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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


2017 wishlist:
- ahri skin, SKT if possible, thanks.

I am easy to please.
I know she has a ton of skins. That doesn't change what I want :c
2017 wish list:

Lightning ap mid laner or an actual Time mid laner. Like Dio. That'd be sexy.

I have a design for a time champ

Costy wouldnt like it tho

Part of her kit involves leaving "echoes" as well as reversing everything within X seconds(including things like tower damage and minion position)


Skins wishlist for 2017:
Disco Zac, Janitor Yi, blood moon bard, flame juggler circus style brand and hairless gnar
2017 wish list:

-A new champion that has camo/invis
-ARAM gets 3 to 4 new permanent map variants, and the Bilgewater variant returns


shiphtur is now doing Viktor bot with Q max and sheen first buy and it works lol

i remember when viktor was first reworked, Q max with sheen first item made lanes trivially easy


I need to try Ziggs bot. Just started playing this season. I have no idea what's happening and my MMR must be in the single digits.


It's so funny seeing the tanks like Poppy playing super aggro, then they realize, oh fuck I'm taking so much damage.


Vayne, Jhin and Twitch are okay too. Basically you need to be able to kill Poppy or at least help your team kill shit before you inevitably die.
Lol, define "okay". I'm not waiting 20+ minutes to be a threat. Ziggs ADC goes off on his first item and sorc boots.


would be nice if riot just let this go and just silently remove the shittiest role in the game

rito is no stranger to genocide
yeah im done with bot this season

too many fucking shitters

you can call me a gp 1 trick until they make the position something other than a 5 man bait.


like slowly rework every adc so they work like mages

slowly enough that people don't realize

or make it fast

what if all adcs leave the game

nothing of value lost i say

maybe we should use the 10 bans on adc

viktor vs ziggs bot go
What if riot fixed adcs

By removing items

And adding a..."skill" system per se where you empower your abilities with fun choices, whilst rebalancing each character to scale more per level to make up for the deficit of items.

Do eet


in all seriousness what would people say is the actual problem with adcs

"being too weak" is not the problem, is it the colossus mastery? or ie being too late a powerspike? or first brick?


in all seriousness what would people say is the actual problem with adcs

"being too weak" is not the problem, is it the colossus mastery? or ie being too late a powerspike? or first brick?

Power spike is way too late. Used to be like a 2 item power spike with IE + Zeal item, now it's like a 4 item power spike if you're not Vayne. Pretty dumb.


Vayne, Jhin and Twitch are okay too. Basically you need to be able to kill Poppy or at least help your team kill shit before you inevitably die.

individually yes vayne/twitch are good BUT

they get completely dumpstered by ziggs. anyone with poor waveclear does. ezreal and vayne get their stuff shoved in so hard they cant do anything against it
in all seriousness what would people say is the actual problem with adcs

"being too weak" is not the problem, is it the colossus mastery? or ie being too late a powerspike? or first brick?
Powerspikes come too late, everyone else gets their power spikes with a third of the gold an ADC needs for their first power spike, BF sword items are trash so you have to work with BF + zeal item just to farm faster and kill objectives, penetration is trash, lifesteal is trash, early game champions are trash, tanks are busted because of CoC Redemption and the fact that while Riot nerfed penetration into the ground armor items are still fucking stupid, junglers are busted and just brute force through you with levels and a small amount of offensive items, supports that just kill you, autofilled supports that have no idea of how to play yet you have to depend on them, bot lane towers are worthless which makes 5 man gangbang parties easy as shit to perform and there's nothing you can do besides give up first turret way in advance.

You are completely irrelevant for 30 minutes unless you get fed beyond repair and even then one mistake and the game's over.


in all seriousness what would people say is the actual problem with adcs

"being too weak" is not the problem, is it the colossus mastery? or ie being too late a powerspike? or first brick?

I don't think they're as bad as others have said but I feel there are a lot of causes

-early game ADCs aren't in a great spot right now, mostly due to the armor pen changes
-hypercarries are great late game, but other classes spike crazy early (junglers in particular). Champs like Lee Sin and Vi are getting levels and items a lot earlier than before. The new jungle is super weird
-ADC itemization sucks too. IE is a terrible rush, and a lot of people go BF into an attack speed item, not hitting any sort of power until 15 minutes or later
-courage of the colossus is definitely part of it, too. Or at least that and tanks being really strong/efficient currently. Poppy is a monster
ok, potential fixes?
Make IE/IR/BT worth their weight in gold as standalone items. IE/IR are useless without at least an extra 1300 gold, BT is just garbage. Either buff the shit out of them or greatly reduce their costs
Review armor costs. You already nerfed flat and % penetration, stop letting these stupid things that were balanced when ADCs ignored 40% of your fucking armor stay the way they are.
Make bot lane turrets hit champions harder so you can't brute force dives super early.
Btw, for the inhouse we'll do 3 games regardless of outcome. That's cool with you right Breezy?

Sure. Ill be home in 20 minutes. My team will be using discord ofc.

Oh yeah, my team make sure to have discord. And add BreezyLimbo to your friends list.
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