Good ol Janna run around.
I just got this, Any one else get one of these? Like did my account get hacked, how did they get my password? god damn it. Now I have to change other passwords but I dont even know what password I used for this account!
And another thing, logging on their website and its like a never ending loop of sign in, I can't see any damn details of my account. Now installing the game to see if I can log in via that.
Also what reason would there be for hacking a LoL account?
midlaner, why would you want to jungle with a squishy mage -__-
Annie and Malz are just incredibly toxic, not necessarily OP. Annie is much more toxic than Malzahar though. Lux however is both incredibly toxic and broken as fuck. God I hate that stupid champion so much. I just fucking actively hate that bitch and want her completely removed from the game.
Wow, who would've guessed? That champion along with Vi are always broken in soloQ, they're just not played from time to time, that doesn't mean they need a buff of all things for christ's sake but yeah, let's buff them both so they can win games alone for yet another season. Just when I thought the JarVI duo of soloQ terror was over, they shoehorn them in the game again. They seem to love toxic champions.
People keep saying that sold is generic but I just don't see it... we don't really have anything like his Q or passive and an aoe stun the size of your screen is pretty useful if you can use it consistently
yeahI dunno about his kit for a midlaner either lol
Need to see his passive and W being used to their full potential I guess
People keep saying that sold is generic but I just don't see it... we don't really have anything like his Q or passive and an aoe stun the size of your screen is pretty useful if you can use it consistently
As I recall, people thought Azir was terrible when he came out.
I actually agree that Sol's ult is a really sadly boring design, and it's a misstep from Riot. Usually the ults are always a defining characteristic of the character. In this case it's just, like, a thing he needs to do sometimes. I mean it's probably pretty strong to knock everybody back and slow them for 4 seconds, that's a long slow, but I don't see myself feeling super excited when I do it.
I wonder if W and R used to be swapped but it caused scaling problems since he needs to max W for damage.
As I recall, people thought Azir was terrible when he came out.
I actually agree that Sol's ult is a really sadly boring design, and it's a misstep from Riot. Usually the ults are always a defining characteristic of the character. In this case it's just, like, a thing he needs to do sometimes. I mean it's probably pretty strong to knock everybody back and slow them for 4 seconds, that's a long slow, but I don't see myself feeling super excited when I do it.
I wonder if W and R used to be swapped but it caused scaling problems since he needs to max W for damage.
holy crap, shyvana got destroyed on yesterdays PBE. I guess I didn't see that because balance changes were added so late to it
Just delete Devourer and never do a stacking jungle item again, problem solved
i like his ult for that very reasonI do agree his ult is super generic I even reread it a few times to make sure i was seeing everything
AS may or may not be good but damn I love his concept. Splash art for his release skin
i like his ult for that very reason
it's not excessively fancy or flashy or anything, it's just a self peel spell and potentially a catch thing or a combo depending on how you use it
it's not necessarily iconic but this is a guy that gets to fly and has like giant star meteor things rolling around him at all times, the rest of his kit needs to be fairly mute to compensate i guess
it's also really really strong, 400+.7 at rank 6 is a really high number specially cos it'll help chaining ppl into at least on passive+w hit and maybe q (which also has decent numbers)
Yeah I guess I don't have a problem with it and riot did say they were gonna try to make simpler champs in the near future. I'm just used to reading a short essay for every ability lately I guess. My main concern with him is I don't know how consistent his damage output is going to be
Triumphant Roar (E)
Mana cost increased to 50/65/80/95/110 from 50/60/70/80/90
Heal reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 from 60/90/120/150/180 (need to confirm)
Bladework (E) slow reduced to 30% at all ranks from 40/45/50/55/60%
I hope they do the same to master yi.
Rather they dump devourer. Every single devourer jungler is getting tuned around that fucking item and it's killing their non-jungle roles.
Also, very very interesting Maokai buff. Should really give him a whirl again sometime soon
Oh, and WARWICKREWORK.BIN file spotted. Super excited for that rework.
Rather they dump devourer. Every single devourer jungler is getting tuned around that fucking item and it's killing their non-jungle roles.
Also, very very interesting Maokai buff. Should really give him a whirl again sometime soon
Oh, and WARWICKREWORK.BIN file spotted. Super excited for that rework.
Oh shit its finally gonna happen before Taric gets reworked.Rather they dump devourer. Every single devourer jungler is getting tuned around that fucking item and it's killing their non-jungle roles.
Also, very very interesting Maokai buff. Should really give him a whirl again sometime soon
Oh, and WARWICKREWORK.BIN file spotted. Super excited for that rework.
Oh shit its finally gonna happen before Taric gets reworked.
mr per level on maokai may be the most overdue thing ever