive ? good luck jungling with these balls hanging out from bushes
I have yet to lose against a janna support in ranked. but people swear by her up and down.
hope we get more visual updates like poppy, trist, shen, and sion.
Panth, eve, and taric need one. maybe even lee
that's a chunky nerf but she'll still be viablePrismatic Barrier (W)
AP ratio lowered to .2 from .35
Shield value lowered to 50/70/90/110/130 from 80/105/130/155/180
Command: Attack (Q) mana cost reduced to 30/35/40/45/50 from 50 at all ranks.
Yea this dragon doesn't fit with the theme of league would of been better if he was a sky dragon so that why he could still fly across the mapYou mean visual updates where the champion gets a complete overhaul in model and animations but Riot decides not to give them a recall animation?
Out of the many absurd decisions this company has made, that one must be the most stupid and incredibly incomprehensible, followed right by the creation of Luxanna.
New champion looks incredibly boring kit-wise. I mean, are you serious with that ult? What is this? 2009?
His design is kinda cool but I don't understand why a giant cosmic dragon who can create and destroy whole stars across the universe would join the league to fight against little kids with fire powers, sewer rats and a barbarian with a sword. Oh wait, the league doesn't exist anymore, guess it's fine then, just come up with awesome intimidating characters that can destroy the whole rest of champions in less than a second and throw them in with a reduced size. I mean, who cares? He can throw a fucking star at a yordle mummy (and hit him for 100hp) and he's the fucking god of the universe!
All i want them to do with lux is make the movement speed on her ball to be slower or have a delay on when she can activate it.Lux
that's a chunky nerf but she'll still be viable
at least i got this
this is a great buff to her, will help a lot
that's a chunky nerf but she'll still be viable
Huh, do people actually care about that stuff?
I like to read lore and shit,but fuck it if it doesn't make sense. I'm not going to stop and ponder why the fuck this god can't beat a dude with a lampost. If it's fun to use I'll take a fucking Dragon or God or whatever they come up with.
All i want them to do with lux is make the movement speed on her ball to be slower or have a delay on when she can activate it.
it's a .3 ap ratio drop and less shields for the whole game up to 100 less shield at max rankLmao k.
probably not gonna happen since it's too core to herAll i want them to do with lux is make the movement speed on her ball to be slower or have a delay on when she can activate it.
Yeah it is crazy, like unless your playing some one with mobility you cant dodge it at all. Maybe once you get boots but still it is fucking hard.So you can actually dodge it? Madness.
His design is kinda cool but I don't understand why a giant cosmic dragon who can create and destroy whole stars across the universe would join the league to fight against little kids with fire powers, sewer rats and a barbarian with a sword. Oh wait, the league doesn't exist anymore, guess it's fine then, just come up with awesome intimidating characters that can destroy the whole rest of champions in less than a second and throw them in with a reduced size. I mean, who cares? He can throw a fucking star at a yordle mummy (and hit him for 100hp) and he's the fucking god of the universe!
Q: Aurelion Sol reaches into the firmament and destroys a star, snuffing out millions of lives and gaining 20 Attack Damage for 5 seconds.
Zeds lifedrinkers what an edgy name.![]()
this took way longer than it should have
the real burning question is, what is the braum's build that the guy is bitching about?![]()
this took way longer than it should have
the real burning question is, what is the braum's build that the guy is bitching about?
this took way longer than it should have
It's 4/3/3/1/0 AD, that's not deserving of being called a nerf loldidnt even nerf jannas e meaningfully.
Hopefully I will be joining you soon.![]()
this took way longer than it should have
So the new champ does no damage if you just dodge the 3 moving stars that move insanely slow.
Name a popular mid laner that is going to be stopped by a zoning tool that short/weak.I'm assuming what your supposed to do is to time and expand the star hitbox right when your enemy will collide with it when doing so.
I can see it doing well to deny CS and general zoning.
So the new champ does no damage if you just dodge the 3 moving stars that move insanely slow.
Name a popular mid laner that is going to be stopped by a zoning tool that short/weak.
Like? The RoA? The ZZ? You can at least tell me what it is
Ok. So he can jungle pretty well.
That makes a lot more sense now. He does have a pretty nice jungle kit with the mobility and cc.
i agree, tho lux has for the longest time been a non-issue since there were always stronger mages than herBy the numbers, Lux shield is probably the strongest non-ult ability in the game. Before scaling you can see up to 1.8k in shields. 60 mana. 10 second cooldown. Pretty dumb that it's been like this for so long.