i played him before he was op so he wasn't really a valid support then, just mercy and lucio every game.I just saw this, but how do you not find Zenyatta's shooting satisfying? The dude deals so much damage and makes that nice 'ping' sound with his shots.
only champion i liked playing a lot was tracer and i could never play her cos i would always have to play fucking support
since mercy is literally soraka i always played lucio and that gets boring really quick
that sucks, i actually played non stop tracer during the beta but when the actual game launch whatever bots blizz had running that tricked me into buying the game were offlinePretty much. I got stuck with tank/support all the time since nobody else picked it, and I got sick of it by the end of the beta.
zzzSatan Teemo boys
it's cute of them to do but i hope there's actual halloween skins and i sure hope it's not for fucking morgana